Chapter 6

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Meanwhile outside the room

Arnav (angry) - Dad, I think we should file a court order for the Guptas...

Arvind (confused) - Arnav at least tell me what happened...

Arnav (angry) - Yesterday, when you forcefully sent me home to freshen up... I did go but not home, but to Aman's house... which was closer than Raizada Mansion... therefore, I came to the hospital faster. As I was heading towards Khushi's room, the receptionist told me her parents were there and you both left to give them privacy... for some unknown reason.... I decided to go to Khushi's room... and thank God, I went. For proof, I recorded the conversation that happened.

On - Recording

Garima (crying) - what happened to our daughter?...

Shashi (annoyed) - Why do you care, Garima? This girl was a mistake anyway... we never wanted children... and if we ever got a child... I told you before that it had to be a male... but we got her... and you couldn't give birth again... due to complications during pregnancy... let her die... why care about her now?

Garima (angry) - Shashiji... how can you say this? Yes... I agree that Khushi was a mistake... and yes, I agree that I never wanted her... nor cared for her... but I am not a cruel mother to want her to die... she is after all our child...

Shashi (annoyed) - Shut up! If she wasn't born then this situation would have never arrived... Arnav wouldn't be mad... at me... it's all this girl's and Maya's fault...

Garima (annoyed) - Shashiji, just remember, if it wasn't for Khushi then the marriage would have never occurred and Arnav would have never saved your business ... we should be thankful for her...

Shashi (annoyed) - if I had a son... then he would have made me prouder.... This Khushi has made me feel nothing but disappointment and anger...

End- Recording

Arvind immediately looks at Arnav with bloodshot eyes. Anger is clearly visible.

Arvind (angry) - How dare they? I will not spare these Guptas... how could they think so low for my daughter?

Arvind starts to march towards the exit when Arnav stops in his tracks.

Arnav (angry) - Dad... I am as angry as you... if not more... we can't take steps in anger dad... I have learnt my lesson... if we go now to the Guptas and confront them... it won't have any effect on them... they will just blame Khushi for their problems... if we break the deal... then again they will blame Khushi... we need to do something to make them realise what Khushi is worth... to show them that having a daughter isn't shameful but it makes you proud...

Arvind (confused) - I don't get why we have to do this Arnav... Ratna and I can pamper her and give her the love that she deserves...

Arnav (upset) - You don't understand dad, she loves you both... but the love she should get from her parents would be a different love... Yes, you guys can love her and pamper her... but again, it would be amazing for her if she got her own parents' love... also, I know Khushi is craving for that love... she won't tell us but I know from young, that she will not ask people for anything... she will always adjust...

Meanwhile Khushi's wardroom

I am talking to Ma while staring at the door. Why am I getting nervous? Why am I waiting for him? Soon, the door opens, and I immediately look with a nervous face at the door, and to my disappointment it is the nurse with the food. I know the food is supposed to be healthy for me, and all, but hospital food makes me feel even more sick. I scrunch my face up looking at it, however, I don't say anything to Ma when she offers me the food. How can I tell her I don't like the food? She would think I am spoiled and would hate me... just like mum did, when I got sick last time.

Flashback ~ Khushi's age is 7

A young Khushi is seen running around while laughing in the mansion, while a maid is following her.

Khushi (laughing) - You won't be able to catch me...

Maid (tired) - I give up... mam... you are too fast... You win...

Khushi immediately stops in her tracks, and jumps up and down on the spot, while laughing.

Khushi (smiling) - Finally! Now you have to call me Khushi... and not Mam... as part of our deal

The lady looks at Khushi with a worried expression. 

She is just a sweet girl, I love her name and would love to call her Khushi... but how can I? Her parents think of me as a maid and would fire me the instant they hear me call her Khushi. ~ Lady's POV

While the lady is busy thinking, Khushi starts running towards her, however, due to her bad luck, she doesn't see the equipment on the floor and therefore, she falls over it and hurts her leg and head. The lady who realises what happened, immediately calls the ambulance and her parents.

At hospital

As soon as Khushi gains consciousness, she stares at her surroundings and she recalls the incident and starts to cry, feeling the pain. The doctor who was near her, looks at Khushi with sympathy while the maid starts whispering sweet things to her to make her feel better.

Doctor (worried) - Where are her parents? I should talk to her parents regarding her health?

Lady (upset) - I called them an hour ago, telling them what happened.... But the mother is too busy at her parties to even bother to come... and her father is busy with his meetings...

Before the lady could continue on, the Guptas entered the room, with tears in their eyes. Garima immediately rushes to Khushi and gives her a hug, while Shashi gives a death glare to the maid.

Shashi (upset) - I am sorry doctor, I was stuck in traffic that's why I couldn't make it... my wife was also with me...

The doctor looks at Shashi with a neutral look and starts explaining the situation to him and then leaves after explaining everything.

Shashi (angry) - can't you keep your mouth shut? (death glares at the maid)... I gave you one job, to look after this child and you couldn't even do that. What a useless lady? I knew I shouldn't have hired you... Now leave... you are fired, don't ever show your face to me... and I will make sure you don't get any jobs. Because of you... my image of a perfect father and husband was about to be destroyed... LEAVE!

The lady flinches, hearing his scream and leaves after giving one last look at Khushi who is crying watching her leave. Soon, Garima who had tears in her eyes, immediately removes those 'tears' and starts to use her makeup.

Garima (annoyed) - I should have become an actress...I have to pretend to cry so much because of this child...

Khushi looks at Garima, clearly hurt by the statement. Soon, the food comes in and Khushi stares at the 'awful' food, with disgust.

Khushi (upset) - Mum... I don't want the food...

Garima (angry) - don't taste my patience Khushi, just because I said nothing to you... doesn't mean I am not angry. I was having such a wonderful time at the party. But all because of you, I had to leave it. I told you 100 times, to be careful, but do you listen? NO!

Shashi (annoyed) - I want to put you to a boarding school to make sure you stay away from us... but the only reason I am not doing that is because of Arnav.

Flashback Ends

As soon as the nurse leaves, ma who was about to feed me but stops on her tracks.

Ma smiling) - I know my daughter very well... I know you don't want this food... don't worry, I bought you some yummy food from home... it's soft and yummy... but, we can't put the hospital food to waste... So why don't we share the food? You have half of the hospital food and home food, while I also do that...

I smile at ma, she is the mother I wish I had. If only my mother did that when I was 7. If only she loved me.

Me (smiling) - Okay ma...

What do you think about Khushi's parents?

Precap - One misunderstanding solved

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PS: Not edited, so ignore all grammar and spelling errors.

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