19. Ovary Reacting

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Pacifica Pines

     As soon as he said 'other ways', my mind had sunk head first into the gutter. Yup, who knew I could? Maybe hanging around him was messing up my mind, I thought shuddering.

     "Mabel is such a control freak," said Gideon, scrunching up his face as we walked back home. 'Home'. Wow, who knew this summer would mess me up so much I'd call the famous rip-off Mystery Shack home.

     "Why?" I asked, even though half my mind was on one certain person. A certain brown haired devil.

     "She tried to get back with me!" he said, throwing up his arms. I raised an eyebrow, my arms aching from holding both the bags because Gideon was being really handicap and said I should hold them.

     "Isn't that good? Didn't you guys fall in love?" I blurted out, we finally were getting near the Shack. It was just a couple of feet away from us, its large sign glaring at us, with the missing 'S'.

     "Yes, but nothing lasts forever, Paz, and I'm happy because of what it was," mumbled Gideon, taking the bags from me and walking inside, probably hiding his face because I never thought he'd say something like that.

      "That was some deep stuff, wasn't it?" a voice whispered into my ear. I didn't even need to turn to know who it was.

     "Yeah," I said, taking a step and opening the door. I waited for half a second, probably not enough for someone to say something but it was enough for Dipper Gleeful to make some flirtatious joke and he didn't disappoint.

     "You look gorgeous today," he said, winking at me.

     "What? Did I look ugly yesterday?" I said, rolling my eyes although the blush creeping up on me blew up and ultimately destroyed my chance of being indifferent about his creepy compliments.

     "No, yesterday you looked mind-blowing," he flashed a grin at me.

     "Enough of that, why are you here?" I asked, blowing out air even though my heart was thundering against me and I felt I would choke it out and that the happiness going through would rip me to shreds.

     "Aww, I can't even be here for my girlfriend, now?" he pouted. And he looked absolutely swoon-worthy. But I rolled my eyes, my face heating up like a volcano and I probably resembled a genetically modified tomato.

     "I'm not your girlfriend, Gleeful," I chided, "And stop wasting my time," I narrowed my eyes at him, crossing my arms even though I really loved every minute spending with him.

     "Your thoughts say otherwise, pumpkin," he purred, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I put my arms to my sides and let my mouth hang open in disbelief. "Don't stare at me, I know I'm hot, or as you said, 'swoon-worthy'" he said, quoting with two fingers. 

     "I didn't!" I sputtered.

      "Come on, sweetheart, I can hear every one of your thoughts," he said, a mischievous grin erupting his face.


     "Is that a code word for, 'Kiss me now, Dipper!'" he said, strutting a pose where he let one hand on his forehead and the other on his hip.


     "Alright, alright, I just came here to see you got home safely," he said, shoving his hands into his pockets and looking at me with a small smile that was actually genuine.

     "Oh," I said, my heart racing and my head bursting with happiness, "Well, I got home safely, so goodbye." But before I could turn around and run to safety, a hand clasped around my wrist and I saw Dipper looking at me with a mischievous smirk.

     "I want a kiss," he pouted, trying to look adorable. Which he did.


     "Why not!" he whined.

     "You entered my thoughts without my permission, you stalked me home, you're not even my boyfriend, and you're a creep," I chided, turning around and opening the door only to hear Dipper shout 'A hot creep!'


     Going to sleep that night was hard, because I was laying down in bed, with me staring up at the ceiling. I glanced to my left, where Gideon was sleeping, with his soft breathing.

     I heard a 'Ping', and my hand immediately went out and grabbed my phone. I rolled over to my side and opened the messages up, my eyes squinting because of the bright screen.

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: Not asleep? Thinking about me, aren't you? ;)

     PazPaz: No, I'm not, I just can't sleep.

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: It's alright, I know you're probably fantasizing about me. ;)

     PazPaz: You use ;) too much. Stop it, and be creative.

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: :*

     PazPaz: Die.

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: G'night <3

     PazPaz: Bad dreams!

     Who knew typing to the devil would make your palms sweaty, your veins fill with nerve-wracking panic, and your heart flutter like elephants elegantly stomping on your heart. Who knew just liking someone would make your heart race, and your face heat up.

     Who knew a simple '<3' could make your heart burst, and heat up your face like an oven. I'll never know.

