Chapter 11

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Third Person's POV

Rajveer was getting inside his jeep to go out of the academy to meet Chaubey when he heard Naina calling him.

"Sir, are you going somewhere?" Naina asked Rajveer, to which he replied, "Yes, Cadet Singh. I have some important work to attend do. But why are you asking?"

"Sir, the mentorship program's second task is after five days, and I wanted to know when we can meet and discuss that task," Naina told him hesitantly because this is not the reason why she stopped him.

She stopped him because she wanted to talk with him. She does not understand why she is feeling this way.

'Why do I want to speak with him? Why do I want to see that small smile he gives me while talking? Why do I want to feel a strange kind of warmth when I hear his voice?' All these questions ran through Nana's mind, bus she had no answer for them.

"Umm, Cadet Singh, I am in a hurry now, and I need to go. I will inform you when we can meet and discuss the task, ok?" Rajveer told her, and Naina nodded at him.

Smiling at her, Rajveer climbed inside the jeep and drove away.

Huda smirked, watching Captain Rajveer drive away from a distance.

He has already cut the jeep's brake wires, so there is no chance for Captain to come back alive.

He had been shocked when he had gotten the call from Indian Intelligence, telling him that Captain Rajveer Singh Shekhawat is a spy in the academy.

They had then asked for his help, and he had readily agreed.

With Captain Rajveer out of the picture, not only will the country be secured, but Naina will also be his now.


All the Cadets assembled in the academy hall as ordered by Brigadier Chandok.

Naina was also there, wondering why the urgent assembly is being called on.

She did not have to ponder it for long, though, because Brigadier arrived in the hall and stood behind the podium, looking grim.

"I have assembled all of you here to give one bad news regarding one of our faculty members," Brigadier started speaking, and Naina felt a sudden fear in her heart.

She scanned the hall to look for Rajveer, but he was not there.

'What if--' she began thinking but suddenly shook her head.

'No. Nothing can happen to Rajveer Sir. He has just gone out, and he will be back soon,' she reassured herself and looked up when Brigadier started speaking again.

"It is about our communication and strategy teacher, Captain Rajveer Singh Shekhawat. I just got an information that his jeep is found in a bad way below one bridge. The jeep has been so badly burnt that there is no chance for Captain Rajveer to be alive. This is....," Brigadier continued speaking, but Naina heard nothing beyond that.

She just could not process the news.

'How can it be? How can he just go like this? He had told me that he would support me. He had promised me that he would fight for me. No, he cannot go like this. He cannot be dead. I refuse to believe this.' With that thought in her mind, she ran to her room when Brigadier dismissed them.

Ritu saw Naina run from the assembly hall and smirked.

'Run Cadet Singh. Now, you are just running to your room here at KMA, but soon you will be running for your life, and this time, Captain Rajveer won't be here to save you.' Ritu's smirk widened at that thought.


Rajveer opened his eyes slowly, blinking as he did so to adjust his vision.

He looked around his surrounding and tried to stand up, only to find both his hands and legs tied to the chair where he was seated.

He tried to remember how he got to this place but could not remember anything beyond his jeep's brakes not working and then crashing into one tree near the bridge.

He looked around, hoping to figure out a way to escape from there.

He noticed it was a small room with a window about 5 feet above him.

He focused, listening carefully, and heard some people talking outside the room.

"Who is there? Who is outside?" Rajveer shouted, and the door immediately opened.

A man who looked like a local goon walked inside the room with a gun in his hand.

"Oh, you are awake, Captain? Good for you.

"Now listen to me very carefully. You have been brought here just for a few days. My boys and I will take good care of you here, and once our work is finished, we will release you.

"We will not harm you in any way unless you try to run. So, be our good guest for a few days, and after that, you can go back to KMA," the goon told him, and Rajveer was confused.

'What can be their motive behind kidnapping me for a few days? What is their plan?' He thought and was immediately concerned about Naina.

He wondered if this is Ritu's plan to make him disappear for a few days so that she could get rid of Naina.


Naina paced in her room, thinking about what Brigadier had said.

Rajveer Sir's jeep was found in a bad condition, but his body is still not found.

This can mean that Rajveer Sir may still be alive.

'Yes. He is alive. He has to be,' Naina thought and wondered how to find out about his whereabouts.

No one in the academy knows yet that she had completed her education as a criminal lawyer before joining KMA.

Naveen had been declared a traitor when she was in her first year, and he had died three years before the completion of her study.

After his death, she had completed her degree because it was not only hers but also Naveen's dream to see her wearing that black coat.

After completing her education, she had even practiced law for a year, and she was good at it.

She had tried to move on after Naveen's death. She had tried to forget everything for the sake of her parents, but the lawyer and the sister in her had refused to do so.

That is why she left everything behind and joined KMA to prove her brother's innocence.

Now, thinking about what Brigadier had said earlier, she could feel that something is wrong in all this.

She knew that she needed to investigate it properly and get to Rajveer Sir before it was too late.



I looked around my surrounding, trying to find a way out, but it seems as if the odds are not in my favor.

