15. Missing Him

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Pacifica Pines

     "Paz! Hey, Paz! Look at my new girlfriend! Isn't she adorable?" gushed Gideon with red, flushed cheeks. I narrowed my eyes at the girl, who's cheeks were hollow and her cheekbones were way too noticeable.

     "New girlfriend?" I choked.

     "Yeah, I guess I had to move on and well I have and so how do you think about my new one, eh? Isn't she the best! She does smell a little weird, but that's alright, right? I mean, the things you do for love, am I right, honey buns?"

     I tried not to gag, or do anything impolite. But this Normandy, or new girlfriend of Gideon's, was starting to creep me out and I was extremely suspicious.


     Turns out she was a pile of gnomes! Trying to take Gideon, and make him their King, since all the gnomes were whiny lil' females. And I had to save his butt.

     "I thought - I thought we had something special, y'know! I remember holding her cold hands and f-frolicking through the flowers, and picking some out for each other, and y-you know, buying her sweets, all the good stuff!" sobbed Gideon. I patted his back awkwardly, not sure of what to do in this situation.

     "Well, it's alright... she wasn't good for you?"

     More crying.


     It's been a week since I've met either of the Gleeful twins, it's like they disappeared off the face of the earth. Well, they haven't since they've still been doing their shows, except I've been so very busy.

     Fighting gnomes,  and supernatural forces and creatures. It's been quite the hectic week. I guess, I should admit that I've been missing the brown haired nuisance.

     Okay, I'm lying.

     I'm missing him a lot.


     Another week gone, and I can't seem to get him out of my head.


     "Gids, do you know anything about the Gleeful twins? Anything, at all," I said, biting my lip while I flicked through the pages of the Journal. I was sitting on the plush sofa in the basement while Gideon stared at the TV with wide eyes.

     "Wha? Oh, them! Yeah, they're just two kids who happen to have tricked a little demon named 'Will Cipher', and he happens to be their slave," he rambled, eyes never leaving the television, "They're both super duper smart, and they both have the powers of reading minds and - OH MY GOD, LOOK!"

     "Forget the TV show, Gids, tell me more!" I pleaded.

     I didn't know how he knew all of this, but I needed to know, now! I was quite overwhelmed and awestruck that little Gideon knew all of this.

    "Gids, listen to me, just tell me more, I'll do your laundry!" I said in an exasperated tone. Gideon slowly turned around, a devilish grin sprouting on his pale lips.

     "Are you sure?" he giggled evilly.

     "Yes, I will do your stinky laundry, now spill!" I immediately regretted it.

     "They also have the power of tele - tele, I can't say it! Argh, telekinesis? Yes, that! You know, where you move stuff with your minds and stuff... And they want this Journal, which you've been carrying around and they also tried to kill me last summer, but that doesn't matter right now, look how hot Tigress looks?" he gushed, turning around and staring at the animated Tiger lady thing.

    My mouth was agape and I was... shocked. I grabbed the remote in a frenzy and shut the TV off.

     "They tried to kill you? They have powers? They have a demon slave? They want the Journal? To get more powers?" I hissed at him in a whisper yell, glancing at the door as I walked towards it and closed it shut.

     "Gideon, you could have told me this all earlier!" I groaned. He just shrugged and let out a 'yeah'.

     "They want the Journal to unlock... God-like powers," he said, shrugging his shoulders and turning back on the TV only to get stuck to it again.


     I know, not the best way to respond to this chunk of information.


     I had just explained everything to Robbie and he kept nodding, a finger to his chin as he thought over it all. His dark hair was hanging in front of his dark eyes. His pale skin seemed to be illuminated (A/N: ILLUMANATI CONFIRMED!) and his lips were pursed.

     "Well? What should I do? I don't know what to do because I'm scared they're going to kill me and I can't... I can't cope up with this," I said, my voice breaking at the end. I felt tears blur my vision and thoughts exploding in my head.

     But one thought remained bold. It was that no matter how attached I got with Dipper, no matter that I kissed him, no matter how precious he is to me. He will do anything to get the Journal. Anything.

     I think that's what was paining me. To know I wasn't worth anything.

     "Pacifica Pines! Buck up! You have to remain your weirdly curious and adventurous ways! We've been fighting supernatural forces, and you can force back these two twins too!" said Robbie suddenly. He got up and wagged a finger at me.

     "You're right. I'm going to go back and force Gleeful to stop this and probably grill both the Twins on why they almost killed Gideon!"

     "Now now, don't get too overconfident. I know you're very much in love with a certain male but don't let your feelings get in the way," chided Robbie.

     "You're right. I'm in love with a certain brown haired ma- WHAT? NO, I'M NOT!"

     "I didn't even say brown haired male, but that's alright, I knew it anyway," snickered Robbie, as he put a fist in his mouth to prevent giggling any further. I glared daggers at him, a blush invaded my face anyway and heating up like a microwave.

     I crossed my arms, feeling my heart thundering against my chest.

     "Now off you go to your Psychic Prince," teased Robbie. I bit my tongue, trying not to explode in front of him. If I even say anything, he'd think I was in denial.

     I don't need him thinking anything about me or the brown haired nuisance. Even though I knew why I was being this defensive. It was because I was falling for him. 



     Walking in the middle of the forest in the dead of night wasn't the smartest thing for me to do. But when you're in a blind rage of anger and fury, nothing stops you. That is once you calm down and notice all the small, creepy little things.

     The wide white eyes in the dark bushes, the little whispers which turn out to be the faint, cold, breezy wind, the dauntingly tall trees that rustled by and leaves fluttering down like little crisp, dead corpses.

     "Hello darling," a voice purred into my ear. I immediately jumped and let loose a shriek. I turned around to see a smirking, devilishly handsome heartthrob that had his hands in his pockets.

     "Here to rant about me being truthful about the Journal? Chew me out on trying to kill your cousin last summer?" he taunted with an evil glint in his eye. 

     He was wearing a dark navy blue button up shirt, which was tucking in black pants. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, making him all the more elegant. His hair was swept back, and his eyes calculating and mesmerizing.

     "Exactly," I smirked back and crossed my arms, a devious plan formulating in my head.

Published: Apr 08, 2016 | Reads: 2.3k | Goal: 2.6k

(Art belongs to vikconder, check them out on tumblr!)

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