Arrested (C7)

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Hello peeps!! As promised I am here with the update.

Happy reading.

After Ali's little confession, Avneil left the room to give the couple their space and privacy. They came out and were sitting on sofa. They needed some solid plan to close Vidyut's chapter. They were sure that this knuckle-head must have done some crimes in his past or else this goof ball must have had some sense in his brain.

Avni and Neil decided to do a thorough background check of this Electricity. At the point of time, they can't risk anything by trusting some random officers. They need some solid trustable person to carry out their un-official mission. As always, DD is the one they trust. They asked DD to bring the details of Vidyut's family. They also asked DD to see for any criminal cases recorded under Vidyut Pandit.

To their luck they got some interesting news regarding him. They got to know that Vidyut is the only son of Ragini Pandit, who is a bloody brothel runner. The details about his father were unknown. The one news that caught their eye is about Vidyut father being killed. Initially, the case was proceeded with Vidyut as the main suspect. But later on, his mother came into picture and she independently surrendered herself saying she killed her husband. This case was registered in a remote town of west Bengal. They knew there is no way of the case re-opening. They have to get to him in their own way.

Ali came out from Riya's room. He told them that Riya slept. He revealed a news about Vidyut. According to Riya, Vidyut used to supply illegal drugs to the students of their college. Although there were many proofs of him doing that act but none could do anything due to his mother's influence. Both politically and financially. They knew this news in a huge turn over to their 'Mission Vidyut'.

Avni wanted to get her own way with that Vidyut. She wanted to go illegally. Whereas, Neil wanted to sue him legally. There went an argument between the two about the same thing. Avni felt it is a waste of time to collect evidences and she was sure that this court and its statement will mean nothing to that goof ball. They mutually decided to go legally until the situation is in their hands. This looked fair to both of them.

At night

Avni wanted to go back to her house. Ali wanted to stay with Riya. Neil was also going to go back to his house. He was totally against the idea of leaving Avni alone. He can't think about the things this Vidyut guy is capable of doing. He insisted to stay with her. She reasoned out that their families trust them and they should not jump any barriers. Then he asked her to come along with him to Khanna Mansion but she is way too stubborn to accept his pleas. Having nothing to do with he alerted the guard to stay awake and inform him right away if someone comes to meet Avni. He kissed Avni and left from there.



Someone knocked on the door. I had no clue who it was, so I opened the door. He looked really odd and creepy. I didn't recognize him. But his face seemed familiar. I was utterly bewildered at the realization that struck me. He is Vidyut. He wasn't allowed to be standing at my doorstep. I wondered what the F my guard is doing out there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, I knew he knew that I knew him. He made his way inside my house.

"What-are-you-doing-here?" he restated, stretching each and every word as much as he could, and ended with a cruel chuckle. I wondered how rude can a person be? "You know.. This is the worst question any girl can ask me" he mocked. "Anyway, why are you so stunned? Am I not allowed to pay you a visit?" he added and winked at me. I wasn't happy to see him at all instead I am afraid seeing him. But I didn't let my feelings dance on my face.

"NO, you cannot just barge into my house. Let me remind you, you aren't allowed to walk through that door." I said pointing towards the main door. I eyed him, who is now grinning at me like a idiot. Hr was tall, well-built and kinda looked odd. But then, what to say expect that odd people at odd times in odd places should be clue enough for danger. Everything about the scene in front of me insinuated me.

"C'mon I thought you must have known me. Riya darling must have told you who I am and what I am capable of doing." He said and stood still for a moment. His eyes looked straight into mine, and the monotonous glances are cold and cruel.

"Enough, will out just get out my house", I barked at me. I still don't know from where I got the strength.

"Hey.. wait for a second, at least. Don't you want to know why I came here?"


"I got to know that you were alone at home so I came to meet you. Otherwise your possessive boyfriend will never ever allow me to meet you sweetheart"

"Don't call me that", I gritted my teeth at his words. "How the F you know that I am alone at home?" I asked puzzled and terrified at the same time

"Well.. When you are alone. Why can't we go out somewhere?" he replied completely ignoring my previous question. What does he think? I'm that gullible. I may look innocent and docile but only I know the rage inside me.

