Vidyut.. (C5)

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Hello peeps!! I am overwhelmed with your response. This is the 5th chapter of this series. Of course it is a milestone. So, yeah cheers to all my lovely readers.

Happy reading.

Avneil reached Riya's house. They swiftly went towards the window and watched through it. The sight in front of them shook them to the core. Their facade expressed a kind of terror and fear.

Avni started feeling anxious. Neil held her and comforted her. They saw Riya pleading a person while joining her hands. She is on floor amidst the pool of blood. She is begging the person to leave her. The person showed no mercy. He kicked her hard with the metal flower vase. Riya once again collapsed on to the floor.

The kick of the person brought Avneil out of their trance. Both knew what they have to do. Neil has to save the love of his friend. Avni has to save her best friend.

Avneil were born with brilliant brains. They never need to be told about what to do. They very well knew how to react at times. Neil is a man of substance while Avni is a born ladydon.

Only thing that came into their mind at that time is to ensure Riya's safety and they were sure that they will do it by hook or by crook. They can see to this intruder later also.

They did what they felt as best. They went towards the entrance door and rung the bell.

**At the same time inside Riya's house**

Riya was badly beaten up by the person. She is begging and pleading him to leave her. But still the heart less man showed no mercy on the poor girl. It was as if he is taking revenge from her.

He kicked her in her stomach and harmed her with the metal vase.

When he was about to launch another kick in her belly, he heard the bell ringing. He started panicking. What if some sees him there. The only thought in his mind is to run away before someone sees him. He went towards the open window and jumped out. Before moving out of the house he warned Riya..

"Ye mat socho ki mei tumhe chod raha hu.. You still have a lot to payback for insulting me." The man told Riya in his screechy voice.

Riya couldn't bring out any strength to open the door. With the very little strength left in her she stood up and went towards the door. Before she could reach there, she slumped onto the floor like a lifeless body causing the nearby miniature arts to fall down, which in turn made loud sound.

**Back to Avneil**

They were patiently waiting outside for the door to open. With the each minute passing they were only losing their patience.

They heard some loud noise from inside. That's it. With a THUD, Neil kicked and opened the door.

They saw a lifeless Riya on the floor near the door. Avni's heart nearly fell out from her throat. Neil was so stunned to react. But he is the first one to come out from the shock.

He lifted Riya's body and took her to her room. Avni's eyes just followed his action while her eyes refused to leave Riya and are still darted on Riya.

Neil placed Riya on the bed. He came out of the room and saw Avni still rooted at her previous spot. She was neither blinking nor it looked like she was breathing.

Neil started moving towards her. In the process he reached her. With his left hand around her shoulder he pulled her close to himself. With his right hand he held the phone close to right ear.

As soon as DD lifted the call, Neil asked him to bring the doctor to Riya's place without any ado. DD, An inspector in the busy Mumbai. For Neil, he the most loyal friend and just a call away at any time.

After cutting the call, he pulled Avni much closer. Avni started weeping silently. He has seen the bond between Avni and Riya. They were just like sisters from other mothers. He knew Avni would find it really hard to get through it and he have to be strong for her sake. He kissed Avni's hair and hugged her.


Avni and Neil were waiting outside Riya's room. The doctor has been inside for 25 minutes. They didn't find any traces of the doctor coming out.

Before the doctor Arrived, Neil called a maid and asked her to clean up the mess. Neil didn't let Avni stay in the hall. Because he knew she will panic seeing all the blood and hence, he didn't want to take any chance.

During the whole period before doctor arrived, Avni sat with Riya holding her hand in protective hold. She didn't want to leave Riya side. But unfortunately, the doctor needs to continue with the treatment so she left from the room.

After some more time, the doctor came to out.

"Doctor, Riya tikh hei naa" Avni was the first one to react as soon as the doctor came out.

"She suffered internal bleeding. But nothing much serious the bleeding can be controlled by medication and Please ask her to rest. She shouldn't move her body. It will pain her perilously. Take care of her" Doctor said

"Yes doctor we will. And when will she gain conciousness" Avneil said in unison.

"Okay, she will get consciousness within 30 minutes"

"These medicines are to be used according to the dosage written" Doctor said while handing the prescription.

Neil went along with the doctor and asked DD to take him to his place. He handed over the prescription to DD and asked him to bring the required medicines.

Even though, all this fiasco must be registered under police, with the cooperation of DD, Neil and Avni managed the doctor to treat Riya and kept this ignominy at low profile.


Both Avni and Neil were waiting for Riya to gain the consciousness. They wanted to ask her about the intruder.

Soon, they found some movement in Riya's body. Within seconds Avni is by her side. Riya slowly opened her eyes but shut them as soon as she felt a sharp pain in the side of her stomach. Avni comforted her and after few minutes Riya was able to take in her surroundings. She then looked at Avni and Neil whose eyes were fixed on her.

Avni made her sit and she went to stand alongside Neil.

"So are you going to tell us about the intruder?" Neil asked Riya.

Riya feared about this moment. She never wanted anyone to know about him and her. She started to dug in her mind for some excuses.

"And don't you dare lie to us. I swear I'll kill you if I hear something other than the truth" Avni tried to threaten her because they need to know the truth to save her from whoever the person.

Having no way to cover up. She decided to speak up the truth.

"He.. He iss.. Vidyut"

Back to back 2 updates in less than 9 hours that too long wala. Show some mercy on me guys. Appreciate me for it.. *Pouts*

That's it for the chapter. I know it's a kinda cliffhanger but this satisfies the little devil in me. Next update will be soon if I get satisfied with your response.

The views are increasing but the votes and comments aren't. C'mon silent readers it's time to show the world who you are.

Vote and Comment all of you. It really feels good to read all your views. Only your comments can satisfy the devil in me.

Criticism is more welcomed. Do let me know if it is bad or good.

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