29. Go Fish

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Sunday was dark and gloomy and smelled like rain. Julian didn't seem to be worried about the weather when he invited me to watch a movie at the park.

"It'll clear up by six," he said confidently when I pointed this out.

It was twenty minutes to six when the rain started. Still, Julian was persistent. He wasn't letting a little rain get in the way of this movie date. I had to admit it was kind of cute how eager he was to spend time with me.

For the first time in months I put on a pair of jeans. I hated it. They were too restrictive. But at least I wouldn't freeze.

The rain had gotten lighter, but was still going when Julian rang the doorbell. This would be our second outing as a couple and I still got butterflies about it. I've been smiling so much I was worried my face would get stuck that way.

The park was full of people  setting up canopies, lawn chairs and laying down blankets when we arrived. Most of them, like Julian, didn't seem fazed by the slight drizzle. I, on the other hand, wasn't leaving the car until it stopped. It's summer. It's not supposed to rain.

"It'll stop before the movie starts," He told me from the driver's seat. He made it sound like a promise. Like he could control the weather. And somehow he made good on that promise.

"What'd I tell you?" He flashed a cocky grin.

"Well, if accounting doesn't work out you could become a meteorologist," I teased.

We found a spot to sit in the, now wet, grass. Luckily, he brought extra blankets so our butts wouldn't get soaked. There were still a few minutes before the movie started as some guy up front with a microphone let us know. He also directed us to the snack area, which was a series of tables filled with bags of chips, popcorn, candy and drinks. That's where I headed while Julian finished setting up our sitting area.


I looked up from the soda selection to find Ariel standing in line behind me, dressed in a hoodie that must've belonged to her boyfriend since it was too big for her and had a "R" embroidered on the chest.

"Hey," I greeted, cautiously, as I grabbed two cream sodas. If I learned anything this summer it's that if Ariel was around Melanie was close behind. I might have been over Adam, but it still annoyed e to see either of them. "You here with Bobby?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"Yep." She must've noticed how relieved I was because she added, "They broke up."

I was glad that she was too focused on her Cokes to notice the brief smile on my face. I'd be lying if I said a part of me wasn't happy to hear that. Karma worked fast.

"Oh?" I said out loud, trying to keep the amusement from my voice.

"Yeah. She dumped him," she told me as she picked up a pack of chocolate malt balls. "She thinks he's still in love with you."

Now, I laughed and I didn't even attempt to hide it. "He hasn't been in love with me for a while."

"Maybe he just forgot," she offered with a small shrug. "And losing you made him realize it."

I picked up two bags of kettle corn and paid the woman at the end of the line. "I highly doubt that. And even if he was, I've moved on. There no way in hell I'm taking him back."

Ariel paid for her things before saying, "Good. Because Julian really likes you."

I didn't need anyone to tell me that. A guy wouldn't put up with a jealous ex or risk sitting out in a rainstorm just to spend time with a girl.

"I know he does," I told her. My heart lifted at the truth in those words.

"No. I mean..." She grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks. She had a serious look on her face, her eyes narrowed on me.

"What?" I questioned, brow raised.

"God, he's going to kill me for tell you this," she mumbled before continuing. "He really likes you. He's had a crush on you ever since he started working at Sprinklez. And that was like two years ago."

I couldn't help the smile that broke on my face or the way my heart sped up. "Are you serious?"

Two years? Two years Julian, who used to just be the blurry faced Sprinklez employee that gave me my ice cream fix, had a secret crush on me. That only further confirmed that this relationship was different from the rest. It proved that what I felt when I was with him wasn't fleeting. That it was something real.

"Yes, I'm serious." Ariel's voice brought me back to reality. "It's not just 'fun' for him."

My head tilted to the side. "What do you mean by that?"

She shifted her weight, letting out a sigh. "I overheard you talking to your mom the other night. I heard you say you were just having fun. Like, it's only a summer fling to you."

"I didn't mean it like that," I assured her. "I was just trying to get my mom off my back. She already thinks I'm moving too fast. I didn't want her to know how I'm actually falling for him."

Ariel's eyes seemed to light up, her lips spreading into a smile. "I'm so glad to hear you say that. Seriously, Julian is too precious to be toyed with."

"I'm not toying. I promise."

Satisfied with my answer, she lead the way back to where Julian and Bobby were set up. I sat next to Julian on the pile of blankets, handing him his drink and popcorn. Then, catching him by surprise, I kissed him. It was clumsy like the first time I kissed him, with me going into to fast and almost knocking him off balance. This time there was no long pause before I felt his lips move along with mine.

We parted and he smiled down at me. "What was that for?"

"Oh, are you complaining?"

"Not at all," he chuckled.


I snuggled up close to him under one of the blankets and waited for the movie to begin.

+ + +

"Go fish."

Donnie face palmed himself before fishing a card from the deck. "You never have the card I need," he mumbled, aggressively adding his newly acquired card to his hand.

