Chapter 25

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I slowly open my eyes, my head feeling heavy with this small action.

As I scan my surrounding, I realize I am in the academy's infirmary with Dr. Shalini.

"Are you ok, Cadet Singh? You fainted earlier while asking for the pills for your headache.

"After thoroughly assessing you, I found you have a high fever. So, I gave you an injection for the fever.

"I will give you some tablets for your fever and headache. And I will also give you an excuse letter so you can excuse yourself from lectures and drills till Tuesday.

"Since tomorrow is Sunday, you will not miss any drill, but you will have to forego the drills on Monday. Do you understand?" Dr. Shalini says, and I nod at her.

"May I please go to my room now, Ma'am?" I ask, wanting to be alone.

I fainted right in front of Rajveer Sir. He could have waited until I gained my consciousness.

Why would he be here? Get out of your illusion, Naina, and accept the fact that he does not give two hoots about you.

I blink away the tears that thought brings and wait for Dr. Shalini's permission to return to my room.

"Sure, Cadet Singh. But I will call Captain Rajveer inside first. He was so worried that I had to tell him to wait outside," she says.

Hearing Dr. Shalini, I smile--a genuine smile at that.

I feel hope budding inside me slowly after a long time.

Maybe we can talk it out. I will tell him about everything I am still facing in the academy. If he still cares, he will help me with it.

Once the rumors and taunts stop, Rajveer Sir can be my mentor again.

That way, I will be able to spend time with him and create memories with him to last me for a lifetime.

"Cadet, Captain Rajveer is not outside. Maybe he had an important work to attend to," Dr. Shalini tells me as she walks inside.

The smile vanishes from my face and my heart clenches painfully. My slowly budding hope suddenly crushed into pieces.

Rajveer Sir had made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with me, but I still thought he would wait for me.

Even after he abandoned me, I was ready to forget every pain his words and actions caused me, and start anew with him.

Silly, silly girl, Naina. After everything he said and did, how could you hope that he would wait for you, that he would be concerned about you?

"It's ok, Ma'am. May I go to my room now?" I ask Dr. Shalini, trying very hard to control my tears.

"Yes, Cadet, but I cannot let you go alone. The injection I gave you will make you dizzy for a while.

"I had thought to request Captain Rajveer to take you to your room, but since he has already left, I will take you to your room.

"Please wait for a few minutes. I have an important work to finish first. You rest here for a while, and I will take you as soon as I am done," Dr. Shalini replies.

"It's ok, Ma'am. I am not feeling dizzy. I can manage to go to my room on my own," Naina try to persuade Dr. Shalini, but she shakes her head, signaling me to lie down.

Having no other choice, I lie on the bed, waiting for Dr. Shalini to complete her work.



I knock on the door of Bhargav's quarter, determined to bring an end to his sick game.

Bhargav opens the door, and I notice the slime ball's surprised expression on seeing me outside his room at this hour.

"Captain Rajveer at my door. To what do I owe this visit, Captain?" He asks.

Although I feel like punching this man for tricking me and Naina and putting me in the position of distancing myself from her, I know I need to be calm. I need to carefully calculate each word before speaking to trap Major Bhargav and throw him out of the academy.

"Sir, I wanted to let you know that I know what you did. I know it was you who did not give mine and Cadet Singh's location to the orderly sent by Brigadier Chandok, which is why he could not inform us about the mentorship camp being called off by the Brigadier with the orders for everyone to return to KMA at 2000 hours that night. I know you did it deliberately to tarnish our reputation," I tell him, walking inside his quarter.

"Oh, Captain, don't blame me for that mishap. I am sure there must be some misunderstanding, or maybe that was no mishap. After all, I have seen your bond with your Cadet Naina Singh Ahluwalia since the time I have arrived at KMA," Bhargav says, not taking the bait.

So, I throw my next bait.

"Hmm. So that was the misunderstanding? Ok, let us consider it to be just that for a while.

"But what about those letters you planted on Cadet Naina's cupboard, Sir?" I ask, my voice calm despite my insides filled with rage for this slime ball.

Bhargav's smirk falters after hearing my question.

"So that good for nothing Cadet Ali told you about the letters? I made him write those letters, telling him that those are for my girlfriend, and that stupid cadet did not think once before writing it for me.

"After tricking you and Cadet Naina into staying in the forest for a longer time, I was hoping to drop that letter-bomb tomorrow in the academy so everyone would believe about you two having an illicit relationship.

"Since you know about the letters, I am sure they have been taken out of the cupboard.

"But it is not yet over, Captain. I still have many tricks up my sleeves. I promise you I will throw that traitor's sister out of KMA as soon as possible," he says, the smirk again curving his lips.

Hearing Bhargav call Naina a traitor's sister, I feel the urge to punch him, but I know I need to rein his anger.

This is not the time to give in to the impulse, but the time to show Bhargav that his game is over. So, I will gladly do just that.

"I am sure, Sir, you have many things on your mind. After all, you are my senior, and you have much more experience than me.

"Let me suggest one thing, though. Why don't you discuss those plans with someone who has much more experience than you to ensure that your plan will not fail next time around?

"I have already called him, and I am sure he will have something to say about your plotting and planning," I say, and notice the confused look on his face.

"Don't be so confused, Sir. I will erase that confusion right now. Cadets, please respectfully bring him in," I call out to Ali and Huda.

I feel pleased to see the blood drain out of Bhargav's face when he sees Brigadier Chandok walk inside his quarter angrily.

"So, Major, what do you have to say for yourself?" Brigadier asks Bhargav.

Bhargav is about to say something, but Brigadier Chandok stops him by raising his hand in front of his face.

"You know what, Major. Don't answer my question.

"I am so disgusted by your behavior that I do not even want to hear your sorry excuses. The only thing I want from you is to get out of my academy sharp at 0600 hours tomorrow.

"And I hope that the report you will write on KMA will only have positive things about the academy, because if not, everything I heard you say a while back will be made known to all your seniors. Do you understand, Major?" Brigadier asks Bhargav, his voice stern.

"Yes, Sir," Bhargav says, after which Brigadier turns and walks out of the quarter.

Once Brigadier leaves, I look at Bhargav with a slight smirk on my face.

"I am sorry, Sir. You cannot put your other plans into motion now. I would have loved to fail every one of your plans, but you see, I have more important things to do, so I thought I would get rid of all your plans in one masterstroke."

I notice Bhargav grit his teeth and look angrily at me for a few seconds before smirking back at me.

"You win this time, Captain, and I must say that was clever. I always give credit where it's due. But do not think that this is over. You have won this hand, but I will win next time," he says.

"Of course, Sir. I will be waiting for your move.

"So, it is a goodbye then. I would have loved to see you off tomorrow, but you see, I have an early morning class," I tell him.

Satisfied seeing Bhargav's fuming face due to my words, I walk out of the quarter along with Ali and Huda.

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