Chapter 13- I'll be waiting to see my personal cheerleader

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There was a tangible silence in the car. The last few days with them were the best days of my life, some of the most important people of my life in a place. I couldn't asked for better days. We stand outside the airport looking at each other and then suddenly, I don't know from where, tears start flowing out of my eyes. I literally hug each of them to death. 

"Air! Air!" Jash screams and we let each other go.

"Can't you guys wait for a few days more?" , I plead to them.

"We have our college too bitch, plus I have got to drop a bomb on my parents and others at home", Maya jokes.

"Shut up, everything is going to be great.",Sarah says and I hug her again.

"Umm..guys, sorry to interrupt your little session, but kids, your boarding is about to close soon" my dad says. They hug my dad as well before going inside, and I can't help but go through the past few days in my head watching them walk away from me further into the airport. My dad and I drive back home in the car where my mum is waiting for us with good food to lighten up mood. Always.

The mood of the group is heavy.
"Something wrong today?", I ask because I feel left out.
"You don't know??"Amy asks in shock.
I shrug my shoulders in response.
"We have a game against the blazers today. Its going to be a tough game." I remember them mentioning about this team the last game. Today was going to be a difficult day.

 Liam is really true to his words. He is really not speaking in class. The english debates are so fucking boring. 

"Liam.... I take back my  words. You can start speaking in class."

"Awww....Nyra Sharma misses my beautiful voice. I am flattered. I knew you wouldn't be able to live without this voice", he says pointing to his throat.

"I never said I missed your voice. It's's  just good to have a healthy competition."

"I am going to think what I want to."

And.....we are back.

"I'll see you at the game today right?", Liam asks.

"Obviously , I will be there to cheer for Wesley and Andrew"

"I'll be waiting to see my personal cheer leader at the game", he says with a smirk and walks away without waiting for a reply.

Emily and Jake are waiting for me outside my class when I get out.
"How did you guys get here so fast?', I ask.

We walk outside to see Amy, Wesley, Liam and Andrew waiting. I see another girl with them who is holding onto Andrew.

"Nyra, this is Alina, Andrew's girlfriend.", Any says.

"Oh, you are Alina. I have heard a lot about you. I am Nyra."

"Nice to meet you. Even I have heard a lot about you, you are the new girl and their new best friend I hear."

I smile brightly at her.

"You already know Jake and Emily, don't you babe", Andrew says.

"I do know them. I hope we will get to know each other now.", she smiles at them.

A guy in his jersey comes jogging to us.

"Guys, coach is calling all of us in the changing room. Fast.", he says and rushes back.

"See you after the game.", Andrew says to us before kissing Alina and rushing towards the changing rooms. Wesley kisses Amy and rushes too. Liam winks at me before leaving too.

"So I hear you and Liam went on a date?", Alina asks me as we walk on towards the field.

"Yea....but it was only because of a bet."

"Oh, I know. But its nice seeing Liam going on dates."

I smile at her. She seems like a really nice person. Andrew deserves someone like her. We talk about random things about each other and our friends till we reach the field.

Jake goes to get some food for us. Amy and Alina discuss about their boyfriends while Emily and I just look at each other. No boyfriend, no problem.

The game starts and our team is plays in full form. I gotta agree Liam is a pro. Wesley too is an amazing forward. Andrew has been defending so well, he has saved 3 to 4 goals before i reaches the keeper. By half time out team is leading 1-0. I don't  understand why they were so tensed for playing against the blazers.

Wesley, Liam and Andrew are searching through the throng to look for us and we wave at them. Liam literally tries to act like a cheerleader to tease and all four of us burst out laughing  and sit back in our seats from stomach pain. 

The second half begins, and it seems like the game has started to turn. The blazers start to dominate our team. When the last fifteen minutes are left, our team is trailing 3-1. The throng has suddenly quietened, losing hope. I can see that Liam's game has also changed a bit. The coach is yelling to back their game up. The crowd has lost hope.

At the end of 90 minutes, the score is still 3-1 and we had lost. The players of the players are jumping around in joy, their faces gleaming. The countenance of our team members show pure grief and defeat. They are all sitting on the field with their heads in their hands. For the sake of sportsman spirit they shake shake hands with their opponents with a smile. We all are dejected with the loss. 

"Tonight is going to be a tough night. This was a very important game for them.", Alina states. I am so glad Andrew has someone like Alina to support him and who him and the game. She knows how to handle him. 

The crowd starts to empty slowly, everyone murmuring within themselves. We wait for Liam, Wesley and Andrew outside. Even I know that the mood is going to be tense. When they arrive, there is a tangible silence in the air.

"Wanna go grab some food?", Jake asks breaking the silence.

"I am just gonna go home", Wesley says and leaves abruptly. Amy follows him out. Even Andrew leaves with Alina following him, giving us a sorry look. I expected Liam to say and even he leaves angrily. I don't know if I should follow him or not. 

"Fuck...I didn't know they would be his pissed.", Jake says.

"Alina told it was an important game. Umm....Em, can you please drop me off at Liam's? I think even he needs someone to talk to, like the other guys."

"Sure. Let me just get my car."

Emily pulls up in front of a beige coloured 2 story bungalow mansion. His house is neither humongous nor small, though it is larger than mine. 

"Don't be nervous. Make him feel better.", Emily says before driving off to drop Jake.

I walk up the stone path which led to a wooden door. I ring the bell, and play nervously with my top waiting for someone to open the door. When the door opens, I see a middle aged woman standing in front of me. Her ebony black hair plunged over her shoulders. Her enticing constellation-blue eyes looked at me in curiosity.

"How may I help you", she said in a sugary voice.

" am looking for Liam. I am Nyra, his friend.", I say after gathering a lot of courage.

"Are you the one he went out with a few days ago?", she inquires.

I nod my head slightly in response. She smiles brightly showing her halo-white teeth and opened the door wider.

"Oh dear, come in", she says in a cheerful voice, and I walk in consciously.

"He is in his room upstairs, though let me tell you, he is in a sour mood", his mom says.

"Oh I know mam, that's  why I am here.", I say as she points me to the door of his bedroom.

"It was nice meeting you dear", she says before going into the kitchen.

I walk up to his room and knock. When he doesn't answer, I open the door myself and walk in but I am shocked at the sight in front of me.


Hey guys!! Hope you liked this chapter

I know I am updating late but I had my exams going on and I was on the verge of failing.

Go listen to "dil hi toh hai" and "teri mitti" because I am literally obsessed with theses songs atm. 

P.S- they are hindi songs.

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