Neil's past

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Neil's POV:

I remember how this revenge game had started in the first place. I can never forget the first time I met her. How she came in front of my car accidentally & I almost ran her over & how we argued for a good 20 minutes. I never knew who she was. But this was never about Avni. It was about her father. Ashish Mehta. The man I wanted to destroy. The man that destroyed my childhood. The man who is responsible for the death of my parents. He's the reason I became an orphan & grew up to be rich & arrogant. The heartless Neil Khanna everyone knows is all because of that man.

*Flashback* to 3 months ago

I was working in my office as usual. I hated people being late. In fact, I hate people generally. A girl was suppose to be coming to my office for interview as a personal assistant & she was already 2 minutes late. As she walked in, I heard her the sound of her anklets. I saw those familiar big black eyes & I smiled evilly. It was the same girl I almost hit this morning. Or I should say, the girl who came in front of my car.

Her eyes widened as she saw me.

"You!?" She says.

"Well well, look who's here?" I say smiling.

"Oh my gosh you are the one who's interviewing me??" She says.

"Yes. Now come in, you've already wasted 2 minutes" I said in a serious tone.

She comes quietly and sits down nervously. Since she had argued with me this morning & even dared to speak back to me challengingly, I decided in my head to give her the job, just to have fun & torture her a little with extra work. I looked through her files & saw her experiences of helping the poor. I was quiet impressed. After a few questions that she answered hesitantly, I told her directly that I'm hiring her.

"What?! Your hiring me?" She asks confused. She didn't expect that.

"Here are some files you need to sort and work on and I need them done before you leave today" I said smirking.
I wanted to enjoy the sweet torture of work. Her face dropped but she held on to the stack of files & left.

After sometime, I got a call from a personal telling me the information I needed about Ashish Mehta. Specifically about his family. He told me he had one daughter named Avni Mehta. I was almost shocked. I hanged up the phone. Wow Ashish Mehta. Looks like your end is coming soon. Avni is your daughter that just got hired by me today. What coincidence. I couldn't explain the happiness. The happiness to destroy that man. Now I will use your own daughter, Avni to succeed in my revenge Ashish Mehta. And you will not be able to do anything.

I called Avni into my office.

"Yes sir?" She says politely. The eyes of her almost hypnotize me every time. I snapped out.

"Hey Avni. I just wanted to apologize about whatever happened this morning during the car incident. Let's leave it behind & be friends?" I said in a friendly tone, obviously faking to gain her trust.

"Ofcourse Sir! And it was my fault too so please forgive me. I think we should leave it behind too. " She says with innocence.

"Great. And please don't call me Sir. Call me Neil. Just Neil." I said flirting.

"Okay sir. I mean... Neil" She says hesitantly, and then leaves.

Days passed by and I continued to keep Avni close to me in my office most of the time, to do my work. I always spoke with her in the friendliest way possible not letting her know my real face.

One day, we stayed late in the office. I made her stay on purpose by giving her more work. I observed her face as she worked in front of me. Her black eyes filled with softness. Those pink lips of hers were so kissable. The way she tucked her hair behind her ears. Sometimes I itched to move that hair strand behind her hair. Then I suddenly realized why I was even thinking of her romantically. I had a mission to focus on.

I purposely dropped my pen and she bent down to grab it, I bent down at the same time & held her hand intently. We look at each other having an eye lock. After some time she let go of my hand and says sorry.

"I think I should go, it's getting late." She says.

"Avni. Wait. The weather is very bad outside right now. We should wait." I insisted.

"Avni I wanted to tell you something from the last few days" I said.

"I feel like you really understand me & i'm glad we became good friends. I hope we are always togather like this." I said

She smiles listening to this.

"Thank you neil" she said blushing.

Then we started leaving & I usually dropped her home. We waited for the elevator in the office. When we waited, suddenly, there was a thud & the elevator got stuck. She got scared & gently hugged me. I held her. Then she pulled away facing away from me realizing what she did. She was definitely the shy girl. I decided to take advantage of the situation. I slowly came behind her moving her hair to one side. I dipped my lips onto her exposed neck from behind, while delicately holding her shoulders. I can feel her heart beats increasing as her breath was laboured. She was affected by my touch. I slowly turned her around. She kept looking down. I pulled her chin up.

