Chapter 16: Dance Failure

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Grace's POV:

When we get to the dance we immediately head towards Flynn. "How are you two feeling?" She asks. "I'm a little nervous." Julie admits. I nod in agreement. "You'll be fine. Come on, all your gear's back stage." She says. We nod and climb onto the stage, following Flynn.

"You two look amazing!" She says, hugging us in one big group hug. "Thanks, it's my mom's. I finally went through her stuff." Julie says. I nod and smile. She does look great. "She would have loved that you're wearing it." I say, wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

"And who are you trying to impress? Nick or Luke?" Flynn asks. I blush and look down. "What do you mean?" "Well you never straighten your hair, didn't even know you owned a straightening iron, and you look hot." She says. I laugh. "Well thank you, but I'm wearing this for me." I say.

"Good, love yourself first, then flaunt it for the boys second." I laugh at that. I really do love Flynn. Then she stops and flips her hair over her shoulder. "Are the guys here?" She asks. "No, but they will be. They know how important this is to us." I say. She nods.

She then goes back out to the crowd. "Is everybody ready for Julie, Grace, and the Phantoms?" She asks. Julie and I exchange looks. "Who let her come up with the name?" I ask. "Are you kidding me? It's Flynn, she let herself." She says. I laugh as Flynn walks over to us.

"Julie, Grace, and the Phantoms?" I ask. "Hey, I had free time in French Class. You two better like it because I already registered it to Insta, SnapChat, Twitter..." "No, I love it." Julie says. "Me too, but I'd love it even more if the actual Phantoms were here." I tell her.

Suddenly Flynn grabs Julie and points behind us. I turn and my eyes widen to see Nick. "Nick. Look Flynn, Julie, it's...Nick." I say when I turn and see they're both gone. Typical. "Thanks for the introduction." He jokes. I just blush. "So you made it." I says stating the obvious.

"Wouldn't miss it. Truth is, I can't wait to see you play again. Your song has been stuck in my head for weeks." He says. I laugh lightly. "I like your dress." He notices. I smile and nod. "Thank you." He nods back with a smile.

We smile at each other in comfortable silence for a minute before the devil herself appears. It's like someone summons her every time I'm around. "I can't tell if the crowd is getting restless or bored. Never a good sign." She says. I glare.

"Oh, hi Grace, got a new bag?" Carrie asks, pointing to the projector in my hands. "Uh, no, actually it's my hologram projector, just did a little upgrade." I say. "Oh, so simple. You know, I was expecting something a little more, sophisticated." She says. I glare more fiercely.

"It's what's on the inside that counts." I say. "Yeah, that's what a lot of people have to tell themselves. Come on Nick." She says. Nick gives me one more apologetic smile before walking away. I take out my phone and check the time. 9:15. Where are you guys? Luke even promised.

Julie joins me. "Any sign of them?" She asks. I shake my head. "They'll be here though, Luke promised." I say. She nods and we sit down back stage. An hour goes by. Then another. Flynn walks up to us. "I can only stall for so long. It's 11 o'clock, where are they?" She asks. I shrug.

"I think you two should play by yourselves. I mean, holograms or no holograms you guys will be amazing." She says. I shake my head. The slow fear that I pushed down last time starts to crawl through my chest again. "You saw us the other day, we can't play without them." Julie says.

"They'll be here. Luke promised." I say for the second time. He wouldn't break his promise. Flynn nods and walks back on stage. "Issue?" I hear behind me. I look up to see Nick. "I'm going to go get a water." Julie says, leaving me alone with him.

"Always, the machine won't work." I try as he sits next to me. He picks it up. "You don't have to." I say. He looks at it for a second before finding the unplugged cord. "Here' the problem." He says, smiling and plugging it in. "That is, unless you didn't want it plugged in." He says, standing.

He offers me his hand which I accept. He hauls me to my feet. "Hey, don't let this crowd freak you out. Last time I saw you, what you played was insane. You and Julie both got this." He says. Julie walks up behind me with a water bottle in hand.

