08. Sparks

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Julian was right where he said he'd be the next afternoon. I didn't even notice him at first, my eyes immediately scanning for the neon orange I'm used to seeing him in. He wore a sleeveless shirt with some artsy graphic print on the front and jean shorts.

He was appropriately dressed for this unbearable heat we were subjected to. I'd only been away from my car's air conditioning for a minute and I could already feel a sweat coming on.

"I thought you changed your mind," he said when I was within earshot, a joking grin on his face. "I've heard the stories about girls and guy's hoodies."

"It's too hot for this thing," I admitted, giving him the hoodie which he threw over his shoulder. "I had to stop for gas. And these."

I held up the two beef jerky sticks I purchased from the gas station. They were strategically placed right beside the cast register, two for a dollar, and it was the least I could do since Nova ate his other one.

"Thanks. You didn't have to," he said, taking them from me.

"I got the right kind, right?"

He glanced down at the wrapper and nodded. "Yeah, no, these are perfect."

"Good." I smiled.

There was a silence that followed, making me feel awkward just standing there. We did what we came to do, his hoodie was returned. It was time to part ways. Something held me there though.

Maybe it was what he said the other night, about us being from opposite side. Maybe I wanted to show him that we weren't all that different and that talking to me isn't that difficult of a task.

My gaze shifted to Sprinklez, the windows were covered with old sales papers to shield the renovations from prying eyes. There weren't workers flooding in out of the place now, but there was movement inside.

"What do you think is happening in there?" I asked, nodding to the building.

"Don't know," he replied, turning to look at it himself. "Bobby's guess is a stripper pole."

"What?" I laughed out loud, caught off guard by what he said. "Ice cream and strippers. Really?"

He simply shrugged, chuckling. "I don't know what goes on in that guy's head and I don't want to know."

I looked back up at the building. "I think it's one of those soft-serve machines," I said, to which Julian nodded. "Oh, or a slushy machine. I'd kill for a good slushy. All the places I've been to are either too watery or have no flavor."

"I actually know a place."

"I've probably tried it," I told him, truthfully. I've been to every convenience store, gas station and fast food joint with a slushy sign in the window. None of them living up to my expectations.

"The roller rink on West 16th?"

"Roller rink?" I echoed, my eyebrows raising. "As in roller skating?" He nodded. "I thought those were extinct."

"Not quite."

"I'll have to check it out then."

"Yeah," he agreed, just an alarm went off in his pocket. He pulled out his phone and turned the alarm off. "I have to go to work."

"You have another job?"

"Yes, making sure my brothers don't kill each other." He laughed before ducking into a beat up old car with duct tape around one of the head lights.

"Have fun," I said, waving as he pulled out of the parking space. Once he was gone I climbed into my own car and started it up.

+ + +

Nova was already at the door, leash hanging from her mouth and ready for her walk when I made it downstairs.

I took the retractable leash, hooking it her powder blue collar before heading out. I didn't make it down the walk before Adam's black truck pulled into the driveway. I continued to walk, pretending I didn't notice him, even after he got out the truck and called out to me.

He quickly fell into step beside me. Maybe I could've out walked him if Nova didn't have to sniff at every bush and tree we passed.

"You're mad."

"No shit," I countered, keeping my eyes straight ahead.

"What'd I do this time?"

Honestly, I couldn't tell if I was more upset about him choosing his boys over me or the fact that I completely embarrassed myself yesterday. That last thing was a hundred percent my fault, I knew that. But if he wasn't being so distant I wouldn't be worried about there being another girl.

"Figure it out," I said, unwilling to let it go.

He didn't speak, a frown on his face like he was deep in thought. I tried not to roll my eyes as Nova lead us through the streets of our neighborhood. There was hardly anyone out, probably too comfortable in their air conditioned homes to move.

"You still on about what happened the other night?"

I didn't answer that, letting him suffer. 

My silence and obvious attitude seemed to roll off his back as he laughed. "I don't see what the problem is?"

Of course he didn't. "You don't see a problem with not wanting to spend time with your girlfriend if she's not putting out?"

"Wait," he latched on to my arm, gently pulling me to a stop. Nova, content with sniffing around a tree. "Where'd you get that from? I told you I was cool with waiting."

I let out a dry laugh, shaking my head. "You seemed pretty eager to get in my pants that night."

"That--I got caught up in the--"

I folded my arms, narrowing my eyes as I stared up at him. "Then when I said no you acted like you didn't want anything else to do with me."

"I asked you to go to Xavier's with me, though."

"I'm sick of sitting on Xavier's couch all the time."

"Who said you had to sit down?" He cracked a smile, which I responded to with an unamused eye roll.

"Adam..." I scolded, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Alright, where do you want to go?" He asked, a serious look on his face. "You wanted to go to the beach. We can go right now."

Nova tugged on her leash, probably annoyed that there wasn't much walking during this walk. I didn't answer Adam's question as I resumed walking.

"No?" He fell into step beside me. "Disneyland then. We can hop in the car right now and drive down to Anaheim. I'll even get you one of those expensive ass key chains with your name on it."

He was getting excited now and I was finding it difficult to keep a straight face.

"Or, if you want something more low-key, we can go to a movie." Nova stopped and I did as well, giving Adam the chance to stand in front of me. He ducked his head to meet my eyes, making my reasons for being mad feel vague and distant. "Whatever you want to do we'll do it."

I was remembering why I fell for him in the first place. He was impulsive. That might have been a turn off for most, but I enjoyed the spontaneity.

Lately, he's been so predictable I could set my watch by him. It's been school, work, Xavier's house on most days. Maybe that was our problem. We were like an old married couple who lost the spark in their relationship. Maybe a spontaneous trip to Disneyland could fix it.

"I saw that smile," he teased, grinning. My own smile growing wider. "Look, I know I can be a real dumbass sometimes--"

"I agree."

He laughed softly. "Just pop me upside my head next time."

"Don't temp me."

His warm hands found their way to my hips, peered down at me through his long lashes. "You forgive me?" His voice was a whisper I would've heard if he lips weren't so close to my ear.

A part of me wanted to say yes and, kiss him and go on about the day. But there was a more rational, less hormone driven part that knew there was more to talk about.

"You not taking me anywhere isn't the only issue," I told him.

He pulled back a bit, brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"We don't talk."

"We talk."

I shook my head. "Not like we used to," I said. "I don't even know how summer school is going."

"It's boring," he told me.

"I still want to hear about it."

"Alright." He nodded slowly, his lips pressed together as if having an internal debate. "So, let me get this straight, you want to go on dates and have actual conversations?"


"But I ain't even doing all of that with my girlfriend."

I smacked my lips, pushing his head to the side. "I can't stand you." The smile on my face told a different story.

His arms snaked around my waist, pulling me closer. "You know I love you right?"



He leaned down, catching my lips with his. They were warm and familiar and ignited something in me I hadn't felt in a while.

"Ew," I groaned when we stopped for air.

"Alright, I know I had a lot of onions on my burger," he said, looking embarrassed. "but that was two hours ago."

"No," I laughed. "It's Nova." I nodded to the pile of crap she just left for me to clean up. I pulled a waste bag from the pocket of my shorts and Adam snatched it from me.

"I got this," he winked.

I didn't argue with him, grateful I didn't have to do it.

"Oh, this shits warm," he complained, scooping it up. I tried not to laugh, but his commentary was getting to me. "Whenever you doubt my love for you, you remember this."

+ + +

In today's chapter we get a tiny scene between Elisa and Julian

& Also Adam actually kind of stepping up to the plate as a boyfriend

&& What do you think Tim's doing to Sprinklez??

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