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Hinata Hyuga


Father looked at me and saw my big stomach, his eye's grew widee from shock and horror then to furious "I KNEW I SHOULD'NT HAVE TRUSTED THAT SASUKE"

''Uncle I have some news, Sasuke won't take responciblity and he's leaving to America maybe never coming back" Neji said as I looked down to the floor

My father walked up towards me and gave me a hug "I'm sorry Hinata, I should'nt have left you for so long"

I hugged him back as tears escaped my eyes "I'm sorry father"

He broke the hug and looked at Neji "Did you teach that Sasuke a lesson"

I looked at Neji as he nodded his head "Yes sir''

My eyes widened as my father grinned "Good"

"I also promised Hinata I'll help raise it with her" Neji said with a smile

My father smiled and pulled Neji into a hug "Thats my nephew..." Then my father broke the hug between them and looked at me "You heard Hinata, when the baby is born Neji is gonna be the step father of it"

I widened my eyes then looked down at the floor "Does that mean Ima have to marry Neji father"

My father walked over to me and lifted up my chin as tears fell from my eyes "You don't have to marry him but he's gonna be the step father of it since Sasuke does'nt wanna execpt the fact that he's the father"

I nodded my head due to understandment then my mother walked into the door "HINATA YOUR PREGNANT (OuO)"

I smiled as a sob excapted my lips "Ye-ah mom"

She quickly gave me a hug and kissed my forehead "Who's the father Hina"

"Neji is the father mother"I said

She quickly broke the hug and shook her head "That's forbidden love Hinata this is not possible It can't be possible"

"Hani, Neji is gonna be the step father" My father told my mother

Neji nodded his head "Sasuke is the real father Aunt Hani"

My mother looked at each of us then her eyes landed on me "Hinata why is'nt he gonna help you"

I looked at the ground as I started crying again as I placed my hand on my huge ass stomach "He d-does'nt believe he's t'the father and now h'he's going to Am-eri-ca"

My mother looked at my stomach as she placed her hand on it and the baby kicked and a tear escaped her eye "N-Neji, did you teach that Uchiha a lesson"

"Yes ma'me I gave him a beating he'll never forget when he leaves" Neji said with a voice filled with happiness

"Good" My mother said as she looked into my violate white eyes as I looked into her's

I smiled as she pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead as her short almost midnight black hair rubbed my cheeks as she did so "I Love You Mom"

She smiled as she broke down into tears "I love you my beautiful baby I love you so much"

I then saw a camra flash and I saw Hanabi holding a camara "Got ya" then she ran into her room

3 months later making Hinata 8 months pregnant

I hav'nt heard from Sasuke in three months. I sat on my bed as I smiled at my stomach and Neji came in and kissed me on my cheek. I giggled and he placed his hand on my stomach and the baby kicked. He widened his eyes as I smiled and he pecked me on the lips and I blushed a deep shade of red.

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both me and Neji are dating because of change of plans and I grew quite fond of it so now my father made plans. Plans in order when the baby is born I'm gonna have to marry Neji which is quite shocking. Of course we both denied but you can't go against my father's word.

Neji walked out of my room and then my phone started ringing. I picked it up and looked at the name Itachi Uchiha

bold= Sasuke
Italics= Hinata
Underline= Itachi

Hey Itachi whats up

Hey Hinata, I gotta tell you something

What's up


Itachi, I'm going to the airport now bye

That's what's up, BYE SASUKE, he's leaving to America now you should tell him goodbye

But he does'nt wanna see me

That's not what he told me and he's gonna live in America causing him to never come back to Japan

When does his plane leave

In like an hour maybe sooner oh and congrats on marrying Neji in two months

I don't wanna marry Neji I waned to marry Sasuke god damn it

*Laughs* then get your ass at the Airport and tell him that

Okay I'ma go there bye Itachi and thanks for telling me

Your welcome Hinata bye


I hung up the phone and threw on a white baggy shirt and left the top two buttons unbottoned then threw on some jeans with flats. I quickly brushed my hair into a pony tail then grabbed my car keys.... I'm not that fat like most pregnant people thank you very much. I got in my car and quickly drove there.

Once I got there I saw Sasuke getting out of a taxi and I parked my car in a parking lot. I quickly got out and ran over to him well as fast as I could at least. When I saw him go inside a tear slipped out my eye and I started running faster.

"SASUKE!!!!!" I yelled as I was inside

I finally spotted him when he quickly looked back at me, he started walking towards me "Hinata, what are you doing here and how many months are you cuz you don't even look that big"

I looked at him as my heart pumped in joy "Eight months and PLEASE DON'T LEAVE"

His eye's were filled with hurt then he pulled me to a corner which was sorta dark with his suitcase "Hinata you... I... ugh, Hinata your marrying your cousin"

"I DON'T WANNA MARRY HIM..." He widdened his eyes as my eyes started getting watery "I wanna marry you Sasuke"

I placed my hands on his cheeks and smashed my lips onto his. He kissed me back as he placed his hands on my waist bringing me closer as his back was on the wall. (in media)

He then broke the kiss "It's too late, good bye Hinata"

He then walked away from me and entered threw gate 23 then the lady put a rope on the door. I ran towards the window and saw his plane take flight and I cried when I saw him look thew his window and waved bye with a tear leaving his eye.


People started surrounding me as the lady that was at the gate started rubbing my back "Sasuke please come back"

Hoped you liked it :)

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