22. Butterfly Blues

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Pacifica Pines

     As soon as he had messaged me that, embarassement and anger swept over me like a tidal wave. And of course elephants dancing in my stomach and flaming hot cheeks. I grabbed the phone tightly and slowly typed:

     PazPaz: When even is this? You didn't even tell me when and where!?

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: It's a date, sweetheart. It's tomorrow at seven, and where? Babe, haven't you ever heard of a surprise? ;P

     PazPaz: Ugh.

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: Alright, sugar, see you then alright? Might not be able to see you tomorrow, though.

     PazPaz: Okay...

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: Aren't you going to ask why?

    Read by PazPaz at 4:30 pm.

    RobbieTheHottie: yo m9, dd i tll u dat me and wendzy r goin' outtt?

    PazPaz: Actually, no, you didn't.

    RobbieTheHottie: looooooool srry man, butttttt i kinda forgeeet, u know??

    PazPaz: Can you normally type for once, please?

    RobbieTheHottie: but thts the beauty of txtng. u can rite nd ppl will still undrstnd me, m8 so just go on dat date u nvr told me bout dat devil told me, so yeh. see ya l8r m9, ill cya sum time tomorrow, alright?

    PazPaz: My eyes hurt from looking at your texts.

    RobbieTheHottie: HEY. buuttt u used to hve a crush on meh so its aight.


    RobbieTheHottie: cya, lil one, c:

    Read by PazPaz at 4:39 pm.

    As soon as I finished messaging the two guys, I flopped onto my bed. After I had angrily left them, I had rushed to the Mystery Shack and up to my room. Unfortunately, both Gideon and I had to share a room, but fortunately Gideon thought he was becoming a man and he needed his privacy.

    Which made him leave this room and take the room upstairs in the attic, leaving me alone in a room with two beds. Of course, I had asked to sell that bed and got an earful of Bud saying that what if guests were to come, and that beds cost a fortune.

    I rolled onto my bed, my head full with frantic thoughts filled with one thing; the date. Is it even a date? I guess, since we've already... you know... kissed. Ugh, I thought, my cheeks flaming red and my face burning and my stomach twisting into little knots.

    That was until my phone started ringing, and for a split second I hoped it was Dipper, with butterflies fluttering in my stomach. But it was soon crushed when Bud's cackling was heard and then his series of barks at me to get my butt in the Shack so I could do my slot.

    Trudging downstairs, trying to look grumpy, but a brilliant smile took over my face. I felt high on happiness, because Dipper asked me out. Who knew such simple things could get your toes curling and your stomach exploding?

    Pulling my hair into a high pony tail, I walked to the desk, with a great big smile to serve our customers. I was in a great mood.


    Having a good mood, with a massive smile was going horribly. Bud was getting even more customers, crediting my 'lovely' smile and so it got more customers because of great 'customer service' so I had to stay for another three hours.

    Child abuse I tell you.

    That was until Mabel came storming in with mascara running down her cheeks, and bloodshot eyes, with her hair in a floppy, messy, gorgeous bun, and her lips were dark red. She had blue eyeshadow, and her eyelashes were still covered in thick mascara, though it was wet.

    "TELL GIDEON THAT I WANT HIM BACK!" She wailed, slamming her fist on the counter. Good thing nobody was in the Shack otherwise she'd have been executed right there and then.

    "I'm sorry, what?"

    "I need him back in my life!" she cried, rubbing her eyes, making her look like a deformed raccoon.

    "Okay, I'll tell him that, and why don't you go outside and enjoy the sunlight?"

    "It's all because of you Pacifica Pines! I'll murder you!" she snarled, but didn't resist me softly pushing her out the door.

    "You tried murdering Gideon last summer," I replied in a dry tone, raising an eyebrow as I held the door.

    "W-what?" she stammered, her brown eyes wide with surprise and she blinked obviously trying to hide her anger with shock.

    "Bye, Mabel, and don't come here ever," I said cheerily, shutting the door close and sitting back again behind the counter.


    "Okay, okay, here's another one, Bud, listen to this one," giggled Robbie. We were all having dinner, but extra guests were Wendy and Robbie since it was late and Bud had offered to let them stay for an hour.

     An hour because Robbie's car had been in repair for three hours, and it needed another hour. So, now they were sitting at the table, talking while Robbie threw horrible jokes, and Wendy just nodded and picked at her food, and Gideon guffawed like a goat.

     "What did the scientist say when he found two isotopes of helium?" snickered Robbie, with his fist shoved in his mouth to prevent him from laughing any further. (A/N: that moment when NuclearCookies gives you jokes)

    "HeHe..." I said slowly, chewing the chicken I was eating.

    "YEAH!" barked Robbie, bursting into fits of laughter. Realization crawled upon me and I smiled slightly too. I heard Wendy cough and choke and laugh, and Gideon splutter with laughter. Bud only chuckled while murmuring ways to lure in little kids to give him money.

    "That was so bad," I said, laughing a little.


    That night, I couldn't sleep. Damn Dipper, and the date. That was until my phone rung, which made me jump and quickly run to it, an annoyed face etched onto me.


     "My, my, what an attractive voice," said Dipper, I could already imagined him grinning evilly.

     "Why are you calling me at 1 in the morning!?"

     "Why are you awake at 1 in the morning, sweetheart?"

     "I was... um... busy?"

     "Tsk, tsk, lying doesn't suit you, pumpkin."

     "Oh, I'm sooooo sorry," I drawled out drily.

     "Stop with the attitude, cupcake, and I just wanted to say something important before you went to sleep..."

     "Quick with it, Gleeful. What?"

     "Goodnight," he purred, and ended the call.

    His voice echoed my mind, bouncing off in my head like alarms. I lay in my bed that night with a dreamy, wistful smile and a happy gleam in my eyes. He made me feel like putty. And sometimes, it was annoying how I couldn't control myself.

Published: Apr 29, 2016 | Reads: 5.7k | Goal: 6k

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