Chapter 60- a new chapter is about to begin

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"I can't believe this is our last day before finals"

"Do you think anyone's gonna cry?", I don't think anyone's school today, the entire hallway is filled with seniors.

"In India, we write with markers on the uniform and on each other's hands and stuff", I mention.

"Oh they'd suspend us even on the last day if we tried doing this", Emily mentions.

"We can try though. Getting suspended on the last day would be a different thrill", Wesley informs but I don't think an of us wants to risk that, even if there is a minute possibility of getting suspended. The bell rings as we are talking and everybody disperses to their classrooms, me slowly limping and praying that I make it on time. I can't believe I am finally graduating AND getting a tattoo. We'll all go to a tattoo parlour together after school ends today, to get one. Maybe same ones, maybe different.

As the final  bell rings....we rush out without, well I slowly walk, but the rest rush out without looking back. The entire hallway is a cacophony of noises and a fusion of emotions- happiness for going to college, sadness since we'll probably not see more than half of these people again, fear for the upcoming exams, anticipation for what the future holds, relief, excitement and everything mixed into a beautiful pie. I don't think today there are rivals today, everyone is hugging each other. Well Ruby did come over to wish us the best, Ashley did not.

Amy has selected our tattoo parlour and we all drive there, me with Emily and Jake, Wesley with Andrew and Amy with Liam. The excitement is all the cars is heavy. I have shortlisted two tattoo designs after a lot of deliberation. I shared them with Emily and she said she'll get the 1 I won't since she couldn't shortlist her designs. So I have decided I'll be getting the molecular structure of serotonin on my lower forearm and she'll be getting the getting the symbol of BTS which means 'love yourself' on either her collar bone or her arm. If I can't have serotonin inside my body, I can at least have it on my arm. So apparently everyone has selected their own designs and we aren't getting the same design. But whenever we look at the tattoo n the future, a few years down the line, we'll always remember this day and each other. 

I am not going to lie, it was painful. I don't like needles in general so this wasn't an easy ride. It was easy for most of them but not for me or Andrew or Amy. It felt like being scratched and pricked and I don't understand people who get their entire body made into a canvas but I also understand that some people get a thrill through this pain. Everyone's got a different tattoo, some with a specific meaning some without any. We even had to stop Emily from getting a piercing, she has a dream of getting at least 10 piercings. I can't wait for the day she actually have so many.

I have been studying so much the past 2 weeks that my brain actually hurts. It's telling me to stop and it finally is the time to stop. I feel the weight lift off me as I limp to submit my final paper- Chemistry. This was a long ride and it is finally coming to end and a new chapter is about to begin. I come outside to see Liam is already standing next to his car, I knew he would be the only one to complete the exam before me. I walk over to wait for others. 

"How was it?", he asks as I stand next to him.

"It was better than expected, easy", we have been trying really hard to be friends, considering feelings are still involved.

"Same. You still up for dinner today right?", we are all going to dinner before everyone goes off to their vacations and then to college. Tonight's dinner is probably the last time ALL of us will be in one place for a long time, I won't be distracted at all today . I am glad Liam and I are already broken up, we won't have to do the long distance stuff, I don't anyways think I am made for long distance. The break-up made this easier. Now I'll just leave for India day after tomorrow and wait for college to start. We leave once the others come out and go to get ready for dinner and to reminisce all our memories.

I lay my head on the window, staring aimlessly at the clouds outside while I listen to music on my flight to India. It's been a rough couple of moths, a leg, a new college about which I had never dreamed, and now high school is over and I am about to move out of my parents' home to go to college, get a job to pay for my life there, make new friends again without any of my old friends. But the high point right now is that I'll get to spend a lot of time with Sarah, to catch up for the past 1 and a half year.

                                                              **** 4 Years later****

"Omg! I am so happy for y'all. I knew you'd be the first one to get married"


"So happy for you! AAAAHHH"



I am actually about to get my first tattoo as I write about this chapter.  2 Chapters to go!!!

Please keep supporting to the end...thanks y'all!!!

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