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Neil's POV

I opened my eyes even though I really didn't want to and rubbed my face. It was a usual morning in Goa but the room was silent; creepily and awkwardly silent. The birds that usually gave out melodious chirps and the rays from the sun were missing which resulted a slightly darker atmosphere. 

Well this was similar to my life which was full of darkness and was void of happiness. Since Avni left; I became so lonely and tyrannized in the solitude. Speaking of Avni, why was she here last night. No wait this isn't the question, why was she trying to seduce me. To be more precise why was she so interested in the 'Vidyut case'. 

I got up placing my feet on the soft Persian marbled floor looking for Vidyut's file. A couple of minutes of searching and I found it lying on the top of the book shelf; I swear I'm not going to rest until he is behind the bars.

Thinking of something, I called DD asking him to find about his next deal. I sure hated women and girls but being a playboy doesn't mean that this would be a hind when it comes to my duty. Vidyut was doing a brothel and prostitution business and this for sure infuriated me.

I went in the shower and got ready wearing a faded blue jean, a black shirt and a jacket.

end of pov

It was about ten in the morning and the sun was shining brightly along with the singing and chirps of birds. Finally the soothing sight of Goa!

Avni was sitting in the breakfast area with her legs all crossed and her mind wandering to wonderland with DD, Neil and other officers sitting next to her. She took a bite from her croissant and nearly choked on it when she felt Neil's stern gaze wandering upon her. She tried to shrugged it away but who in the world could possibly avoid those sexy hazel orbs. Cursing her emotions and feeling for being affected so much at Neil's presence, she was about to get up when she was suddenly caught in the middle of an intense silence between Neil and her while DD was trying to explain something to the lady officer.

Neil was lost in the depth of her eyes and the same goes to Avni. She was having a really hard time ignoring Neil and this for sure wasn't causing her happiness. She felt extremely guilty for doing such thing to Neil and letting him suffer like this but as if she had an option.

Neil: (in mind) First you broke up with me without even giving me a valid reason then you joining the police force, agreeing to come to Goa with me without any disapproval, hiding Vidyut's photograph, trying to seduce me and finally being so interested in this case. This obviously couldn't be a coincidence. I'm gonna find out why you are acting so weird Avni.

Avni: (in mind) I hope one day you are going to understand why I did this.

Their eye lock which were exchanging so many emotions was broken by none other than DD.

DD: Sir we've found out that Vidyut is going to meet some new clients at a nightclub during the week end.

Neil: Is this info sure shot

DD: Yes sir, he has booked the VIP area and is also displaying some kind of entertainment in the form of dancing.

This few words that DD and Neil just exchanged were for sure causing trouble to Avni. Vidyut can't be jailed otherwise she wont be able to get to her mother.

Neil: But we wont be able to arrest him (groans and pins his hand harshly against the table)

This somehow pacified Avni's adrenaline rush

Avni: Aww why can't you do that ( smirks as she indirectly hurt Neil's ego)

Neil: Because we do not have any proof against him (grits his teeth and lowers his gaze)

Avni: Ouch, now that's a problem ( smirks)

Neil was annoyed and pissed off as no one ever taunt him in such an indirect way

Neil: (in mind) you're so gonna regret insulting me like this

Neil: Avni, I have a work for you. Meet me in my room

Avni: What work sir. Do I have to find evidence instead of you now(chuckles)

Neil: No (controls his anger) come in my room now, we have to arrange some files

Avni: (in mind)what the heck does he want now.



Avni: Can I come in Sir

Neil: I don't know, can you(sarcastically)

Avni just frowned and cursed him under her breath and came in, standing in front of Neil in her long pinned lines skirt and  beige cropped blouse. Her exposed and perfectly toned waist were giving Neil shudders but he was bound to throw some shades.

Neil: Just go and get those files from there (with attitude)

Avni already killed him in her mind but right now she had to obey him as she didn't have any other choice. Walking to the book shelf, she grabbed a bunch of files and turned around only to be caged in between Neil's muscular arms.

She was so shocked to even react that she didn't even realise how much their proximity was affecting her. Neil smirked as if he read Avni's thought. Her chest was brushing against Neil's hard and perfectly defined torso; their lips were just inches away and Avni closed her eyes as Neil's light stubble was nuzzling against her soft cheeks.

Avni's breath hitched as their lips were slightly brushing; Neil's hot breath fanning over her nose. Without wasting time; Neil sealed their lips sending shudders down Avni's spine. Avni was busy feasting his delicious taste so she didn't responded but of course this isn't what Neil wants. He sucked her lower lips asking for an entrance; Avni moaned as Neil's tongue tasted her sweet cavity. They were kissing passionately without even knowing that this was wrong. Avni's eyes widened as she realized how easily she got carried away and pushed Neil away before this gets more heated.

Neil became angry as no one rejected him like that. He was about to grab Avni's arm when suddenly Avni lost her balance causing all the books from behind to fall; suddenly something hit her head which made her faint.

Neil: Avniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii( yelled in shock)

Neil moved towards Avni only to find her covered in a pool of blood. He tried to wake her up but was in vain. Tears were having a feast on his eyes but he tried to compose himself.

Meanwhile somewhere in Goa

Vidyut's POV

So Avni is already in Goa along with her lover. But poor her! she cant even do anything. Wait why is Avni here with Neil. I know she is not gonna tell Neil anything because of her Neela maa but she can for sure spy on me. 

I was about to go and keep a check on her when I suddenly felt a presence behind me.

A/N: Ok fine I'm extremely sorry for updating so late but I had a terrible writers block and the book refused to open. But I'm glad everything is alright now so you might expect regular updates.

Also I've been getting a lot of DMs asking if I have Instagram and the answer is yes. My username is Mxnsi05 so follow me if you want and we can become friends.

Don't worry I haven't forgotten my other Adiza book- friends. I know the target has been completed but I'm actually busy writing the plot so tomorrow I might update it. If you haven't checked it out yet then please do it



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