Chapter 7: Luke's Advice

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Grace's POV:

I spend most of the time writing my new song. When I check the time I realize that it's already midnight and I haven't eaten. Sighing I put my journal and pen to the side and change before heading down to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich.

"Ah!" I yell when I see Luke standing in front of the fridge, door open, looking at the food longingly. "I am never going to get used to that." I tell him, walking up behind him. "Do you guys even eat?" I ask. He shakes his head. "I just wanna see whatcha got." He says.

I roll my eyes and grab a few things to make a sandwich before closing the fridge though him. "Hey! You know how long it took me to open that?" He asks, following after me. "Sorry, but I don't believe in wasting power.

"Good, because that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about." He says. "Our power usage?" I ask, confused. "No, the power that you have." He says. "What power?" I ask, confused. Where is he going with this?

"Your voice, your guitar playing, probably your piano playing too. Your songs. Dude, you're like a human wrecking ball." He says. "Is this a pep talk?" I ask. "What I'm saying is that you have the power to move people. To knock them off their feet." He says.

I blush and look down. "And there is no way your teachers wouldn't let you back into school if they heard you play like that." He says. I sigh. "We asked her, and she said we have to wait until next semester." I explain.

"That was your first mistake. Asking." He says, going over to sit on the counter. "Sunset Curve booked gigs by doing. We went into ambush mode. We played in front of clubs. In back of clubs. We even played book clubs." He says. I stop what I'm doing and face him. "Book clubs?" I ask.

"Yeah, we didn't get many gigs out of that one, but they did have some pretty gnarly snacks." He says. I just laugh. I can't imagine the boys playing at a book club. Like, at all. Maybe Reggie going in with some smooth bass playing, but that's it.

"I'm just saying, don't ask for permission. Swing that wrecking ball of talent of yours at your teacher's head and smash those stupid rules right out of their brains." He says. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"This isn't a club, it's a school, and your plan sounds violent." I say, walking over to the cabinet beside him and opening it. "It's a closed door, and you gotta bust it open." He says, sticking his head through. I roll my eyes and grab my glass, closing the cabinet.

I place it on the counter next to my sandwich and head towards the fridge. "Sorry, once I start with the metaphors I can't stop. I learned that in book club." He says, standing right behind me. I don't reply, just turn around to walk back to my food, but I walk through him.

I pause and shiver for a second before finishing my goal of reaching my food. "They're not just gonna let me back in." I say. "If gettin back into music is what you want, then you gotta go for it. Learn from me. Your tainted hotdog could be right around the corner." He says.

He does this right as I put my sandwich in my mouth. I don't take a bite, but I set it down, not hungry anymore. "I don't have anything prepared. Neither does Julie, and I'm not doing the music program without her." I say, trying to get out of this.

"Thought you'd say that." He says, pulling a slip of paper from his pocket. "It's called 'Bright'. It's a Sunset Curve song that I wrote that we never got to record. It's perfect for both of your ranges. Check out the chorus for a second. If you add a little bit of piano and guitar, I'm telling you."

He then begins singing.


And rise, through the night
You and I
We will fight and Shine together

Bright forever


And rise through the night
You and I
We will fight to shine together,

"Go up high." He instructs me. I do so.


Bright forever

"Yes." He says, grinning from ear to ear. I smile back. "Thanks." He just nods and continues smiling at me. We stand there for a second before I realize it's late and I apparently have a big day tomorrow that I have to plan with Julie. "I'm gonna go get some sleep." I say. "Right."

"Goodnight." "Goodnight Grace." WIth that I leave the kitchen and head upstairs. Instead of going to my room I go to Julie's and knock. "Come in." Comes her reply. I walk in and close the door. "We're gonna get into the music program." I say, walking quickly to go sit on her bed.

"What? How?" "Luke gave me this song, and I think it'll work for both of us. It's time we stop asking permission and just do. We need to show them why we deserve to be there." I say, handing her the song. She grabs it and looks it over.

"This is really good. You said Luke gave this to you?" She asks. I nod. "Apparently it's one of their songs that they never recorded." "Are you sure about this. I mean, your stag-" "I'm fine. I can suck it up for one performance if it means getting back into the music program." I say.

She nods and smiles at me. "I think the song is perfect." "I do too." "We have a lot of work to do though if we want it to be ready by tomorrow." She says. "Then what shall we tackle first oh great pianist?" I ask. She laughs and scoots over so I have more room to sit.

With that we get to work.

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