Chapter 17

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As the sun's rays shine on me, I unwillingly get up. I had the best dream and sleep ever. I was on a vacation by myself, away from everyone and discovering myself... discovering new things. Oh that smile and genuine happiness that I had... how long has it been since I felt this way, but when I got up I got a reality check. Not all dreams can come true... especially dreams of Khushi. I check my surroundings and smile unwillingly when I see a cute Arnav. He was holding my hands with a pout. 

I notice the sunlight making him get annoyed, so I use my hands to cover it, making a small smile come on his face. Has Arnav always looked this cute while smiling? Oh gosh, Khushi what are you thinking? He is the guy you hate... he is your childhood friend... I was never attracted to him... and you never will be Khushi. I try to get up from my bed to get rid of these thoughts, when his big strong arms hold my waist and pull me towards him. Oh gosh, now how can I get out? Should I wake him up? But, he is sleeping so peacefully... should I try harder to move? But what if we move even closer... Oh gosh! Devi Maiya! Please help me... As if Devi Maiya heard me in a very unique way. Arnav starts to cry in his sleep. I look at him worriedly as he starts screaming. I shake him, to wake him up as soon as his eyes open. He hugs me.

Arnav (upset) - She left me... they killed her...

I stare at him with confusion. What does he mean? I know he meant Maya but who killed her?

Soon, he lets go of the hug and realising what he did, he immediately leaves. Great, another mystery. I also unwillingly get up from the warm bed to get ready. I have to go back to the Raizada house and I will find out about my real parents today. Am I mentally prepared to face my 'real parents' then the answer will be no. What if they are even worse than my adoptive parents?

1 hour later

I nervously and unwillingly sit beside Arnav who is refusing to look into my eyes. I am assuming he is embarrassed about this morning. The drive to my parent's home was quiet. I was too nervous and scared to break the ice, and Arnav also didn't bother. Soon, the car stops and I see a double-story house with a 5-seater car.

The house has beautiful yellow flowers on the top floor of the home. Should I go inside? Oh gosh, I don't want to face another rejection. What if they hate me? What if they are disappointed in me? What if...

I started to think about all the worst scenarios that could happen and my legs, which were about to walk towards the warm home, wanted to go backwards. I can't do this. I am about to turn away and run when Arnav who had been silent holds my hand.

Arnav - I promise, I won't let anything happen to you.

His face holds determination, and seriousness which kind of motivated me to join him. Arnav knocks on the door, and an elderly guy with a smile opens the door.

Guy - tame kon cho?

We stare at him in confusion. Is he speaking Gujarati? Are my parents Gujarati? As if he understood our confusion, he started speaking in Hindi.

Guy - Aap ho kon? Aur kiska kaam hein (who are you? Who do you need)?

Arnav - We are looking for Mr and Mrs Patel. They know us

So my parents are Gujarati. The guy stares at us and then invites us inside. Soon, a couple comes down the stairs where the lady looks like her eyes are puffy, and the gentleman looks a little tired and maybe even sleepy. They sit on the opposite side of us and smile warmly.

Gentleman - Harri Kaka, please get them some water.

Gentleman - Hello, my name is Harish and this is my wife Kirti.

Arnav shakes the hand of Harish then replies in a neutral tone.

Arnav - Hello, my name is Arnav and this is my wife Khushi.

Harish - Oh yes, you called me this morning. So what brings you both here?

Arnav presses my hands as if indicating me to talk, and looks at me with those eyes that say, make the move.

Oh gosh, this is so nerve-wracking. I want to run away... but I need answers. Harish looks at Arnav with questions, then stares at me as if understanding Arnav's signs. Oh gosh, here comes nothing.

Me - Hi, so my name is Khushi, as you know and so... umm.. I was born in XYZ hospital on XYZ date... And well my mum told me that well I was adopted just yesterday and after a bit of research I found out that you guys are my parents.

I stare at the couple as their expressions change from a smile to a shock and suddenly the lady starts to cry.


Hey Guys,

Hope you are enjoying the story. Do let me know your views on this story. As you can tell, this story gets updated every 2 weeks.

 PS: Not edited, so ignore all grammar and spelling errors.

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