Chapter 13

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Third Person's POV

After bidding goodbye to Chandu, Naina and Rajveer started walking through the forest to get to KMA.

Rajveer had decided not to use the car from which Naina had arrived, not to attract the goons looking for Naina.

Rajveer knew the location, and he also knew a shortcut to reach KMA through the forest.

So, they were walking to get to KMA.

"So, tell me now, Naina, how did you find out where I was?" Rajveer was curious to know the answer.

He also wanted to know who Chandu was, why he helped Naina, and why he called her Madam.

"Well, Sir, you just met Chandu. He was the one who found about your whereabouts, and then I instructed him to mix those sleeping pills in the food and write that code on the cover.

"Naveen had once mentioned to me that he had taught his code game to you too, and I had a feeling you would remember it," Naina explained to him.

Rajveer was amazed, hearing her explanation. He could not help it. She is just amazing. He has never been this impressed with anyone in his life before.

"And how do you know Chandu? And why was he calling you Madam?" Rajveer asked her, and Naina was about to answer, but both stiffened when they heard a noise behind them.

Turning around, they saw a goon pointing a gun at Naina, and before Rajveer could react, the goon fired the bullet at Naina.

Everything happened so fast that Naina could not process anything.

One moment she was standing frozen in her spot after hearing the gunshot, and the next moment she was pushed to the ground by Rajveer Sir, who had taken the bullet for her.

Even when the bullet hit him, Rajveer did not heed to the pain because that goon again pointed the gun at Naina.

Rajveer quickly acted and took out the gun he had taken while exiting the warehouse.

He then fired his shot, which hit the goon on his forehead, causing him to drop dead within seconds.

Naina stilled for a while because this is the first time she saw someone being shot dead in front of her eyes.

But she quickly composed herself, remembering Rajveer was also shot.

"Sir, are you fine?" She shouted, walking toward Rajveer.

"Yes, Naina, I am fine. But we need to get to KMA fast. Five other people are still looking for you to kill you, and they must have heard the gunshot. We need to run now," Rajveer told her, gripping his left arm where he had sustained the bullet wound.


Naina did not know how they reached there, but she was glad to see KMA's gate at the near distance.

Rajveer had been hit with a bullet on his left arm, and it was still bleeding. She urgently needed to get him to KMA'S infirmary.

"Let us go fast, Sir. We are not too far now. Once we reach KMA, we will straight go to Dr. Shalini first," Naina told him, her voice laced with worry for him.

Rajveer liked seeing her worry for him.

He has been alone all his life with no one to worry for him, and he was fine with it.

He had not needed anyone before. But now, seeing her worried about him, it made him feel special.

He did not know why, but he liked it when she worried about him.

"No, Naina. I will go through that academy front door alone. You will have to climb inside the academy through the wall. No one in the academy should know that you had gone out to rescue me," Rajveer told her.

"But why, Sir? It is not as if I did something wrong. I had gone to rescue you. Why would I get in trouble for that?" Naina was confused.

"Because Naina, you just underwent a trial, and Brigadier Chandok has just now allowed you to stay in KMA.

"I do not know what Brigadier will do if he finds out you escaped from the academy without his permission, and I do not want to risk it," Rajveer told her.

"But Sir, you are injured. How will you go alone?" Naina fretted about his injury, and Rajveer smiled.

"Naina, I am a trained soldier, and I have sustained worse injuries than this in my missions.

"And the academy gate is just 5 minutes away now. So, do not worry and listen to me carefully.

"I will go first and create a distraction. When all the guards come to the gate, I will signal you. You then climb the farthest wall from the front gate and get into the academy through that wall. Ok?" He briefed her and walked towards the gate when she nodded.


Naina was pacing in front of the infirmary waiting for Dr. Shalini to come out.

After entering the academy, she had rushed to her room first and was relieved to see Pooja not yet returned.

She had then quickly rearranged the pillows on her bed and changed.

She had then come out of the room to meet Aalekh to ask about Rajveer Sir.

Aalekh told her he had been taken to the infirmary to be treated.

So, she is pacing in front of the infirmary now, concerned about his injury.

She does not know why she is this much worried about him.

Yes, she is grateful that he saved her life, but why is she so much concerned about him?

'I feel as if the mere thought of something happening to him is enough to rob me of my breath. But why?' Naina wondered.

When Brigadier Chandok had announced Captain Rajveer's jeep being found in a bad way, she had felt the same worry then too.

She had been worried sick about him and had been praying for his safety all the time.

She has never felt like this for anyone before.

What is happening to her?

Why is she feeling all this for him?

Is it because she needs his help for her mission or because of something else?

She had many questions running through her mind, but not even one answer to those questions.

Suddenly, the infirmary's door opened, jolting her out of her reverie.

Dr. Shalini came out of the infirmary abd Naina quickly walked towards her.

"Is Rajveer Sir ok, Ma'am?" Naina asked Shalini frantically, and Shalini was a bit surprised seeing Naina worry for Rajveer.

"Yes, Cadet. Captain Rajveer is fine now and is sleeping because of the painkillers and sedatives I gave him. But aren't you a bit too much worried about him?" Shalini raised her eyebrows at Naina.

"Umm, it's nothing like that, Ma'am. Rajveer Sir is my mentor, and as you know, we have a second task to perform after three days.

"I am worried if he will be able to perform that task because if not, it will affect my grades," Naina lied smoothly, hoping Dr. Shalini would believe her.

"You do not have to worry, Cadet. It was lucky that the bullet just touched his arm.

"I have already cleaned and bandaged his wound. He will be fine in 1-2 days, and he will definitely be able to perform that second task with you.

"Since it is almost time for the lights out, you too go to your room now. You can meet your mentor tomorrow," Shalini told Naina, and nodding her head, Naina walked toward her room.


Ritu felt like shouting in frustration.

She had taken that stupid cadet, Pooja Ghai, with her and had endured her nonsensical cellphone talks for hours so Naina would be alone in the room, and her men would be able to go there and kill her.

But when she returned, she had found Naina to be perfectly well and alive, and even Captain Rajveer had been able to escape and return to the academy.

This was the second time that her plan failed, and her boss was so mad at her that he has called her back, telling her that she is not competent enough to handle this mission.

Now, Major Bhargav is the only one who is going to stay here and complete their mission.

This is the first time her boss was enraged at her. Usually, he is happy with her because all of her plans usually succeeded.

But this time, because of Captain Rajveer Singh Shekhawat and Cadet Naina Singh Ahluwalia, she had to endure all that scolding and have to go back now even before she could complete her mission.

"No. I will not give up so fast. I will return soon, and when I do, I will show them both how bad it can get when they mess with someone like me," Ritu vowed to herself and started packing her bags.


Huda hung up the call, frustrated at the turn of events. He had thought Captain Rajveer would be dead after what he did with the jeep, but no, he did not die. Instead, the Captain has returned, very much alive.

He just got another call from Indian Intelligence, telling him they need to act fast before Captain Rajveer succeeds in his mission.

He thought for a while and a small smile formed on his face.

He knows exactly what to do to remove Captain Rajveer out of the way.

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