Chapter 23: This is What I Get for Caring

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Grace's POV:

When I get home, to my surprise, Luke is waiting on my front porch. "Hey." I say, drawing his attention. "Hey." "I'm sorry for overstepping." I say. "No, I...I just had to leave. That was..." "You don't have to say anything." I tell him.

"Yeah, I do. Uh...I didn't have many regrets in my life except running out on my parents. Especially my mom, so...thank you." "You've helped me feel more connected with my mom, both of them, and James." I say, smiling. He looks down at me.

"Your parents were idiots to give up on girl like you Gracelyn Moline." He says. I look up and stare into his eyes. "Those weren't my parents, they weren't my family. I learned a long time ago that the people you meet in life, who help guide you through it, those are your family." He nods.

"Clara, James, Ray, Rose, Julie, Flynn, Alex, Reggie, Carlos, you, you guys are my family." I say. He smiles down at me. "I just wanted to thank you for all those you have helped me feel more connected to since we've known each other." I say. He smiles down at me.

Not his usual beaming grin, but a soft, kind smile. "That was perfect." He says. He reaches a hand out for me and I go to take it. My hand goes right through his. This snaps me out of my daze and we face towards the garage instead of each other.

"This is an interesting little relationship you and I have." He says. I smile up at us. Then I remember. "Oh, I forgot to tell you that Flynn says our performance is doing well online. We should be getting calls from agents soon." I say. Sadness flickers across his face.

"Grace, there's something I have to tell you." He says. He tone is solemn. I face him again. "What? What's wrong?" I ask. "We figured out we have unfinished business. That's why we came back as ghosts." He says. "Oh, I guess that makes sense. What is it?" I ask.

"We have to play the show we never got to play." He says. "At the Orpheum. Again, that makes sense." I say. Suddenly a purple light flickers on his chest and he flies backwards to grip onto something as well are his chest. "What was that? Are you ok?" I ask, panicked.

I step close to him. "We did something that we shouldn't have. The night we missed the dance we met this ghost who put a curse on us, and if we don't do what he says then those jolts will destroy us." He says. "Well then you have to do what he says. What does he want?" I ask.

"He wants us to be in his house band for eternity, but if we can play the Orpheum soon we can avoid all that and actually cross over." He says. "Crossover? As in like, what? Like go to Heaven?" I ask. "That's what we're banking on." He says. Then it hits me.

I look down, tears coming to my eyes. "So..." I look him directly in the eyes. "It's either you crossover, be his band for eternity, or be destroyed by those jolts?" I ask. "Yeah." He says softly. I should have known better. Everything was too good.

My life doesn't get to be this good without consequences. "This is what I get for caring." I mutter. With that I turn and head for the door. "Grace. Grace please." He says. I pause at the door, but then I push it open and walk inside.

I run upstairs to my room and close the door before I curl up on my bed and start sobbing. Eventually, everyone I care about gets taken away from me. Am I just that toxic of a person? I'm a literal human wrecking ball, but not in the way Luke said I was. I destroy everything in my path.

I was unwanted and when someone finally wanted me they died. Then I got Rose and Ray. Then Rose was taken away from me. Now the band. Luke. I let myself care too much about them and now they're gonna be gone.

Whether it's in a band where I won't be able to ever see them again, or in the afterlife with my parents. I never get to win. I hear a soft knock on my door. "Come on." I croak. Julie walks in and quickly rushes to my side.

"Flynn is on her way. What happened?" She asks I then explain to her everything Luke told me. She just hold she tighter and starts crying too. We've both lost, and the people who brought us back to life are now about to be taken away from us too.

"Come on sweetie, let's get you showered and in something comfortable and we can talk to Flynn when she gets here." She says. I nod numbly, allowing her to lead and leave me in the bathroom. I turn on the shower and wash myself.

When I get out I change into leggings and a sweater before going Julie's room where Julie is. I curl up next to her while she draws angrily. Then Flynn walks in. "Hey, I got your text." She says softly. I know it's serious when Flynn is being comforting. 

"Don't come to close, people I seem to care about disappear." I say from my spot still curled up, facing the window that faces the garage. "You two can't get rid of me. I'm like the crazy glue of best friends." She says. This causes me to smile and sit up.

"I just don't get it. Right when my life seems to be getting good. Great friends, great band, great guy...then-" "Bam!" Julie yells, holding up her drawing of an explosion. I would laugh if I wasn't hurting so badly.

"I seriously don't know why all this is happening to you two, but that is going to make a great album cover one day." Flynn says. I would smile if I wasn't hurting so badly. Flynn kneels and starts folding one of mom's sweaters that Julie wore today.

"You don't have to do that." Julie says. "Hey, I get to look at all your mom's cool stuff. Whoa." She says, placing the sweater to the side only the hold up a Sunset Curve shirt that is bedazzled. What? "Did either of you know this was in here?" She asks. "What the heck?" Julie asks.

I shake my head. "How do you think she got it?" Flynn asks. "I don't know, but the guys said they didn't know our mom." I say. "Maybe the didn't know her, but she knew them. She must have been a fan." Flynn suggests.

"I mean, Sunset Curve was playing the Hollywood clubs scene around then." Julie states. "Oh my gosh, what if you were right? What if the guys are connected to your mom? You know, through music or something." "Because she bought their t-shirt?" Julie asks.

"Think about it. They were the ones who made you want to play music again. Maybe she knew they could help you." Flynn suggests. I have too big of a post sob session headache to even comprehend what Flynn is trying to tell us.

"So, you mean to tell me that our mom is out there somewhere planning all this? If she wanted us to play music again, why wouldn't she have just told us herself?" Julie asks. "Maybe she can't, maybe she has to do it another way. You know, through signs." Flynn suggests. "Signs?" I ask.

"Think about it, you have been through these clothes how many times and haven't found this t-shirt? Why now? This is another sign. I'm just saying. It's not over Grace, Julie." "Really? Signs?" Julie asks, unimpressed. "You two are in a ghost band, it's a crazy world." She says. True.

"Look, you're gonna lose them no matter what. And it sucks. But they helped bring both of you back to life. Now it's your turn to help them. They have to cross over, let them go." She says. I let out a shaky breath and stand. They both look at me, shocked.

I set a look of determination on my face. "Whatever ghost put that curse on them doesn't get to win. We're playing the Orpheum and they're crossing over." With that I storm out of the room with Julie hot on my trail.

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