     Hormones, I thought, shaking my head and finally going to sleep with a smile.


     Although I had a good night, and a somewhat good dream, I knew the moment I woke up and ripped my eyes open. I knew it was going to be a horrible day.

     Because, after a little sunshine, there is always rain. And today was that 'rain'.

     Or it was because my lovely friend, my Uterus, had decided to pop and bleed. I had trudged downstairs, with a cramp and a back ache, and a grumpy face, and shoved cereal down my throat while glaring at everyone.

     And to only worsen my mood, I had been given chores. Which meant I had to move! MOVE! Can you believe that! I had to physically move! Ugh!

     "Yes, Uncle Bud, I'm going," I drawled out, grabbing all the laundry baskets, and shoved the Journal in my satchel too, just to keep me occupied if I got bored and had time on my hands.

    "Make sure they're all clean, alright, kid?" he barked, while reading a newspaper, with his legs propped up on the small coffee table, and a coffee in his hand.

     "I heard you the first time," I grumbled, getting out of the Shack and accidentally thrusting the door close with a massive 'slam!', only to hear Bud scream 'THE DOOR ISN'T FREE, Y'KNOW, KID!'

     Guilt swept over me, as I gloomily walked to the shop which was near the town center, its name 'Lily's Laundry!'. It was too cheery, it needs to be destroyed.

     A lady greeted me at the entrance, insisted on helping me so I literally gave her everything.

     Doing the laundry took the whole day, so my mood was even further dampened when I was about to open the door to the Shack, and I heard someone speak.

     "Hey, Pines, what if I told you I killed someone accidentally?" he blurted out.

     As soon as I turned around and closed the door, I could see his blood shot eyes, tired bags underneath his eyes, clothes creased and messy hair. Messier hair then usual.

     "What happened? I didn't even leave you for more than a day, and this is how you turn up?" I asked in an incredulous, worry laced tone. I ignored what he said before, I was too worried about his appearance and probably his mental state.

     And because my emotions were a mess.

     "A lot of things can happen in a day," he tried for a smile but it didn't reach up to his eyes. That's when I knew he probably did kill someone and did it less than an hour. I widened my eyes in realization. 

     He probably murdered with that demon slave, I thought in horror. I saw Dipper nod his head meekly, and he looked down at his shoes, his hair covering his eyes.

     "Are you serious?" I said, taking a step back in fear. I knew I wasn't supposed to be fearful, I knew I wasn't supposed to cower before anybody, I knew I shouldn't be this worried for a freak, I knew I shouldn't be shaking from anger and disbelief, but... I did.

     "I'm so so-" he began, looking up to me with pleading eyes (I was on the stairs, so I was a head taller then him). I shook my head, my eyes blurring up with a daze of rage and fear.

     "You just killed someone, you don't just say sorry for that!" I hissed at him, he was blurring out and his face looked guilty and hurt. But I didn't care. "You took a life from someone, you blithering idiot!"

     "I know!" he screamed, throwing his hands up in the air, and then fell to his knees, with his hands clasped together.

     "Please," said Dipper in a broken voice, his eyes glistening with hot tears.

     "No, don't ask me for forgiveness," I hissed at him, my own eyes blurred. I felt a hot tear slide across my cheek and hang at my chin.

     "Please, tell me you accept me!" he scream, taking my hands as tears flowed down his face, and bloodshot red.


     I woke up in a sweat, and looked at my phone. It was three am, and that whole day was a dream. We didn't have a 'Lily's Laundry!'. What was I thinking.

     My heart was thundering, my breathing ragged. I didn't know how to react to this dream. Could it be true? Could it actually happen? Did Dipper send me this? I don't know!

     I felt my hair stick to my shoulders and face, because of the sticky sweat that glistened on my arms. I felt so unsure of everything, but I did know one thing, that scared me the most.

     I would forgive Dipper even if he did anything, just to never see that look of smashes hope on his face.

     I shook my head, trying to forget this horrible dream, with a new goal set in my mind.

    I would find about the secrets of the Journal, and try to figure out Dipper Gleeful and his slave.

Published: Apr 21, 2016 | Reads: 3.5k | Goal: 3.7k

Art is by Elentori, follow her on Tumblr!

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