Our Day

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Sasuke Uchiha

I put on my sunglasses as she put on he rs and we both walked towards the gate of the park. I looked at my beautiful bestfriend and she was looking down while walking beside me. I had the urdge to hold her hand and bring her close but it would just be wierd, like hell yeah I told her I loved her but as a best friend. So why do I feel like this, why do I feel comfterable around her and butterflies are in my stomach. I'm just probaly sick.

She looked at me and smiled as she walked closer to me then before. I felt my cheeks heat up as I smiled at her and I saw her look at the gate of the park. I took her here because she loved this place when we were younger but since I left she has'nt came back she's been lazy. As we approched the gate she took off running towards it. I laughed as I ran behind her and handed the tickets to the ticket collecter.

He took the tickets and looked at her then me "Welcome to the amusment park of the hidden leaf please enjoy your time"

I looked at Hinata as she quickly went inside while dragging me by my hand "Hinata, calm....HAHAHAHAHA... down" I said as I laughed

She stopped pulling me and looked down in embarrestment and she also let go of my hand "I'm sorry Sasuke-kun, I do this all the time I'm around you and when you take me somewhere"

I looked at her and grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into a hug as I kissed her forehead "It's okay Hinata, You know I love you right?"

She nodded her head as she wrapped her arms around my neck as she hugged me back "Yeah I know"

"And you know that I would do anything to make you happy" I said as I hugged her tighter

She giggled as she looked at me and kissed my cheek "Yeah I know that too"

"Then...." I picked her up and spinned her in circles then put her down earning a laugh from her "Lets enjoy our selfs we have all day besides I made this day become Our Day"

She laughed as she took off her glasses and looked around "Hey wanna go on the Dino Coster"

"Only if you promise to not be scared" I said as I grinned

She punched my arm and pouted "Please Sasuke"

I rubbed my arm then pinched her cheeks "How could I say no too your cute little face"

She jumped ontop of me and ran towards the line with me right next to her. The man who worked at the coster ride put both of us in a coster but did'nt take his eyes off Hinata. I glared at him as he only did her seat belt and she just blushed a deap shade of red. When he backed away from Hinata he winked and I was about to stand up but the ride started moving.

"Please keep all hands and feet inside the coster at all time..." Then he looked at Hinata "But not cuteness...." The he looked at me and shifted in his position "oh and please enjoy the ride"

I clicked my tongue as the coster started going up and Hinata was smiling huge. I smiled as the coster reached it's limit and before I knew it, The coster was speeding down and Hinata was screaming super loud. I wanted to scream but just hearing her scream made me laugh and I coukd'nt stop.

The coster went into a loopty loop and into the dragon's mouth. Hinata held onto my arm and she was screaming a little but not that much because I put my arm around her and bringed her closer. When we got out the dragon threw its tail XP I was grinning while her head was on my sholder and her arms were wrapped around my torso.

Once the corser stopped at the station the man quickly ran up to Hinata "Are you okay miss"

Hinata looked up at him and smiled "Yeah I'm fine thank you"

The man helped her out and I growled 'The name is Naruto what's your name"

I glared at Hinata while she blushed a little "My name is Hinata"

They shook hands as both of them was blushing "Wanna go out sometime"

Hinata looked at me and that was my que " OKAY, come on Hinata there's other more rides to go on''

Hinata looked at the Naruto freak and nodded her head "I'll see you around, come on Sasuke"

After they bid their farewells I put my sunglasses back on and grabbed Hinata by the wrist as I started walking. I heard Hinata call my name so I slowed down my pace and looked back to see Hinata looking at me with a confused face. I stopped walking and ran my hand threw my hair as I looked at her with pittyful eyes.

She smiled and we just went on every ride and played every game. We are now at our last game and Hinata really wanted this stuff panda which looked kind of freaky in my point of view.

"Welcome to clown dodger, all you have to do is try to hit the clown as I tried to dodge your attacks. Wanna try" the old man asked us

Hinata gave me puppy eyes and I nodded my head "Yeah both of us would like to try"

I gave the mand five dollors as he handed us the bean bags "Does'nt matter where you hit it just try your best have fun" He said as he turned on the game

The clown started moving very fast and I let Hinata go first. She missed all the shots and when the game ended the man said his apologizes and It was my turn. But before I even stepped up to the stand Hinata pulled me to the side real quick.

"Sasuke please win, I really want that panda" she said

"Hn... I dont think so Hina, I want the wolf" I said

I walked up to the stand and motioned the man to come close "What is it son"

"If I do win please say I lost and give me the panda from the back" I said

The man nodded and started the game again. I threw the bag and it hit, I threw the next one and it hit it again, and I took a deep breath and threw it for the last time and it hit. The game stopped and I looked back to see Hinata sitting on the floor looking away from me. I looked at the man and gave him a small nod which he returned.

"Hina, I'm sorry I lost" I said with a sad voice

She looked at me and gave me a hug "It's fine Sasuke"

We strted walking and I quickly went behind the booth and the man gave me the panda bear "Congratulations" he said in a light whisper

I smiled as I took the huge freaky ass bear "Thanks"

I ran back to Hinata and we was close to my car before she went inside I closed the door and she looked at me "What is it Sasuke-kun"

I looked at her and smied as I showed her the Panda bear "Here you go Hina"

She looked at it and squelled "HOW..." she took it out my hand and gave it a hug "I thought you lost, how did you get it"

I smiled as I opened the door for her "That's a secret Hina"

She went inside and I drove her home, I really enjoyed Our Day. We went inside her house and sat on the couch as my head was on her lap and before I knew it I was knocked out

Hoped you liked it :)

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