Chapter 52- human mind uses unique and weird ways as coping mechanism.

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It has been a year since I lost Maya, my best friend. My heart feels heavy. I can't believe its already been a year, it still feels like only a few weeks. Its like no matter how many new friends I make, there will always be a void in my heart for her which no one can fill. I was about to call Sarah but decide against it because she might be in school, so I decide to go to sleep and call her the next morning.


"Hey, how are you?", she asks me.

"Weird and sad and I can't wrap my head around the fact that its been a year"

"Same. I went to her house to meet her parents and it broke my heart I swear to god", I can't even begin to imagine what her parents must be going through. Losing a child leaves a numbness in your heart. There is no moving on for them. They are trapped by the love and grief for their child. The hardest thing they have to do is continue living after realising whom they gave birth to has passed on. I don't think the human heart was designed for such heart break.

Sarah and I talk about us, Sarah, our favourite memories of her, her parents, and the time last year we fought because I was having fun with Liam instead of mourning with them and we laugh about it. I think that was one the ways I tried to cope with my loss, by having fun. I don't know, human mind uses unique and weird ways as coping mechanism. Sarah hangs up soon after about half an hour or so because she has to sleep.

Thinking about that day, I think that was the day Liam and I got closer to each other. He helped me to take my mind off from what was happening around me. Sarah and I had fought probably for the first time that day. She was displacing her anger onto me and I was displacing mine, a really bad coping mechanism but we didn't have any control over it.

I also learned that people who take their own lives aren't weak because Maya was probably the strongest person I knew. They are just tired of dealing with the bullshit they are going through. My only regret is that I didn't get to have a proper talk with her and that will probably always nag me.

Today is Liam and my 1 year anniversary! It is a happy day. We started dating a few weeks after we came back from India. I was not ready to get a boyfriends because of my previous relationship and he was scared about getting in a relationship because he had never dated anyone before but we both decided to trust each other and I think it was one of the best decision we both made. We did go through some shit together, got to know each other better and got to know each other's secrets and got through all of this together.

We were very confused on what to do for our anniversary, so we decided that I will pick one thing and Liam will pick 1 thing to do and we'll play some game to decide dinner and dessert considering how we are very different people when it comes to food.

Liam has decided to take us to his date place first. It's a gondola ride! Its not exactly Venice and I would love to go to Venice but this is too beautiful. They have a pretty carpet in the gondola and through the ride they keep giving us some Italian dishes. In the start its very romantic with us talking and looking at the view, but things soon get messy as we start throwing water on each other. They even gave us a glass of wine which we politely decline and by the end we came to a conclusion that this kind of too romantic stuff is not for us teenagers. The sun was scorching but the cool winds made up for it.

I pick Paragliding at the La Jolla Cove. I did a lot of research to find this cute and adventurous place. We go there about 1hour before sunset. We love adventure so this place seemed really nice. I think everybody has understood by now that both of us love water and chose dates which is near the water. We glide over the over the fresh air, over the cobalt water. Below, the dreamy sea was its own master. After we both are done with paragliding. We sit on the benches to look at other people and see the sunset. We sit in silence, taking in the picturesque  view in front of us. The huge orb of red and orange was sliding the horizon. The sky was in hues of pink and orange. The sun was looking at its reflection in the sea as it set.

It is difficult for Liam and I to find places to eat as I eat only vegetarian and he likes non-veg. We play a game of rock paper and scissors and person who wins gets to choose the place for dinner. I win so we go to this Indian restaurant where they serve non-veg as well. We talk about Celestine and Yana. I think since the age gap between them is more, it will be a loving relation rather than fights. 

For dessert, Liam wins rock, paper, scissors and we go to McDonalds for some flurry. It was where we went for our first date. No dessert could beat McDonald's McFlurry. After a long day he finally drops me home. We had too much fun and now I just wanna sleep. My parents are going to be out till late tonight so its only Yana home and she is asleep by this time. I look for my keys in purse and they aren't there. I empty my entire bag on my porch but I can't find them. Fuck!

 I ring the bell thrice to see if Yana would wake up but she is a very heavy sleeper and could sleep through an apocalypse. I call my parents to ask if they have given any of our neighbours extra keys like in India but they haven't. UGHHHH I am stuck.

Liam just stands there looking at me in amusement. Only a dumbass like me could leave their keys on their table while leaving. 

"Stop laughing! I might need to sleep over at Em's"

"Or you could sleep over at mine", he says, his eyes shining even in the dark, "we could have fun"

"Funny", I try to remain calm through the jitters in my body.

"What? Pillow fight in fun! Oh wait were you thinking about something else? Eeewww Nyra!", he makes a disgusted face. I mean his house does seem like a better option.

"Lets go!", I say as heat rises to my cheeks, I am embarrassed.



Happy 1 year anniversary to them! Well these are all rich kid ideas and we can only imagine.

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