Chapter 42: Sister Time

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I woke up to my phone singing the all too familiar ringtone I set for Marianna. I sighed and quickly answered it.

"Hey, Anna," I tiredly said.

"Abby, why do you sound so tired?!" Marianna exclaimed. "It's past 11!"

I groaned. "Did you forget?"

"Right. Anyways, do you want to spend a day together? Just you and me?"


"Okay. I'll be there soon to get you."

"What are we doing anyways?"

"We can have a recording day."


"See you soon! Bye!"

"Bye, sis."

She hung up, so I dragged myself out of bed, changed, and went downstairs, where Ash was on the computer while holding sleeping Aiden. I smiled and took a picture.

"Hey, I saw that!" Ash said.

"I wasn't trying to be secretive," I said.

"Uh huh."

I grabbed my phone keys. "Ash, I'm going to hang out with Marianna."


I heard a knock on the door. "Right on cue."

As I walked towards the door, I said, "Bye, Ash!"

"Bye, love," he said.

I walked out the door and was hug-attacked by Marianna.

"Well, hello, Anna," I said.

"Hey, Abby!" she said as she pulled out her phone and vlog camera. "Pokémon Go video?"

I pulled out my phone. "Since when have I turned down a Pokémon Go video opportunity?"

"Point taken. Let's go!"

We embarked on our Pokémon Go adventure, Marianna vlogging the entire thing. I caught 4 new Pokémon and a duplicate while Marianna caught 5 new and 2 duplicates. The few Pokéstops we came across only gave us Pokéballs, which was pretty good since I wasn't very good at catching Pokémon. After our Pokémon Go adventure, we found ourselves by an arcade.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked.

"Yeah," she replied.

"ARCADE TIME!" we said in unison.

"Okay, that was a bit creepy," I remarked.

"Yeah, let's never do that again," Marianna said.

We went into the arcade and got tokens to play the games. Marianna created a challenge that whoever wins the most 2 player games we play decides where to next. At first, I just played some games by myself (Pac-Man mostly), then Marianna lured me over to Super Mario Bros. I totally destroyed her, but I don't think she cared.

Thinking about it, she seemed happier than she was before. Actually, I haven't seen her this happy since before I moved.

That's saying something.

"You seem awful happy," I remarked.

"Single forever!" she exclaimed.

I don't think that will last, I thought.

I smiled at her. "Yeah."

"You're married, so shut up."

I laughed. "Okay."

We played a few more 2 player games, all of which I beat her at.

"Oh, damn, girl," she said. "You're so MLG."

I grinned. "I know."

"Where to next?"

"Movie theater?"


After getting some prizes, we went to the movie theater down the road. We selected a random nature documentary to watch. It was actually quite entertaining, but fascinating as well. I enjoyed it, and Marianna did as well. After that, we each went our separate ways and went home.

What a day.

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