Chapter 32: Labor"

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I woke up in the middle of the night because of a sharp pain in the bottom of my belly. I had no idea what it was or what to do. I eventually came to the conclusion that I was sick, so I went into the bathroom. The pain was getting stronger. Suddenly, I felt something that made me gasp.

My water just broke.

I went back into the bedroom and tried to wake up Ash.

"Ash." I paused. "Ash." I shook him. "Ash!"

He groaned as he woke up. "What's wrong, love?"

"My water broke."

He shot up. "Oh my god! We need to get you to the hospital!"


He got out of bed and got ready to go. "Let's go."

Time Skip

As I was taken to a room, Ash held my hand. The pain was more intense. By the time I was put in a room, I was yelling from the pain. It was horrible. Ash held my hand the entire time. Hours later, the pain was at its peak. I couldn't handle it. The nurse kept telling me I was almost there. I don't know how other women before me have been able to do this.

As I let out my loudest scream yet, most of the pain suddenly went away, and a baby's cry was heard.

Ash squeezed my hand. "You did it, Abigail."

"Yes, I did," I said.

The nurse took the baby away to wash him/her. As soon as the nurse was gone, Ash kissed me.

"You seriously waited until the nurse was gone to do that?" I asked.

"Yes." He kissed me again. "It would've been weird otherwise."


Ash came close enough so that his forehead touched mine. "What should we name the baby?"

"Boy or girl?"


"I've always liked the names Aiden and Aurora."

He leaned back. "Those are good names."

"What, no objections or other ideas?"

"I like the names Dylan and Sophia."

I shrugged. "Meh."

The nurse came back in with our baby and handed it to me. "It's a boy."

I smiled as I looked at our boy. "Aiden Dylan Hall."

Ash smiled at me. "I like that name."


Time Skip

After an hour or so, I was released from the hospital. When I went into the waiting room, all of our friends were there, even Dan and Phil! They gave me tons of hugs and asked questions about the baby. We were there for another half-hour before we actually left.

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