Chapter 76

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My lips curve into a small smile as I enter into KMA.

All the memories of when I was a cadet here come rushing to me.

The fun we used to have, the laughter, and even exhaustion we sometimes used to feel. All of them are the fond memories of my life.

But my smile slightly dims when I reach the assembly hall. Because on reaching there, I recount how Abhimanyu had proposed to me there for the first time.

I remember the arrogant smile in his face when he had kneeled in front of me with a diamond ring in his hand. The obsenely large diamond had stared back at me then.

And that smile in his face. Instead of love shining in his face, I had seen sheer arrogance. It was as if he was confident I would not reject his proposal.

He was the prince, after all. With everything he ever wanted brought to his feet in the click of his fingers. Maybe that and his arrogant confidence were the reasons he directly proposed me for marriage. Without confessing his love to me even once before that and without even trying to know if I had any feelings for him.

I had rejected the proposal outright. Not only because I was disgusted by his audacity, but also because, then, I had feelings for my other batchmate, Rajveer Singh Shekhawat.

Abhimanyu and Rajveer had contrasting personalities.

Both were rich. If Abhimanyu was a prince, Rajveer was also a son of a Billionaire. The only difference they had in that regard was Rajveer understood he was rich because his father was a billionaire. But Abhimanyu never realized he was a prince because his father was a king. Abhimanyu always considered himself superior than the others. As if he was someone special.

Other than that, where Abhimanyu was arrogant, always gloating about his kingdom and wealth, Rajveer was humble, never trying to show off.

Where Abhimanyu demanded attention and friendship from his batchmates, Rajveer tried to be there for everyone, helping anyone who needed it.

Initially, I could not fathom how Rajveer and Abhimanyu could be friends. But with time, I realized it was due to Naveen.

Naveen was a good and compassionate person. He came from a humble background but was rich in the matters of the heart and feelings. He had a talent of understanding others. Maybe that was the reason why he could be best friends with Rajveer as well as Abhimanyu. Always trying to be calming as well as binding force between his two best friends.

As our training progressed, I started having feelings for Rajveer. He had such a personality that anyone would fall for him. So, I did too.

We rarely talked. And from whatever little conversation we used to have, I understood he did not have any feelings for me.

But he was my crush and I used to hope and dream about him also having feelings for me some day.

All those hopes and dreams crashed on that fateful day when Abhimanyu proposed to me.

When I rejected him, he was furious, asking me if my rejection was due to the diamond ring not being big enough. I was so shocked by his disgusting mentality that, in my shock and anger, I professed my feelings for Rajveer in front of him and everyone else who had gathered at the hall then.

There was a stunned silence for a few seconds after that, before everyone started speaking at the same time. Some were shocked that I would reject a prince's proposal, some were of the opinion that Abhimanyu deserved it, and some were comparing who between Abhimanyu.and Rajveer was better for me.

Unable to withstand the murmurs and giggles, I had ran away from there.

The days that followed after that day were tensed ones. Everyone used to witness fights and arguments between Rajveer and Abhimanyu almost every day and I used to feel guilty whenever my name came in those arguments. I used to feel culpable for being the reason behind their breaking friendship.

Naveen used to do his best to decrease animosity between them. Even Rajveer used to try and make Abhimanyu understand, but Abhimanyu only used to shout, blaming Rajveer for trying to takw everything from him.

It got to the point that one day, Rajveer walked up to me along with Abhimanyu, and told me that he never did and never will have any feelings for me. That he thinks Abhimanyu is a good person and I should give him a chance.

Although I was heartbroken by it, I managed to maintain my calm and gave him a watery smile, telling him I will think about it.

I wanted to tell him I did not like Abhimanyu one bit and if it were up to me, I would take that diamond ring and shove it high up his uptight ass, but I controlled myself.

Partly because I wanted to end the tension that my outright rejection was causing and partly because I thought me saying I would think about it would at least calm Abhimanyu and somehow mend his and Rajveer's friendship.

Days after that, Abhimanyu asked me out on a date, and I agreed reluctantly. Maybe because I had told Rajveer to at least try to give his friend a chance.

Abhimanyu and I used to go to dates once or twice a month, but things never progressed more than that. I was glad that Abhimanyu never brought up love confession and marriage proposal in those dates. We only used to talk and get to know each other better.

I also started seeing a different side, a charming side of Abhimanyu and slowly started to like him as a person.

With time, things returned to how they were before and the time came for our graduation.

Abhimanyu and I kept in touch after the graduation too. Meeting with each other whenever we got time between our postings.

I do not know how and when it happened, but slowly I begun to realize I had started falling for Abhimanyu. Maybe he sensed it too because, soon after that, he again proposed to me, and this time I said yes.

That was one of the happiest days of my life. Until that was slightly marred by Abhimanyu’s snarky statement.

After sliding the ring into my finger, he told me that perhaps I said yes this time because the diamond in the ring was larger than the last time.

I was miffed by that comment. So much so that I was about to take off the ring but Abhimanyu stopped me. He pacified me and I gave in.

Now that I think about it, I realize I should not have given in. Not then and not countless times after our marriage.

I feel a pinch in my heart as I scoff at our so-called marriage.

It is not a marriage and he does not consider me his wife. I am merely his conquest.

It took me some time to realize it, but as my dreams kept shattering each day after the wedding, it became apparent to me why Abhimanyu kept pursuing me even after I rejected to him the first time and why he married me.

