Chapter 17

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"Naina, you look amazing tonight," Huda complimented Naina, smiling at her.

"Thank you, Huda." Naina smiled back at him.

Encouraged by her smile, Huda felt more confident.

"How about a dance, Naina? Maybe you will be charmed by my dancing skills," he said to her, and she rolled her eyes.

"Well, Huda, you have your date, and I have mine. So, instead of dancing with each other, let us just dance with our dates," she replied, and he was a little disappointed.

"Huda, stop playing your ringtone in front of Naina now. She already has her connection set with Rajveer Sir. You do not have any chance in front of him," Pooja quipped, and Naina was surprised hearing her.

"What are you saying, Pooja? Who told you all this nonsense? Nothing is going on between me and Rajveer Sir." Naina fumed at Pooja.

"Why should Pooja stop saying that, Naina? You cannot shut her up because she is telling the truth. Major Bhargav has been hinting towards yours and Rajveer Sir's relationship from the beginning, and now we can see it too.

"The way you and Rajveer Sir talk with each other, it seems like there is something more than mentor protégé relationship going on between you two," Ali backed Pooja, and Naina was stunned hearing all that.

'Where is all this coming from? Why suddenly the fingers are pointing towards me and Rajveer Sir?' Naina's head was reeling with the questions when she heard Aalekh speak.

"Nothing is going on between them. And even if something is going on, what is wrong with it? It is their life, and they can do whatever they want to," Aalekh told Ali and Pooja.

"Aalekh, how can you say that? Captain Rajveer is our teacher, and he is also Naina's mentor. How can it be ok for a teacher and a student to fall in love with each other? This is against KMA's rule." Huda was incensed after hearing Aalekh.

'How can Naina be someone else's other than mine?' He thought.

"You guys have lost it. Instead of supporting your friend, you all are concentrating on that Bhargav's disgusting implications. I don't even want to see you guys right now, let alone sit with you and enjoy this party with you," Aalekh told Ali, Pooja, and Huda and turned to Naina.

"Let us go from here, Naina. No matter how much you try to explain it to them, they will not understand." Saying that, Aalekh grabbed Naina's hand and walked away from there.

Yudi was silently watching the scene unfold, but when Aalekh walked away with Naina, he too followed them.


"Man, that was intense," Yudi said to Naina and Aalekh once they reached the bar.

Glaring at Yudi, Aalekh grabbed a drink and was about to take a sip when Rajveer and Shalini arrived there.

"Don't you think you should go light on the drinks, Cadet?" Shalini asked Aalekh, who, in turn, just rolled his eyes at her and gulped down the whole drink.

All of them shook their head, seeing Aalekh's antics.

"So, Cadets, why are you not dancing?" Rajveer asked them, sensing tension amongst them.

Earlier, he had seen the six of them argue. He was unable to hear what they were talking about, but knew it was some kind of argument from the way they were talking.

"Umm, it's just that we just arrived now, Sir. We will join others on the dance floor soon," Naina answered Rajveer.

Her mood has turned sour after hearing what Pooja, Ali, and Huda said, but she will not give them the satisfaction by leaving the party.

Rajveer could see Naina was disturbed by something.

He was about to ask her about it when Brigadier Chandok joined them.

"Good evening, everyone. Are you all enjoying the party?" Brigadier greeted them.

"Yes, Sir. The ball is properly organized this year. We are indeed enjoying," Shalini replied to Brigadier cheerfully.

"You look beautiful, Dr. Shalini, and also you, Cadet Naina Singh," Brigadier complimented both the ladies and they smiled at him.

"So, how about one dance then, Sir?" Naina asked Brigadier.

Rajveer raised his eyebrows, hearing Naina. He has never seen any cadet ask Brigadier for a dance.

'She is Naina, after all.' He looked fondly at her.

From standing her ground in front of her seniors to punishing Major Nair for his deed, he has seen her do all those things which he has never seen other cadets do.

"I would have loved to dance with you, Cadet Singh. But I am too old for this type of music. Why don't you dance with your mentor instead?" Brigadier said to Naina and then turned to face Rajveer.

"Won't you ask your protégé for one dance, Captain?" Brigadier asked Rajveer.

"Umm, sure, Sir," Rajveer replied, glad to have gotten a chance to dance with Naina.

"Would you like to dance with me, Cadet Naina Singh?" He asked, and extended his hand toward her.

"It will be my pleasure, Sir," Naina replied him, keeping her hand in his.

