25. The Dreamy Date

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Pacifica Pines

    It was exactly 7:00, and I felt nerve wracked. My head felt like it was fogged up and I couldn't think straight. There was an idiotic smile that kept breaking out onto my face every time I tried to calm down. My heart was racing fast, thumping and sending adrenalin through my veins.

    I glanced at the clock and it was 7:01. Could he be late? What if he calls it off? Oh my God, it's only been a minute! I'm hyperventilating, I need to calm the poop down!

    Then, a series of light knocks were heard and I immediately got off the couch and straightened up, patting at my shirt and speed walked to the door. I took a deep breath and took off the brilliant smile that threatened to burst.    

     "Hey," I said breathlessly, looking at Dipper from head to toe. He had a black french barrett sitting on his hair, and a black vest on a checkered blue shirt (that wasn't tucked in, for once) and black slacks. Kind of similar to his usual attire, but still hot.

    "Hey, cupcake," he said, nodding towards me and winking. I immediately felt my cheeks burn but quickly disregarded that statement.

    "You're probably doing this to get on my good side so you can get the Journals, you little rascal," I said in a joking tone. He laughed along too, heartily. I was glad he didn't know I actually thought that. I walked outside and closed the door, locking it as I went.

    "So, where are we going?" I asked him, as we walked side by side. Dipper's hand suddenly grasped mine and we kept walking. I glanced sideways and he obviously didn't seem affected by it but it sent warmth through me and tingling sensations that exploded butterflies into my stomach.

    "It's a surprise, sweetheart," he chided.

    "Come on, spit it out, Gleeful."

    "So how was your day?"

    "Stop diverting the conversation," I said, sighing.

    "Did you watch Civil War?"


    "Honey, it's a surprise."

    "Ugh, I hate you."

    "No, you love me, and you're falling for me," said Dipper in a cheeky tone. I saw him grinning at me mischievously with a happy gleam in his eyes. He looked perfect as we walked down the path, with the lamps light on him, and defined every inch of his face.

    "Die," I said, rolling my eyes but my heart was racing furiously fast and I could feel the burning in my cheeks. His face looked like it was sculpted from the best artist, each and everything perfect about him. His luscious dark locks to his chocolate-like eyes.


    "Are we there yet? We've been walking through the forest, for like, ever!" I whined. My heartbeat had slowed down considerably and my cheeks weren't blushing as much. I felt secure around Dipper, safe and sound. His hand was intertwined with my fingers and every few minutes or so he would squeeze them.

    "Paz, I will kiss you senseless if you ask that again," sighed Dipper.

    I wouldn't mind that, I thought cheekily. I immediately shook that out of my head and bit my lip, suddenly feeling very embarrassed. Of who, you may ask? Myself.

    "Alright, we're here," announced Dipper a few minutes later. We stood outside a small library that was a few blocks away from Greasy's Diner. It was a mini restaurant that was built in with a library, and as soon as we entered, the smell of coffee, burgers and fresh bread engulfed my nostrils.

     A young guy, with dirty blonde hair pulled into a small man bun with the sides of his hair shaved off, came up to us with a little notebook in hand. He had a brilliant smile that had blindingly white teeth, and his forest green eyes twinkling as he saw us. 

     He was wearing a checkered shirt on top of a wife beater, and had jeans on with a red apron on top. There was the wispy mustache and beard that was barely noticeable too.

    "Welcome to the Fallers," he nodded at us, he was a head taller than Dipper, which automatically meant he was way taller then me.

     Dipper squeezed my hand and glanced at me for a second, then turned his gaze to the guy who had the name tag of Blubs Durland. "Seats for two please," said Dipper, nodding at Blubs.

    "Right this way," said Blubs, turning around and striding towards the window seats where it was deserted. He pulled out the chair for me and Dipper and then gave us both a menu. "I'll be back in five," he said, grinning at us.

    "So, how's the food over here?"

    "Oh, Pacifica, I thought you'd stick to your adventurous ways and explore every nook and cranny of Reverse Falls, but I guess you're so in love with me you've changed yourself for me, although you really didn't have to," sighed Dipper, his ego as big as ever.

    "Dipper," I let loose a soft laugh. It was dark now, and the moonlight shone through the glass window and illuminated everything with a soft glow. The lamp lights from outside shone on the pavement, and I could see the stars above from sitting over there at the restaurant.

    It was a lovely night, that night. It really was.

    "Anyways, so what would you like to order? It's on me," nodded Dipper, smirking at me. 

    I scanned my eyes through the menu and decided to sod it and immediately chose the burger and fries. Dipper decided to take the same as me and we both ate in silence. That was until my smoothie came and I accidentally drooled over it by just looking at it.

    "You used to drool over me like that," said Dipper, giving me his trademark lopsided smirk as he took another bite from his burger.

     "No, you used to drool over me like that."

    Dipper thought for a moment then nodded, sagging his shoulders in defeat.

    "Hm... true."


    "Well, I'm so full I can't walk!" I said, patting my stomach, feeling really fat but not really caring at all. If Dipper asked me out, he better be able to deal with this too. The nights shone brightly along with the moon, and the dark sky was starlit.