"You're mine, Avni" I said only a few inches away from her beautiful face. My thumb caressed her cheeks & then her lips. I intentionally focused on her lips. She looked into my eyes as if she was looking through my soul. Those eyes that were filled innocence but also fire. Even I was getting carried away in the moment. I couldn't stop myself from pulling her closer by the waist & I eventually kissed her lips softly. She closed her eyes, giving in. At first it was a faint & delicate kiss but it grew more rough. I was kissing her hungrily. My hands roamed around her body, touching her curves but the cloths were getting in the way. I wanted to touch her skin. I wanted to feel the softness of her skin. Her hands went around my neck. We kept kissing.

"I need more Avni. Your only craving me for more." I whispered in between the kisses. I went down her neck & continued kissing & sucking her. I couldn't resist. She must be thinking I'm a leech. I couldn't stop sucking on her sweet spot. My brain stopped working. Then suddenly the elevator started working. Realizing what we did, she looked up at me shocked. Her face was all pink, lips were swollen & there was a hickey on her neck.

"I'm so sorry sir. This is wrong your my boss. I don't know how I got carried away. I'm really sorry." Avni said panicking.

"Avni stop! First of all stop calling me sir. And secondly, stop apologizing. I don't regret whatever just happened. I have feelings for you & I know you do too!" I said. Little does she know of my evil plans.

She blushes again looking away.

I dropped her home. I held her hand before she left, and kissed her on the cheeks. Her face was so pink from blushing. It was distracting me.

"Neil. Do you want to come inside & meet my dad?" She said smiling.

" I will sweetheart. But next time. It's really late right now." I said.

Next day. The headlines were going crazy. There was news about me and Avni after the elevator incident. I had camera's in the elevator on purpose to defame her. Or should I say, defame Ashish Mehta.

Authors POV.

Avni came into neil's office the next day. She was in rage. Her eyes were so red and puffy as if she cried for hours.

"How dare you?! How could you?! You played with my feelings?? Just to take a stupid revenge on me for arguing with you on the car incident?? You are disgusting Neil Khanna!!" Said said screaming.

"Shut up!" He said back in rage. He held her by the shoulders and roughly pinned her to the wall.

"Sweetheart. It's much more than you think. This was just a small teaser. There's much more to come in the news." Neil says with evilness.

"Why did you do this Neil?" Avni said. A tear almost threatening to fall down her eyes. She was so betrayed. She trusted him.

"Because of you, my dad slapped me & kicked me out of the house." She said. Her voice almost broken.

"Ahhh there's some progress!" Neil says.

"But that's not all Avni. You will have to pay for what your dad did to me. And until you don't, you will have to go through the pain I went through because of your dad!!" Neil says.

"What are you saying Neil! Stop this rubbish! What did my dad do to you??" Avni says, confused.

"Your Dad use to work for my dad years ago. My dad trusted Ashish Mehta so much. And what did Ashish Mehta do? He took away everything from my dad by making him sign false papers. He destroyed my family. He took over whatever my father had. But today, I have even much more. I have more power. If I want I could hold you right here and rape you & no one could do anything about it!" Neil says harshly.

"Stop it Neil! Just stop. You have no idea what you did to me. You broke my trust. My heart. I can't believe I was feeling for you. I'm so ashamed of myself. Don't you dare lay a finger on my dad. He can never do that! Now you wait & watch. YOU are the one that will pay for playing with my feelings." Avni snaps back.

"Well I guess that's a challenge Avni. Let the revenge game begin. But remember, I will always be the winner." Neil says smirking.

"Tonight. We're getting married Avni. Be ready. By hook or crook, you're going to be in my bed tonight." Neil says while letting her arm go.

"How dare you! I will never marry you Neil Khanna! I will die but I won't marry you ever! Avni says with raging with fire.

"We will see tonight sweetheart. Opps.. I mean to be wifey!" Neil says huskily.

To be continued 😉

Hey guys! Thanks for supporting my story & reading it. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Plz let me know your feedback in the comments & if I shall continue & don't forget to vote & share with others! Xoxo

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