The room is bare without anything that could help me to cut my ropes. The goons who keep an eye on me have been careful not to leave anything for me to use.

From what I have observed, I know there are four people keeping an eye on me, and one of them is their leader. There is always someone outside my room to ensure I do not try anything to escape from here.

The only outsider who comes here is the food delivery boy who delivers food two times every day.

I had even tried once to signal that boy, but those goons shut me up by gagging me. Now the only time the gag is removed from my mouth is when they bring food for me to eat.

As I stay here, being locked up, my mind has numerous times wandered to KMA and Naina.

I am concerned for Naina. I have a feeling whoever locked me here did so because they want to harm Naina in my absence. And my intuition says it is none other than Ritu's plan.

After all, who else other than her in KMA would have a motive to harm Naina?

Who else other than her would have the contacts and resources to keep me locked up here?

I used my sheer force against the chain in an attempt to break it.



But nothing happened. I could not break free no matter how much force I applied.

It's already been two days that I have been here, helpless to do anything.

If only I could do something, anything to get out of here.



I walked into the mess and sat at an empty table, frustrated with myself.

It has been two days since Rajveer Sir is missing, and I do not have any clue about his whereabouts.

The only relief I have is that the search for Rajveer Sir's body is still ongoing, and they have not been able to find the body yet.

This means that there is still a hope of Rajveer Sir being alive.

I had called my informer, Chandu, to find about Rajveer Sir, but he still has not called back.

Chandu had been in Nainital when I had called him, and he was happy to work for me again.

Chandu had been my informer when I was practicing law, and he is a reliable and smart person. I believe he will definitely find something regarding Rajveer Sir's whereabouts.

But my patience is running out now.

I feel like Rajveer Sir is in danger. Given the circumstances--his jeep being found under the bridge and him missong since then--the only logical explanation here is he has been attacked and possibly abducted.

That is why I cannot just sit here, not doing anything for him. I want to do something to help him but for that I need to at least know where he is and what I can do to help him.

I jolted out of my thoughts when I saw Huda sit on the empty chair in front of me.

"Are you lost in my thoughts, beautiful?" He smiled flirtatiously at me, and I rolled my eyes.

I am so not in the mood for this right now.

"Look, Huda, I have told you multiple times before, and I will tell you for the last time today. Stop flirting with me. I was not, am not, and will never be interested in you. It will be better for both of us if you understand that and leave me alone," I told him sternly and stormed off from there.


"Yes, Chandu. Tell me. Did you find anything?" I asked Chandu after receiving his call.

Although the cadets are not allowed to bring mobile phones, I had brought one with me because I knew it would be handy to have one if I needed to contact someone outside the academy during my investigation about Naveen's case.

Since Pooja is still awake, I had to come inside the bathroom to receive the call.

"Yes, madam. Chandu has good news. Captain Rajveer is alive and is being kept in a warehouse about 8 kms from the academy. Four goons are keeping an eye on him," Chandu told me.

Hearing that, I breathed a sigh of relief. I am glad to know Rajveer Sir is alive. I hope he is well too.

"Ok, Chandu. That is great news. But how can we rescue him from there? Is there any way to get to him?" I asked him.

I have already decided I will go out of the academy tonight to rescue him, but I need a proper plan for that.

"It seems difficult to get to him, madam, because four goons are present there, guarding him for the whole 24 hours.

"They do not even go out to eat. They order food and a delivery boy brings them food twice a day," Chandu told me.

I listened to Chandu carefully, the wheels in my mind churning about what to do in such situation.

After thinking for a while, I had a perfect plan to rescue Rajveer Sir.

'Well, I hope it is perfect.'

Thinking that, I started speaking. "Listen to me very carefully, Chandu. I know you have contacts who can get you sleeping pills.

"Get those pills and then try to talk with that delivery boy when he would be on his way to deliver the food tonight. Then, create an opportunity and mix those pills in the food.

"We do not know which food they will give to Rajveer Sir, so we need to mix pills in all food parcels," I told Chandu.

"But what if Captain Rajveer also eats that food?" Chandu asked me.

"This is where Naveen's codes will come to play. He used to play code games with me, and once he had mentioned that apart from me, he has also told about these codes to Captain Rajveer.

"So, after mixing sleeping pills in each food, write CN MNS DZS on each cover of the food. Do you understand?" I asked to confirm if Chandu knew what he should do.

I need Chandu to do exactly what I tell him and not mess up because one wrong step and both Rajveer Sir and I might get into big trouble.

"Ok, madam. I will do as you say. Please message me that code. So, when I write it, I would not make any mistake," Chandu told me and hung up the call.

I quickly messaged him the code and walked out of the bathroom, thinking about how I would go out of the academy tonight.


Third Person's POV

Sitting on her bed, Ritu listened intently to what the person at the other end said.

Everything was set up exactly how she wanted.

Satisfied with the arrangements, Ritu hung up the call and smiled.

'No one can save you now, Cadet Naina Singh Ahluwalia. Not even your mentor, Captain Rajveer,' she thought and smirked evilly.

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