With that realization, my feelings for him started changing day by day. The love I held in my heart for him started changing to hatred.

Everything he did pushed him farther away from me.

Not that he ever physically harmed me. He would not dare to. Because he knew I was not scared of him. I always held my ground.

That is why he resorted to lies and manipulation. Sometimes with me and sometimes with people dear to me. His betrayal did sting me then and it stings me now too. To this day and moment.

I was elated when he told me about being posted to KMA because for the posting he needed to leave Barmer and I did not need to tolerate his presence.

But I had no idea then that Rajveer was also posted here.

I only found out about Rajveer being here was when Abhimanyu called me a few days back to tell me what Rajveer did here and how he has been taken into the custody.

The moment he told me about the incident, I understood Rajveer was framed. Because I know Rajveer can never do such a thing. And that is what I told Abhimanyu too. I told him Rajveer must have been framed how Naveen was few years back.

Abhimanyu was miffed by what I said and he shouted at me for still trying to defend Rajveer before hanging up the phone.

A day after that, I got a call from Cadet Naina Singh Ahluwalia. She also told me the same thing what Abhimanyu told me. The only difference was that she believed Rajveer was innocent and also had a doubt about Abhimanyu having a hand in framing Rajveer.

As soon as I heard that, I shouted at Naina over the phone. I do not know why I did that. Why I defended my husband who I hate. Maybe it was because I currently am in the eleventh week of my pregnancy and sometimes get emotional outbursts due to the hormones. Or it could be because I still had a pinch of loyalty left for the man with whom I had taken wedding vows.

But that loyalty vanished when Naina told me everything that had happened since Abhimanyu arrived to KMA and also told me the reason why she is doubting Abhimanyu.

That was the moment I realized that Naina could be right. After all, I have been living with that man for quite some time now and I know what he is capable of. Even so, never in my wildest thoughts I had consider Abhimanyu stooping to this level just because of his nonsensical resentment and insecurity.

‘This is it. This thing that he has done is the final nail in the coffin for me. I won’t tolerate him anymore. No more of him getting his way. No more,’ I think, pushing the door open of Abhimanyu’s quarter.



“I have left Captain Abhimanyu in the bed of his quarter. He was too drunk to take off his shoes too, so I just let him be there,” Chandu tells me, and I nod at him.

Chandu, Mohit, and I are in the game room of KMA with Aalekh and Huda outside the room to keep an eye and also to stop others from entering the room.

“I am not sure if getting Captain Abhimanyu drunk was a good idea. His wife will be arriving soon and she is pregnant too. She might not like it if she saw him passed out drunk in his quarter,” I say, feeling a twinge of guilt for what Malini might feel after seeing her husband.

“It was necessary, Naina,” Mohit says. “We needed to find out what they were planning to do on the trial. With Chandu and my informers snooping around, we have managed to find out why the prosecution wants you to be present in the trial too. They are trying to lie about the contents of the red box and make use of the rumors afloat in the academy about you and Captain Rajveer when Major Bhargav was here, to defame Rajveer and also establish a motive behind stealing the trigger.”

“Yes, Captain Mohit is right, Madam. Everything we have found out until now only points toward them making a full proof plan to incriminate Captain Rajveer. Not only that, but they also want you to get expelled from the academy. That is why they will be bringing up yours and Captain Rajveer’s love angle,” Chandu says, and I feel a bit of guilt about it.

I have not been totally honest with Mohit regarding Rajveer’s and mine relationship. Although I think he might have already guessed it, I still think it is better if I come clean with him about it.

The only reason I have been hiding about our relationship with him is because I feel he might not like it. After all, he likes to do things exactly by the book, not crossing any rules or limits.

“Captain Mohit, umm, there is something that you need to—”

“I already know about that, Naina,” Mohit says, interrupting me and giving me a knowing look. “I do say that I do not like when people break the rules, but it is only if those broken rules will harm anyone else or the country.

"Whatever is going on between you and Captain Rajveer is between two consenting adults and is not hurting anyone. So, I neither have any objection to that, nor will I leave this case because of that. You do not need to worry about it.”

“Thank you for understanding,” I tell Mohit, and he nods at me.

“But we still need to be careful during the trial, Naina. No one else in the trial can find out about this. Otherwise, they will succeed in proving Rajveer guilty because then, they will have the fullproof motive for the crimes he has been accused of,” Mohit says.

“That’s right.” Chandu agrees with Mohit. “The content they are going to show is what they will claim to be in the red box which Captain Rajveer was after. How do we get around that?”

“Don’t worry, Chandu. I have already figured out a way to get around that,” I say. “The only thing I am worried about right now is who Captain Malini will side with. It is important that she support the truth and persuade Captain Abhimanyu to confess in the trial. Only that confession can get us Rajveer’s freedom.”

“There is other way too, Naina,” Mohit says to me and turns to Chandu. “I had told you to ask Captain Abhimanyu about red box and the trigger after making him drunk. I was hoping he would tell you about them in his inebriated state. Didn’t he say anything?”

Chandu shakes his head. “No, he didn’t. He only kept going on and on about how much he loves music and how is musical instruments are the only things that can hold all his pain and secrets. But nohthing more than that.”

Mohit and I sigh in disappointment.

With that road closed, the only path we have left to walk on is depending on Malini to bring out Abhimanyu’s confession in the trial.

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