I shrugged, hiding my laughter behind my own cards. "Sorry."

After the movie at the park Julian had to bring the car back so his mom could get to her night class. When he asked if I wanted to hang out at his place I was worried about meeting his mom. Fortunately, she hardly even noticed me as she rushed past us to get to the car. Only uttering what time she'd be back before driving off. The woman was just a blur she moved so quick.

The apartment they lived in definitely wasn't big enough of the five of them. That was made evident by the fact that I seemed to be standing in the living room, dining room and kitchen all at once.

On the drive here I had an idea of what his house would like. Messy. I mean with his mom either at work or taking classes at the community college I figured the house would be complete chaos with four boys. To my surprise, it wasn't. Julian didn't let that happen.

According to the list taped to the entertainment center no one was allowed to do anything until their chores were done. AJ on bathroom duty, Chris got the kitchen, Donnie had the living room, and Julian was doing the laundry and cooking dinner.

Tonight for dinner they had pizza. I'd never seen two large pizza's disappear so fast in my life.

Now, Julian, who was lying on his side, propped up on his elbow, glanced at me with a smirk on his face. I knew exactly what he was going to do. Every time Donnie would ask me if I had a certain card and I didn't Julian, who took his turn after Donnie, would ask him for the same card just to end the game faster.

Donnie might have been shy the other times I've met him, but Go Fish brought out his dramatic side. Complete with face palming, groaning and falling back on the carpeted floor. My stomach hurt from all the laughing I've been doing.

"Don." The six year old looked at his brother. "Do you have a three?"

Cue the theatrics. Donnie threw himself on to the floor, groaning and mumbling something incoherent as he handed over the card. Julian accepted it and that's when I noticed it was his last card. He had won the game.

"Games over," Julian said, sitting up. "Time to get ready for bed."

Donnie jumped up. "One more game. Please!"

"You said that twice already." It was actually three times, but I kept that to myself. "Look, even Elisa is ready for bed."

I had picked a bad time to yawn.

Donnie looked down at me, tilting his head to the side. His eyes then darted to his brother. "Is she sleeping here?" He asked innocently. I held back a laugh. "Because there's no more beds. And mom said you can't let guest sleep on the floor."

"Go brush your teeth." Julian told him. He almost looked embarrassed by his brother's question.

Donnie stalked off down the hall, dragging his feet. Before he got too far Julian added, "All of them. Not just the ones in the front."

"Okay!" He shouted, grumpily.

Once Donnie was gone Julian moved to sit next me, picking up the playing cards in the process. "I feel like this sucked as a date," he said as he fixed the card into a neat pile. "This is the first time we've really been alone."

"Well," I started, looping my arm through his and resting my head on his shoulder. "I feel like you're wrong because I had fun tonight."

"You did?"

"Yeah. The movie was hilarious," I told him, thinking back on it. "And I enjoyed hanging out with your brothers. Even though Chris conned me out of my last slice of pizza."

"I told you not fall for his there's-a-bug-on-your-food line," he laughed.

"Once I heard the word bug my appetite was gone anyway."

We fell into a comfortable silence as Julian put the cards inside a Ziploc bag--the card box was lost forever ago.

"Donnie made a good point," he said after a while.

I eyed him, a smirk on my lips. "About where I would sleep?"

"Yes." His eyes widened at his own reply. "No. I just mean I didn't really think this through. My mom has the car and I drove you here."

I waved this off like it wasn't a problem at all. "I'll just get an Uber," I said, reaching for my purse to get my phone.

"If you wanted to, you could stay here for the night."

I stopped looking through my purse long enough to give him a questioning look. "What?"

"That was stupid," he said, scratching the back of his head. "I just--"

"Don't want me to leave yet?" I filled in. The amusement was evident in my voice.

He let out a soft laugh. "That doesn't sound too clingy does it? I know we just started--"

"It doesn't sound clingy," I interrupted. Honestly, I wasn't ready to leave either. When we were together it didn't feel long enough. "I'd love to stay. But..."

"But?" He echoed, looking at me expectantly.

"Your mom's not going to think I'm some fast tailed little girl?" I asked, repeating something I once her my mom say about a girl she saw talking to Jaiden.

He laughed, shaking his head. "She wouldn't even notice if the Obama's were sitting in her kitchen."

I chewed at my bottom lip as I thought about this. Stay over at Julian's house would be insane, right? Probably. I didn't care, though. I wasn't ready to leave. 

"Okay," I said, decisively. "I'll stay."

+ + +

Hi. Hello. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Do you think Adam really wants Elisa back?

What do you think about what Ariel told Elisa?

(seriously, it doesn't sound creepy that he's been fawning over her for two year right??)

& They're having their first sleepover *wink wink nudge nudge* JK it's all PG!!

(you'll see more of happens during that next chapter bc this one was getting too long for me.)

ANYWHO, thank you for reading <3

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