    "I'd love to know more about how you feel, but not right now, dear. Another place to go, then I'll drop you home, okay? It's only... ten now," he said, checking his watch. Dipper walked towards me from the door and wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked up, wrapping my own arms around his neck and leaning against his forehead.

     "Where could we possibly go now," I said, sighing. I looked up and stared into his almost hazel eyes that glistened under the moonlight. Little strands of dark brown locks fell onto his forehead and I reached up to put them back up. He smiled at me, a genuine one which made my heart flutter and my insides turn to mush.

    "Just one more place, I swear," promised Dipper, looking at me through sincere eyes.

    "You won't sacrifice me to Satan for one corn chip, will you?" I joked, and Dipper laughed, his eyes gleaming.

    "No way, you're worth way more than that," he said, pushing my head into his chest and resting his chin on top of my head. I sighed into him, feeling safe and content. He was... so brilliant sometimes. Dipper made me feel really happy and safe, and I guess that's what matters the most.

    "Alright, McCheesy, let's get to the last place."

    "Comin' right up!"


    "Dipper, why the heck are we going up a mountain, I mean I love that you're doing this for me and everything, but are you serious? You want me to keep climbing up this... this horribly mean mountain because of a place? I mean, have you seen me? I'm horrible at exercise okay? 

     I hate exercise! Moving, in fact, is top on my most hated to do things list, and I mean hate! I'm already panting and you're not! How do you even do this? I can't even barely breathe!" I panted, leaning against one tree and catching my breath.

    "Sweetheart, if you talk more than you'll be even more tired so please be quiet and trust me, okay?" groaned Dipper a few meters away from me. I groaned even more and in an angry fit stomped my way up to him. I was in such a blind rage I didn't notice I had bumped into his very finely toned back.

    "Pines, look where you're going," said Dipper. "Alright, now close your eyes and I'll tell you when to look, okay? No peeking otherwise I'll throw you off this cliff."

    "How romantic," I muttered under my breath, closing my eyes shut and not even peeking. The self-awareness of not knowing something made curiosity trickle through me and made my heart beat faster.

    "I know," I could already imagine him smirking at me. I felt two hands on my shoulders steer me to some place and then suddenly, the fresh air hit me, and the smell of pine woods and fresh grass hit me. "You can open them now, sweetheart."

    And when I did, I saw everything. The little town of Reverse Falls laid out in front of me. I could see Greasy's Diner, the Tent of Telepathy, the Mystery Shack and so much more. I looked up, my eyes gazing to the dark, starlit sky with brilliant stars that shone.

    "This is... beautiful," I said. The sight had taken my breath away because it was so gorgeous and perfect. The night held a magical atmosphere and I felt light headed and high on happiness. Could this get any better?

    "Hey, remember that time where you owed me? For the grocery? And I said you'd have to pay me other ways, right?" said Dipper softly, snaking his arms and turning me around. He tightened his hold around my waist and leaned down until our foreheads pressed together.

    "Yeah?" I said airily. I felt his cool breath fan over me, and my heart was thundering and I felt adrenalin shoot through my veins. I felt my stomach turn into little knots and my breathing was ragged. I stared into his dark pits of chocolate-like eyes.

    "How about one more kiss, sweetheart?" he said, smiling. And that was when he leaned even more in, and our lips met. We were at war, yet again. We moved in sync, and my heart was racing faster then ever and I felt as if I was on fire. I felt as though I was indestructible, with him. With Dipper.

    It wasn't hot, it wasn't rushed or heavy. It was a soft kiss, which was worse than rushed, hot kisses which made you sweaty. It was one where Dipper used one hand to caress my cheek softly and the other around my waist that brought me closer. 

    I had both my arms around his neck and I roamed my fingers into his luscious locks that looked so soft and felt soft too. It was sweet, soft and short, unfortunately. But it made my heart race and my cheeks flush and made me feel happy.

    Once we stopped, he leaned against my forehead again and grinned at me.

    "Alright, sweetheart, time to take you back," whispered Dipper, leaning in again. For a second I thought he'd kiss me again but he kissed my forehead and the thing is... that forehead kiss had made my knees weak and my insides turn into putty because it was so sweet.

    "Okay," I nodded dumbly. 

    That forehead kiss was doing wonders to me.


    "Well, I hope you enjoyed it," he grinned, waving at me. He was a few meters away from the door because we might have been a little late because it was 11:30 now. We might have gotten in trouble, so I had told Dipper to say goodbye away from the Shack otherwise he'd get a beating.

    And Dipper had replied to that by saying he was a man and that nobody could stop him, in which I replied that he would be a man if he listened to me, which shut him up.

    "Heck yeah I did, did you, though?" I retorted, giving him a small wave. Dipper winked at me and stepped back.

    "I still wished I could've gotten a goodnight kiss," he pouted and then turned around and disappeared into the never-ending woods. I laughed softly and opened the door to the Shack and entered, only to find the lights being flicked on and an angry Gideon to be standing there with his arms folded.

Published: May 11, 2016 | Reads: 7.6k | Goal: 7.9k

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