Once Rajveer led Naina to the dance floor, Shalini turned to Brigadier Chandok.

"Well, Sir, you denied Cadet Singh, but you cannot deny me. You will have to dance with me," she said to Brigadier.

"Dr. Shalini, I--" Brigadier started saying but was interrupted by Shalini.

"No buts, Sir. It is not chivalrous for an army Brigadier to refuse a lady for one dance," Shalini told Brigadier, and he sighed.

"Oh, all right, Dr. Shalini. Just one dance then." Saying that, Brigadier led Shalini to the dance floor.

Now, only Yudi and Aalekh were left behind at the bar.

"Do you think something is going on between Captain Rajveer and Naina?" Yudi asked Aalekh.

He looked at how Rajveer and Naina were dancing and could not help but think if there was something more than a mentor protégé relationship between them.

"Why do you want to know? Do you also want to judge them? Do you also want to tell Naina that it is wrong?" Aalekh glared at Yudi.

"Cool down, man. I am just asking. And who am I to judge them? After all, we cannot decide who we fall in love with. It just happens." Yudi looked at Shalini on the dance floor while saying that.

Aalekh noticed a soft, tender look in Yudi's eyes, and followed his gaze. He noticed Yudi was staring at Dr. Shalini.

Seeing that, Aalekh rolled his eyes. He felt like he was in a romantic movie where everyone was falling in love.


Naina was very aware of his closeness. Of his warm hands on her waist against her dress. She could feel the strength of those hands and could not help but wonder how perfect it felt.

She immediately shrugged off that thought and looked at Rajveer. 'Have I really started falling for Rajveer Sir?'

'No. This is not true. I am thinking this only because of that conversation with Pooja and Ali earlier. Rajveer Sir is just my mentor, nothing more than that,' she denied her heart vehemently.

Rajveer has been observing Naina since they have begun dancing. She seemed lost in her thoughts and was silent too. This side of her is new to him because she has never been quiet since he has met her. She has always voiced out her confusion and troubles.

"Are you fine, Naina? You seem disturbed," He asked her.

"Oh, I am fine, Sir. I just was thinking about some random things. Nothing to worry about," Naina lied to him.

Rajveer knew she was hiding something but he did not probe further and decided to distract her.

"You look beautiful tonight, Naina," he complimented her, looking at her in such an intense way that Naina blushed.

"Thank you, Sir," Naina replied, smiling softly. "You too are looking good in this tuxedo. It suits you."

Rajveer's heart fluttered at the shy smile she gave him.

"Well, I must say Cadet Naina Ah... Singh, you dance well."

"That is because I have a great mentor who is also an excellent dance teacher," Naina told him, and he chuckled at that.

Suddenly, he spun her out and then back to him, and she laughed this time, clutching his shoulder, not at all uncomfortable with his proximity.

Rajveer too smiled, seeing Naina laugh and hoped she always kept laughing this way.

When the dance finally ended, Rajveer led Naina to the table where Aalekh and Yudi were seated.


Huda had been observing Captain Rajveer and Naina dance and laugh with each other. Seeing them together made him burn with jealousy.

'Even I had asked Naina for the dance, but she refused me. And now she is laughing and dancing with Captain Rajveer. Why can't she give me one chance?' Huda was annoyed with her ignorance and insults toward him.

Bhargav saw Huda looking at Rajveer and Naina and thought it was the best time to strike.

He quickly walked to where Huda was standing and started speaking. "Cadet Huda, did you see the way Captain Rajveer and Cadet Naina danced? If I did not know any better, I would have thought them to be a couple, very much in love with each other."

Huda wanted to retort back. He wanted to tell Major to stop talking all this nonsense. But how can he say that when he too has been thinking along the same line?

Naina says she does not like anyone else, and does not have time for love, but the way she looks and smiles at Captain Rajveer, and the way she talks with him, this all has made him wonder if there is something more between them.

"Sir, I need to go. My date must be waiting," Huda told Bhargav and walked away from there. He did not want to hear more about Captain Rajveer and Naina from Bhargav.

Bhargav smirked, watching Huda walk away. He knows the doubts have borne into the cadet's mind.

Now, he will just have to wait and watch. Eventually, all the other cadets will start thinking along the same line too.

He will then play his most crucial hand, which will be enough to throw both Captain Rajveer Singh Shekhawat and Cadet Naina Singh Ahluwalia out of the academy.

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