Chapter 69

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Third Person’s POV

The next morning, Naina tentatively enters Rajveer’s quarter, wondering if he is angry with her.

She had messaged him a few times after returning to her room last night, but he did not reply to any of her messages. And when she called him, he did not receive her call too.

‘Why is he being so sensitive about such a small thing?’ She shakes her head, peering around the living room to see if Rajveer is there.

“Rajveer, are you here?” She calls aloud when she does not find him in the living room and in the kitchen.

After a few seconds, the bedroom door opens and Rajveer walks out, his face serious as he looks at her.

"Yes, Cadet Singh. Why have you come so early to my quarter? Only an hour is still left for appraisal's final test, and I need to prepare for it. So, it will be better if you leave me alone for now," he says, and walks straight to the kitchen, not waiting to hear her reply.

‘That will show her. She played last night, so it’s my turn now,’ he thinks to himself, trying his best to hide his smile as he sees Naina apprehensively walking toward him.

About to melt seeing her wide adorable eyes and cute pout, he turns away, controlling himself from giving in.

He takes a deep breath when he feels her creeping her hand up to his chest, hugging him from behind, making him want to turn toward her and reciprocate the hug.

"Are you angry with me?" She asks.

"No, I am not angry. Why would I be angry? It's not that my fiancé left me hanging last night without saying those three words of love even when I requested her so many times."

Rajveer frowns when Naina suddenly unwinds her arms and steps back, walking out of the kitchen.

“What happened, Naina?”

He follows her to the living room, wondering if he overdid it.

‘She must already be feeling sensitive after what happened between us in the last few days, and with me behaving like this, she must be feeling bad.’

Thinking that, he is about to apologize, but Naina starts speaking before he does.

"I am not your fiancé anymore, Rajveer. Don't you remember? I broke off our engagement," Naina says, feeling sad as she recounts the words she had thrown at Rajveer in her anger while giving the ring back to him.

‘Oh! That’s why she suddenly looks so withdrawn.’ Rajveer realizes.

“We have sorted out everything between us, Naina. Please, let’s stop dwelling on what happened in the past. We now need to focus on our present and think about our future,” he says, wiping the lone tear sliding down her cheek.

Naina leans to his touch when he cups her face after wiping her tear. “There is one thing that I need to do, Rajveer.”

“What is it, Naina?” Rajveer looks curiously at her.

“I will tell you, but before that, you will need to give me your engagement ring.”

Although confused, Rajveer takes off his ring and hands it to Naina.

But he gets alarmed when he sees her starting to kneel in front of him.

“What are you do—”

“Let me do this, Rajveer,” she says, interrupting him, while sinking to her knees on the floor.

Doing that, she looks up at Rajveer and smiles tearily at him.

"I am not a perfect person, Rajveer. I have made many mistakes in the past, and might make more mistakes in the future too.

“I might pester you with my pranks, make a mess in the kitchen with my awful cooking skill, fight with you about silly things, and get angry with you, sometimes with valid reason and sometimes without any reason.

"But, all of those things aside, there are a few important things that I will promise you. I promise to always keep loving you. I promise to stand beside you in times of happiness and in times of adversity and sadness. I promise never to leave your side, and I promise to live a happy, fulfilling life with you.

“So, if you would take me, Rajveer, I promise to always love you while growing old with you. Will you please marry me?"

Naina waits for Rajveer’s reply as she looks up at him, feeling the tears pour out of her eyes, but not wiping them.

Rajveer feels stunned, hearing Naina, overcome with emotions that her words evoked in him. So much so that he feels tears gather his eyes. He tries bliking them away, but cannot help it when some of them escapes his eyes.

Giving Naina a watery smile, he too kneels in front of her, and holds both her hands, leaning forward to rest his forehead over them.

He takes a deep breath, trying his best to calm his emotions, before leaning back to look at Naina.

“I have been alone all my life, Naina,” he begins, clearing his throat to dislodge the tight emotional knot formed there.

“There was no one to keep me company except for my desolateness and darkness.

“But when you entered my life, you chased away my desolateness and colored my darkness,” he continues.

“Sadness had been surrounding me for so long that I had given up hope of any happiness ever entering my life. But when you came, you brought with you my hope of finally getting love and joy in my life.

“It is because of you I began to dream again, Naina. It is because of you I began to live again. The dream I see now is doing everything I can to always keep you happy with me, to live a full and happy life with you by my side.

“I have never wanted aything in my life as much as I want to marry you,” Rajveer says, kissing Naina's forehead.

"I will happily tolerate all your pranks and clean the kitchen when you make a mess of it. I will always pacify you if you ever fight or get angry with me—be it with or without any reason. And I promise to love you through it all, Naina. I promise to love you always as we grow old together. I promise to cherish you until my last breath."

Overwhelmed with emotions due to Rajveer's words, Naina leans in and fiercely kisses him, pouring all her love into that kiss, telling him how much his each word meant to her.

Rajveer also passionately kisses her back, feeling content that the girl, who he loves, is finally back in his arms.

As he kisses her, he hopes nothing will break them apart anymore. He fervently wishes for a happy future with his Naina.

A few moments after the kiss ends, Naina takes Rajveer’s hand in hers, sliding the engagement ring back to his finger, smiling and crying at the same time.

Dipping his hand in his pocket, Rajveer takes out Naina’s engagement ring, and she is surprised to see it.

"You had been keeping this ring in your pocket?" She asks, and he nods.

"No matter what happened between us, I never stopped believing that one day, I will slide this ring back to your finger. That is why I always kept it with me,” Rajveer says, holding out his hand, waiting for Naina to keep her hand over his.

When she does, he slides the ring into her finger, his eyes turning misty while doing so.

Once done, he raises her hand to his lips and places a kiss over the finger where he had slid the ring.

Then, pulling her closer to him, he winds his hand around her waist, and leans closer to her to kiss her, groaning in satisfaction when she kisses him back with equal fervor.

After everything they have faced together and apart, Rajveer hopes that this is it for them. He hopes there will be no more struggles in the future that will again test their relationship.

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