"No way in hell! I'm not going anywhere", I asserted and tried to sound normal against the seeping terror in me. I don't know why he wanted me to come out with him.

"What..?" he pursed his lips but I could see the latent anger building up inside him. He could not mask his animal face from me.

"I. Won't. Come. With. You." I pronounced every syllable distinctly for the moron to accept my rejection. I would never go anywhere. I was a fool to even get into a conversation with him. I just want Neil to come here right away. I can't stand this greasy head anymore.

His faced changed and it clearly depicted anger. I knew I am in danger. He can hurt me but he still couldn't care less. His eyes turned cold. I have to find a way before he could do anything. I saw him moving toward the sofa-side table. By his actions, I am sure he is going o hit me with the vase.

Before he could do anything, I got hold of the nearby object and knocked his head. Thankfully, I hit him with a candle stand and now, he is whimpering while holding his head. My damn fast instincts.

I caught it as a chance and moved towards my room to get my mobile and inform Neil to come over. I was about to step on the stairs when someone pulled me by my ankle. I fell down, flat on my back. I felt a sharp pain in my head and my eyes started rolling. I felt dizzy. Damn, I should have been careful. I shouldn't fall weak at this point.

I stood and grabbed his hair in my fists. I pulled it hard. He winced in pain. I kicked him In his stomach and simultaneously he threw me back. I knocked my head on the first step of stairs. I so wanted to kill that moron.

I tried to stand on my feet but the pain got severe. Almost in defeat, I knocked my head back on the ground. From the corner of my eyes I could see Vidyut still holding his head. The hit must have been strong. I slowly stood on my feet. My eyes travelled around the hall. I found a metal room spray bottle. With a single knock I hit his head 10 times harder than the previous one. That's it Vidyut is lying flat on the floor of my hall with just two knocks. I mentally appreciated my guts.

I dropped on to the couch in hall, looking at the devil's body in front of me. I don't know what to do. My mind went completely blank. The only thought that managed to deep in my mind is Neil. YES, I have to call him. Before I could move from my place I heard loud rush outside. With no time Neil barged from the door. Although, I wanted to see him, I was shocked to see him.

I did what my heart suggested. I ran and jumped right into his arms. He was taken a little back but covered his arms around my body. Finally, my heart is at peace. I don't know when I started crying but I felt my body shake in his arms. He was whispering sweet nothings to me but it seemed nothing really entered into my brain.

I kept on sobbing in his arms. I don't know why I am crying. He walked to the couch while I am still crying in his embrace. He sat down with me falling on his lap. After sometime, my breaths calmed down and I noticed he is rubbing my back and hairs. It kind of soothed me. I pulled out a little from his embrace and looked at him. I am sure my face must be tear stained and kajal smudged.

He sighed and held me to him as close as possible. Our faces are inches apart. His eyes closed and my eyes partially open with all the cries. Our foreheads met. I don't know what I will do without him in my life.

"Thank god you are safe" I heard him whisper before taking me back into his arms. Although, my head is still paining a lot I fell asleep in his arms maybe due to exhaustion.


Previously, the guard had informed Neil when Vidyut came to meet Avni. Neil knew Avni will be in hostage if the guard enters the Mansion. So, he asked the guard to wait till he comes there. When he came there he saw Vidyut lying on the floor and Avni sitting on the couch. As soon as she saw him, Avni came running to Neil and hugged him. Neil understood that she is terribly afraid and he needed to sooth her. His first and foremost priority is Avni.

After Avni fell asleep In his arms. Neil took her to her room and made her sleep comfortably. Amidst the face of his love crying so badly, he had almost forgotten the living life-less body that is still unmoved downstairs. He patted her to sleep and went down to check.

To his fortune, the guard had already tied his hands and legs and Vidyut is currently held shut by a plaster on his mouth. There is no chance for the Vidyut to escape.

He called DD and informed him about the happenings. Soon, DD came with the force and took Vidyut along with them. DD asked Neil to come along with him to interrogate Vidyut. But Neil can't leave Avni alone. So, he asked DD to post pone and interrogation to the next day.

To be continued..

That's it for the chapter. I have to stop it her as it is getting too long. I know this is kind of rushed but I really want to show something else in future updates.


Please let me know If  I should continue this story or not

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