"I knew you had it in you." He says before walking onto the stage. "Wait, what?" I ask, eyes going wide with terror. "Hey everybody! We fixed the hologram thing! Who wants to see a show?" He asks through the mic. My heart drops. I start shaking. No, no, no. I can't go out there.

"Now, give it up for Julie, Grace, and the Phantoms!" He yells. The boys are officially out of time and I can't go out there and make a fool out of myself. Julie gives me an encouraging smile and drags me on stage. Nick gives Julie the microphone because I'm shaking too badly.

"Uh, hi. So here's the thing, even though we got the machine fixed thanks to Nick, I can't seem to link up with the guys. Wi-Fi, am I right?" She asks. I can't see anything other than my shoes which I am looking at right now. I can't look up. I'll lose it.

"I'm sorry, but we're gonna have to cancel." She says. Everyone gasps. That's when I hear Carrie walk on stage. "Um, anyone know the Heimlich? Julie and Grace are choking. Well, Grace looks like she's about to pass out. That's it. I can't do this.

I shake my head, a tear falling free before running out of the gym. Everyone parts for me. That didn't just happen. I refuse to believe what happened just happened. I quickly find the nearest girls bathroom and go inside, locking myself in a stall.

I crouch to the ground and let my sobs echo through the empty restroom. I don't know how long I'm in here, but by the time Flynn comes in I'm all out of tears. "Hey, I have ice cream and I'm headed to your car. We're crashing at my place. Mind getting Julie, she's in the gym." She says.

I stand and open the door. "Hey, are you ok?" She asks, softening her tone. "No, I'm not. I'll go get Julie." I say. She nods and leaves. I quickly make my way back to the gym.

Julie's POV:

Flynn just left to get Grace and ice cream when I hear the boys poof in. "Girls, we're ready to rock this dance! Which is clearly over." Reggie says. Luke starts looking around for us when Alex redirects me. "Look, we are so, so sorry that we bailed on you." Luke says.

"Yeah, the night really got away from us." Alex chimes in. "And the twins." Reggie adds. Twins. Luke smacks him. "Where's Grace?" Luke asks. I don't answer his question just yet. "Just please tell me it has nothing to do with you getting back at Carrie's dad."

They start stutter and saying no. Lying through their teeth. "Seriously? You're lying to me?" I ask, hurt. "Look, it was something we needed to do." Alex says. "Where's Grace?" Luke asks again, looking really upset and concerned.

"Where's Grace? She ran out of here in tears after being laughed off the stage." I say angrily. Regret floods all of their faces. Good. "I'm right here." I hear a soft voice behind me say. I turn and see Grace standing there, eyes bloodshot.

Grace's POV:

When I see the boys standing in front of me I don't know how to react. "I'll give you guys alone time." Julie says, running out of the auditorium. "Grace-" "How could you?" I snap. They look taken aback, but I'm staring dead at Luke. "You promised you'd be here." I say.

"I know, and I promise we'll do whatever-I mean- we'll play the next-" I cut him off. "What? The next what? Dance? So you can bail on us and make us look like fools again? Save it. The sad thing is I though the songs we were writing were special." I say, more tears coming to my eyes.

I finally take my eyes of the guitarist. "You know what hurts the most? All three of you know what a journey Julie and I have been on the begin playing again. You all knew about my stage fright, and you do this? You made us look like fools."

The only one who can meet my eye is look so I let him have it. "I just spent an hour in the bathroom fighting back a panic attack because I was terrified up there, and there was no way out." I say. Something shatters in Luke's eyes.

"Bands don't bail on each other. Friends, don't bail on each other. I think Julie will agree with me when I say this was a mistake." I say. Finally Luke speaks. "You mean the dance, right?" He asks desperately. "No, joining a band with you guys." With that I begin to speed walk out.

"Grace. Grace!" Luke yells. I don't stop and I don't turn around. He messed up. They all messed up.

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