Chapter 44- It was like watching a couple of robots trying to sway to the music

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I crash on my bed, face first. So much for planning a surprise for him. I almost call Em to tell her how he is pissed but them realise that she likes to sleep early,  very unlike me. This night walk has left me sleepless. I toss and turn until I realise its of no use and decide to watch an episode of The Vampire diaries, until I feel tired.

"Didi!!", my sister practically screams in my ear. I almost kick her out of my bed and she screams to my mum that I am not waking up. Tattletale. I hit my head once on my pillow for no reason at all and then get up slowly, limb by limb. 

"I have holidays, why do you have to wake me up at 9?", I say to Yana.

"Its 12", she states as a matter of fact. Wow. I literally have to drag myself to brush my teeth and have a bath. I am anxious because Liam's gift has not arrived yet and I have to leave for his place in 5 hours. Mr and Mrs Anderson already know we are going to be there to surprise him. Emily is in charge of food, Andrew in charge of drinks, Amy for a real nice cake, Wesley for inviting a few people he actually likes, us and a few of his team mates. Jake and I were the ones of coordinating with his parents, the others and not letting Liam know about his party. I honestly suck at giving gifts, forget about giving meaningful gifts.I am pretty sure you know that considering the gift I got for Jake. But I honestly want to get something meaningful and something he will remember me by. My gift finally arrives and I get ready to leave for his house.

Liam's mom purposefully set up her appointment for today so that we can go in and set up while he is away. I don't if he is gonna be happy that 15 people came or he is gonna be like "I'll have to party with 15 people and give everyone my equal attention"

All of us set up the good and drinks table and keep the cake in the refrigerator, while his mom texts me that they are on their way back. We had already parked the cars 2 blocks away so that he doesn't find out. We all rush into his room for the time being so that he gets surprised. We just in the room whispering when he walks in through the door.

"Happy Birthday!" we all yell at once. A huge smiles covers his adorable face and his eyes gleam from actual happiness. Honestly, this smile is what matters the most. This is worth it. He hugs each and everyone and kisses me hard. Yes the butterflies are still there, even though its been months. We all go downstairs to eat, dance and open gifts.

I have no words to describe the scene of all of us dancing. It was like watching a couple of robots trying to sway to the music. Emily was no better than them. So practically it was me, Amy, Alina, Ian and Wesley who were 'dancing'. Ian and I perform a small duet for everyone. Liam and I too perform a duet but I do not want to get into the details because I am pretty sure everyone can image how that went. 

We sit down to open the gifts after all his team mates have left. 

"Now's the fun part!", he exclaims. He first opens the gifts given to him by his team mates. Most of him have given him footballs, jerseys and gift cards. He next opens Ian and Emily and Wesley's combined gift. His eyes widen as soon as he sees the box

"No. No. You did not!", he literally jumps on three of them at once. He takes out a very sexy pair of studs. I am guessing these are the ones he wanted for a long time.

"Too expensive geez. We 3 had to contribute for this", Wesley says.

"This is the first and last gift I am getting you. I am broke now", Emily reminds him. 

"You know you secretly love me, Em."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Anderson"

"You can be nice to me on my birthday. Look at your boyfriend, he is not fussing"

Alina and Andrew get him a pair of sneakers along with a pack of condoms.

"His idea, not mine", Alina raises he hands and defends herself as Liam gives them death glares.

"Love you man", Andrew taunts him.

"Fuck you man, anyways you'll need it more than me. You have 2 weeks to survive.", Liam  says and throws back the pack at him.

"Good point", Alina hits him.

He then goes to open my gift. He pulls the small box from the bag and gets the chain out of the box. 

"What does this say?"

"Heron and Pez", I got him a chain with Heron and Pez customised on it in morse code.

"Awww....I love you", we kiss and I put it on him. He them pulls out the football neon sign I got him for his bedroom. It matches his room vibe.

"Get me this too. Thank you", Wesley says as Liam keeps it aside

"What's this?", he asks as her pulls out the last pen drive from the bag.

"Just an album of bollywood songs for you to listen to. This also has that song you loved", I say excitedly. I got this idea last night when he looked so excited to learn about India. I put in my favourite songs in there. We leave soon so that he actually spends time with his parents.

"Thank you guys for the best time ever! It's going to be so hard to leave", Alina says as we meet at Emily's. Alina leaves tomorrow for New York. She is one of the kindest and the funniest person I have met. This time was so amazing. Last time we met only for a few day but this time I actually got to know her.

"Looks like Em you finally got a good group of friends", we all turn to look at a tall, tan guy walk down. Emily's brother . Emily told me about him, that he is in college.

"Go up Dan!", she yells at him to go home.

"Geez, I am just here to get water", he says and then his eyes stop at Liam.

"I know I never got tell you properly before, I am sorry about you brother Anderson. I really am", Liam's hands tighten around mine as if he is angry.

Brother? What brother?


Hope you liked this, and also as you must have realised, I finally gave in and decided to start watching TVD. I love Ian somerhalder sm!!!

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