Chapter 28- Title of your sex tape.

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"Remember I told you Axel found this girl cute at the mall? It turns out she was a friend of his friend and now they have started to hang out. Like, has he gotten over me this soon? That girl was the one how I found out about his sexuality and we broke up and now he wants to hang out with her?", Jake rants out to all of us.

"What a dick man", I say to motivate him.

"Title of your sex tape", Liam says to me.

"Don't go all Jake on me. Only he sounds sexy saying it"

"So finally Liam did find somebody to discuss Brooklyn nine nine with. The Jake to his Amy", Andrew says.

"What do you mean finally?", Jake asks.

"Amy and I haven't watched the show and he used to continue speaking about it without us understanding. Now he has Nyra"

"He doesn't only have Nyra, all of us love it. How can you not see it? I am making you watch the show with me", Emily says.

"Nine nine!", Wesley says and we all follow except Andrew and Amy.

"We will start watching tomorrow. You have no option", Amy declares.

The bell rings signalling the end of the day, well, end of the day for most of the people. I walk into the studio where most of of my team mates are already there, stretching. Ms Marin walk into the room and claps thrice to get everybody's attention. We all gather around her to listen to her announcement.

"We have an exciting thing for you'll tomorrow! Since regionals are getting closer, we need to work on team cohesion so tomorrow we will have a team bonding day."

"We are together for so long, that we already know each other and we know team work", a guy says.

"You feel that way. Sports teaches team work, for you to trust each other and depend on each other. You can decide the sport you want to play, volleyball or basketball?", the response to Ms Marin's question is mixed. After a lot of discussion, we come to a decision that we will play basketball. The problem is I have never played basketball and I do not have a good height for the sport. I am already nervous for it. I now have only 50 seconds of my solo choreography left, after which only practice will be left. The group dance still has almost 2 mins left to be choreographed. Ashley and lucas's duet is also going quite well.

I get home after the tiring day and lie down for an hour until its time for dinner. I tell everyone at the house about the basketball match and other team bonding activities which are gonna happen tomorrow.

"You know how to play basketball?", Liam asks over the phone. Liam's practice got over early and he had to go home to his mother.

"I don't, but I know how to dribble and that is all I'll do only that", I say and Liam laughs over the phone. 

"It's too early, otherwise I would have taught you basic basketball to win", he says.

"Oh I'll win, but it isn't about winning, its about team cohesion and bonding"

"As you say, but even you know you want to win", he says and I laugh. Yes, I want to win but I am not gonna accept that to him even though he knows.

The alarm rings loudly and wakes me out of my slumber. I drag myself out of bed and get dressed into a pair of shorts and tank top. My dad drops me off at school today since its a Saturday and he did not go to work. I first go to the studio where Ms Marin is gonna make the teams for the match. Ian is waiting for me outside the studio and we both walk in together. I am on the team with Lucas and 3 others, Ashley is with Ian on another team, and he has been cribbing about it since the past 10 minutes. There is a third team too and we are gonna play a series of matches against each other. 

The first match is between my team and the third team, they win the toss and select the side. Instead of 4 quarters, we have decided to play 2 halves of 20 minutes each. By the first half the opposite team is leading by 3 points. We continuously pass the ball between each other. When the last 40 seconds are left , we are lacking only by 1 point. I dribble the ball, pass it to Lucas who carries the ball ahead and passes to our team mate Eduardo who rushes, does a lay up and puts the ball in the hoop. We win the game. By just 1 point though. 

When there is a break between the two matches, I look around to see Ashley whispering suspiciously to another member of her team, but then I ignore it, this is how she is. Ian walks over to me.

"We are going to crush your team", Ian says.

"Oh you wish, we have Eduardo and Lucas on our team."

"They have me on their team"

"Oh is it? We'll see"

I go back to my team and we discuss our strategy for the next game. Just as the game begins, the opposite starts playing aggressive. It is a very close match. When we at more than 10 minutes down, I have the ball in my hands and I am dribbling it. Ashley rushes towards me to take the ball from under my hands, while the girl she was talking to earlier comes from the other side to take the ball. I have no option, but to give the long pass. I decide to jump and pass to make sure it reaches to Eduardo, and just as I about to do that, Ashley jumps towards me and crashes with me. The other girl, Elle, slides her leg across my and I end up twisting my ankle and falling. A loud cry escapes my mouth and I yelp in pain. All my team mates and Ms Marin rush towards me. My ankle is throbbing and tears well up in my eyes because of the pain.

"Get her off the court", Ms Marin yells. Ian and Lucas take my hands and pull me up and I yell again in pain. I can't bear to stand. They put my hands over their shoulders and lift me and rush me out. Ian puts me in the car, and takes me to the hospital. I close my eyes, and when I wake up I am in the hospital bed. I look around to see mon, dad, Liam and Ian all standing there. My leg is wrapped in an ankle brace. It still hurts a lot but it is better than before. The doctor walks into the room and asks "How's the pain?"  

"Better than before, doctor", I answer honestly.

"You will have to rest for 3 to 4 weeks. Your parents have told me you dance and your competition is coming up. But you will have to give up dance for 3/4 weeks."

"What? No! My entire choreography is not complete and I cannot rest for 3 weeks!", I exclaim loudly.

"You need to rest beta, because if you don't then it will get worse and you might never be able to dance again", my dad explains. I can't afford to not dance forever. I sigh after thinking a lot. 

"You can go home, but do rest", the doctor says and leaves.

"I'll tell Ms Marin you need to rest and I know she'll understand", Ian hugs me and leaves.

My dad gets a walker and I walk by its support to the car. Liam is there during the entire thing.

"I'll meet you at your house", Liam kisses me and walks over to his car. I know Ashley did this on purpose.



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I started watching Jane The Virgin and damn, its interesting.


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