Chapter 6: Awkwardness

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I woke up with the thought of trying to call Ash and try to talk to him, but I pushed it to the back of my mind and went downstairs for a bowl of cereal. After I ate the cereal, I decided to call Ash just to talk. I've been tired of all the awkwardness and avoidance that's been going on. It's not what I wanted. I thought that kiss would cement us together, but it did the opposite. I really want to get things worked out between us.

When I called him finally after all those thoughts, he, thankfully, answered. "Hello?" he said.

"Hi, Ash," I said.

"Oh, hey, Abigail."

It became awkwardly silent. After 2 minutes, it became uncomfortable, so I said, "Well, this awkward. Is this awkward for you, too?"

He sighed. "Yeah."

"Okay." I paused. "How are you?"

"I'm okay. You?"

"I'm bored out of my mind."



I put it on speaker phone as I opened Minecraft. We decided to play on a private survival server and see how far along we could get without dying. While we were playing, we didn't really talk. It was extremely awkward, but peaceful at the same time. We got pretty far into the game, surprisingly. I think we survived at least five nights, like Five Nights At Freddy's, I guess. I turned out to be the one to died, and when I died on the sixth day, Ash promptly exited the world and ended the phone call. I sighed, a little bit disheartened by it.

Is it going to be this way for a while?

Time Skip

After I talked to Sqaishey via Twitter DM for a bit, I decided to play some more Minecraft and maybe record. I set up my quick setup, started recording, went onto Quacktopia and fixed an early mistake I had made on my 'shipping palace' and began a M.A.C. (Magic Animal Club) project. As I started building it, I noticed Ash working on another plot. I did a little more on the MAC project to wrap up the video before deciding to get his attention via a private chat.

RandomFandomGirl: hey, AshDubh! I'm over here!

AshDubh: where?

I started punching the air. He noticed me.

AshDubh: hey, I see you!

AshDubh: come to my plot

I sprinted over to his plot, and that's when I noticed he was building a mansion. Suddenly, a message popped up on my screen.

AshDubh has invited you to collaborate on his plot! Type /accept to accept.

I typed in /accept and was granted permission to build on Ash's plot. I went into his mansion and started decorating the empty rooms after he told me about not knowing what to do to decorate the rooms. Suddenly, a message appeared in the chat.

AshDubh: thanks, RandomFandomGirl! :D

RandomFandomGirl: no problem :D

I continued designing while Ash built up some more. Suddenly, without any warning, Ash exited the game. I sighed and exited the game as well.

How much longer will things between us be awkward?

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