Chapter 40: Quarrelling

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I woke up to hear shouting from another room. I got out of bed and went to the room the shouting was coming from. I found Ash yelling on the phone.

"Ash, why are you yelling?!" I asked.

He covered the phone speaker. "Squid's just being a jerk."

"That's no reason to yell at him for that, Ash! You're being unreasonable!"

He sighed. "I guess you're right."

He went back to the conversation, so I went downstairs and found something to eat. Moments later, Ash comes downstairs, looking really irritated. I decided to shrug it off so as not to get him in a worse mood, but I still wondered why he actually was shouting at Squid. It can't just be Squid being a jerk. Besides, that's not like Squid.

So what's really going on?

Time Skip

After Aiden went to sleep for his afternoon nap, Squid called Ash on Skype, which was unusual since they had both already recorded. I found a spot hidden from Ash and Squid to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Hey, mate," Squid said.

"Hello, Squid," Ash said.

Something already seems off.

A silence occurred before Squid asked, "Is Abigail there?"

"No, she's not."


What the hell?

Ash raised his voice. "Squid, what is your deal?!"

Squid raised his voice. "I don't love Nicole anymore!"


"I love someone else, but I can't love the person!"

"Who is it?!"


I quietly gasped.

Squid loves me, his best friend's wife?!


"Squid, you can't have Abigail! I already told you!"

"Who says I bloody can't?!"

I took a deep breath.

I really wanted to kill Squid right now.

"I do! She's my wife!"

"Marriage isn't forever! You know that! Your relationship with her was rushed! It's doomed to hell!"

Oh no.

"Don't you dare go there!"

"I can all I want!"

"You're such a damn bitch, Squid!"

I gasped again.

Ash never uses that language.

It was silent before the shouting started.









"Goodbye, mate."

Squid hung up on Ash. My breaths were shaky, like I was crying, but no tears came. I can't believe they just said those words. It's so not like either of them. This situation is changing them. I hate seeing them in this way. It's going to destroy their friendship, but I can't let that happen.

I need to reason with them, and fast.

After the conversation I eavesdropped on, I waited for Ash to regain his composure before I appeared from my hiding place.

"What the hell, Ash?!" I exclaimed. "What the fuck is wrong with you and Squid?!"

He was startled by me. "You heard?! Oh god, I feel so horrible now!"

"Ash, seriously. What the hell is wrong with you two?!"

"I don't know what Squid is thinking when he says he loves you. He knows we're married! He's an idiot."

"Ash, don't think that way! He's your friend, not some kind of retard with no job or home."

"True. God, I feel so horrible for how I treated Squid. I should've reasoned with him instead of tell him off." He grabbed his phone. "I'm calling him right now."

I grabbed his arm. "No, don't do that. I'll call him later. I have a feeling that it will only end up worse than it was before if you call him. I don't want your friendship with him to be ruined."

He put his phone down. "You would do that for me?"

"Of course I would do that for you, my love." I started to walk out when I remembered something and turned around. "Please don't swear like you were earlier. It's not like you. I fell in love with the kind, gentle Ash I first met, not the angered, swearing Ash that comes out in arguments."

He smiled. "I won't swear, then. I'd rather be the person you fell in love with than the angered person you just witnessed."

Suddenly, I heard crying from upstairs.

Oh crap.

Time Skip

Later that day, after I recorded a quick video, I decided to call Squid.

"Abigail!" he exclaimed. "What a surprise!"

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?"

"You overheard the conversation, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Oh god."

"Squid, please find someone else to love. Ash had a point when he told me that you were an idiot for loving me since I'm married. I know you may not love Nicole anymore, but that doesn't mean you love the first girl you can think of."

"You have a point, but Ash is stupid for yelling at me instead of reasoning with me!"

"Whoa whoa whoa! Calm down, Squiddy! He's your friend, not some kind of retard with no job or home."

"True. God, I feel like an idiot now, jumping to the first thing that comes to my head."

"Squid, don't think that way. Everyone makes that mistake at one point or another."

"I screwed up bad, though."

"Squid, just apologize to Ash. Besides, there are plenty more fish in the ocean besides me."

"You have a good point. I'm gonna call him right now. Bye, Abigail."

"Bye, Squiddy."

He hangs up. Soon, I can hear Ash talking to Squid on the phone, apologizing to Squid. I smiled.

Hopefully, this will fix things for good.

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