16. Beer Goggles

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I expected the movie theater to be packed on Saturday, but not this packed. And not this early in the evening. I hoping to avoid the crowds.

I found the shortest line--which was still pretty long--and tried to figure out if I wanted to watch a comedy or a drama. My game of eeny-meeny-miny-moe was interrupted when a boy, who looked to be about six, ran into me.

"Excuse me," he mumbled, shyly, looking up at me through his long eyelashes.

"Donnie," someone called out, grabbing the boy's attention.

When I glanced in the same direction I was surprised by who I saw. "Julian?"

His lips twitched into a smile, as did mine. I wondered if his was accompanied by a sunshine-y feeling in his chest.

"Hey, Elisa," he greeted once he was in front of me.

"Hey," I greeted back. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, it's a movie theater," he pointed out.

"Right," I said, slightly embarrassed.

That's not the first time I'd made a fool of myself in front of him--while sober, that is. Yesterday at work I kept messing up the simplest of tasks.

A family of four came in and ordered a sundae with no nuts. Absolutely no nuts, the woman said, Kasey's allergic.

Everything was going fine until Julian handed me the jar of sprinkles and our fingers brushed. It was like a tiny zap that wipe my memory clean. Causing me to forget the warning about no nuts. Thankfully I caught my mistake before the dessert got to the family.

It was so out of character for me. I've had crushes on guys before, but none that ever made me this crazy. Maybe this time was different because I was trying so hard not to get caught up. It wouldn't be fair to bring him to my mess.

Quickly recovering from my slip up, I asked, "Is this one of your brothers?"

The kid was almost completely hidden behind Julian, poking at the peeling cartoon character on his shirt.

"Yeah," Julian said, placing a hand on the boy's head. "This Donnie. The other two are up there,"--he pointed to two twin boys who looked to be about thirteen, standing in the next line--"Chris and AJ."

Donnie perked up when he heard their names and went off to stand in line with them. That left Julian and I alone.

The air between was awkward and I couldn't help but feel like it my fault. I was usually the talkative one, yet I couldn't think of a single thing to say. My mind was too busy thinking about nice he looked with his fresh haircut.

"What are you here to see?" He asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets. The muscles in his arms tensed and I didn't like that noticed. I also didn't like the feelings I got when I noticed.

Everything was so mixed up in my head. It was like not being able to tell the difference between being hungry and being bored. Did I really like him or was I just lonely?

"I don't know yet," I replied, finally. "You?"

"The cartoon about the dragons." He pointed vaguely at the movie selections. "It was Donnie's request."

"Don't try to act like you don't like cartoons," I teased.

He chuckled. "Funny."

There was another beat of silence I didn't know how to fill. Surprisingly, he took the lead.

"Are you going to the party tonight?"

My brow creased. "Are you?"

"Why do you look so shocked?"

"I just never seen you at a party before." I shrugged.

"You also never seen me in any of your classes," he said, smirking.

"Point taken," I laughed, tucking my hair behind my ear. I was kind of interested in seeing him in a party setting. "I guess I'll see you there then."

"Yeah," he nodded. One of his brothers called out to him. He glanced at them before turning back to me and saying, "I'm looking forward to it."

As I watched his retreating back I tried to calm the craziness happening in my chest. How was it possible for this guy I just learned the name of a few weeks ago, manage to make me feel like a middle school girl experiencing her first crush?

+ + +

Xavier's house wasn't west of freeway, nor was it east. He lived in an different county entirely. His family had to downsize last year and they now lived in a modest one story home.

Although, I didn't know how modest it was until I pulled up to his house a little after ten. I easily found a parking spot on the street and got out.

I could hear the thumping music as soon as I turned onto the street. People flooded in and out of the opened door and garage. As soon as I stepped inside I realized why so many people were outside. Xavier's house definitely wasn't big enough for a party this size. Not bumping into someone was an impossible feat. And it felt like the inside of an oven with all the body heat.

There was no way I was going to find Julian in this sea of people. Or anyone familiar for that matter.

Someone grabbed my arm, pulling me back into them. When they started grinding on me I knew it was guy who didn't know how to properly ask a girl to dance.

His hand slipped around my waist and I immediately peeled it off of me, shooting him a look that I hope said I'm not interested. He got the message and bowed out.

Not soon after there was another heavy hand clamping down on my shoulder. My patience for boys with no manners was running low. I whipped around, ready to tell the guy to fuck off. When my eyes locked on a pair a familiar brown ones I stopped myself.

"Julian." I smiled. Somehow the room felt less crowded and I could actually breathe.

His lips moved but I couldn't make out what he was saying over the music. Realizing this he cocked his head to the side, signaling for me to follow him. He lead me to the less populated kitchen. The music didn't seem as loud and I didn't have to worry about brushing up against someone's sweaty body.

"I said: That was the second time you looked like you were about to kill me," he told me.

My mind flashed to that night in front of Ace's where I ran into his grimy cousin. A chill ran down at the memory.

"You have bad timing," I said, before quickly rethinking it. "No, actually, you have perfect timing."

A crease formed between his brows. "I do?"

"You do," I confirmed. "Both times, running into you was a blessing."

The smile that took over his face made my heart flip. Where was the replay button when you needed it?

"You want something to drink?" He offered, pointing at the cooler overflowing with various drinks.

"A water, please."

When he turned to get to the cooler he bumped into a girl with a piercing in the middle of her forehead. Julian apologized and tried to move along, but the girl was looking for a fight.

"You scuffed my shoes," she accused. "These cost more than your life!"

Firstly, the shoes she wore were ugly. Multicolored with chains. Something she clearly bought for the label. Secondly, the way she was talking to Julian made me want to slap her. Especially since he was too nice to say anything back to her.

"He apologized," I stepped in, trying to sound levelheaded so I didn't escalate things. "So, let it go."

"Wasn't nobody talking to your ass."

Her finger was in my face. Inches away from my nose. All I think was how satisfying it'd be to bend it all the way back. But I'd never been in a fight before and I'm sure she could take me.

That didn't stop my mouth though. "Well, I'm talking to you," I bit back. "So take your ugly ass clown shoes back to the circus, bitch."

Her tiny brown eyes widened. This since of accomplishment washed over me. Kells usually handled the confrontations. It was kind of exhilarating.

That feeling was short lived when she tossed her drink at me. The liquid stinging my eyes. She let out a shrill sounding laugh. "Bitch."

It was difficult to see through the mix of tears and alcohol, but I didn't need to see to know that it was Julian who grabbed my hand. His touch was electric.

"We need to rinse your eyes," he said as we began walking. If he said anything else I didn't hear because it sounded like we were back in the main room.

I placed my hand on his back, warm and strong under my hand, to make sure I stayed close to him. My vision still wasn't at its full potential, but I could make out a hallway with doors on either side. Each time I blinked I could see a little clearer.

It was quieter in the hall, so I didn't have to yell when I said, "Being around you is starting to be hazardous for my eyes."

His back vibrated as he laughed. He began opening doors to find the bathroom, neither of us knowing our way around the house. My sight was still a little blurry, but I could see without much effort.

So when Julian opened the last door on the left I knew, without doubt, that Adam was in the room. The light from the hall flooded in to highlight his shirtless torso, his bottom half wrapped up in bed sheets with a girl beneath him.

The girl is who surprised me the most. A whole brewery's worth of beer in the eyes couldn't match the sting I felt now.

+ + +

You all seemed to really like that last cliffhanger so I thought I'd throw in another one.

Who do you think Adam is with??

As always, thanks for reading & don't forget to vote!! <3 <3

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