~ Part 21 ~

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Asriel lead Frisk near the head of the room on a small platform where everyone could see them. Some heads turned at the sight but the ones that didn't were captured by Asriel clearing his throat and tapping a nearby glass with a spoon. 

Frisk looked around and shuttered upon seeing all of the eyes on her. Asriel clearly knew it was bothering her, but made no move to fix the situation as he turned from her to the crowd.

"I wanted to thank each of you for coming to my coronation tonight. However, there's one more surprise I had in store for you. Since she entered the Underground, Frisk has impacted everyone's lives in multiple ways. She's shown everyone mercy and ultimately saved us all. She saved me. Ever since we were kids she's always been there, caring for others, making sure everyone was happy. That's why... tonight... I wanted to ask you, Frisk, if you would marry me?"

The room fell silent with all eyes on Frisk as Asriel bent down on one knee and pulled a black, velvet case from the inside of his cloak. He opened the case to reveal a black diamond ring.

Frisk froze. Her mind couldn't process a proper response let alone actually speak it. She felt numb. All she knew was that she didn't want to.

"A-Asriel," She squeaked, brown eyes wide with terror.

He proceeded to pull out the ring and grab her hand to put it on.

As soon as their hands met, she snacked his away, cradling her own to her chest. Frisk's eyes fled around the room, absolutely terrified. Without further hesitation, she lifted her dress off the ground and took off to the nearest exit. 

The crowd started murmuring and shooting comments back and forth about the event that had just taken place. Asriel was just about to take off after her, but didn't as he watched a certain skeleton race out instead.


Sans quickly followed the sound of clacking heels against the cement floor that led him to the royal garden. Golden roses, amaryllis, buttercups and all kinds of different flowers flooded his vision as he ran after her. All the same beautiful, melancholic hue of yellow.

The skeleton pushed on further to go find Frisk, completely lost within the garden at this point. It was like a maze. For every left he took, the sound of heels against the cement would echo to his right and for every right he took, the sound would be left once again. It was disorienting to say the least. Just as he was about to turn around and see if he had missed a turn somewhere previously in the maze, his white pinpricks caught a hint a blue.

He approached anxiously, his dress shoes lightly tapping on the floor.


Frisk's head immediately shot up. She tried her best to dry her eyes with the sleeve of her dress as Sans only proceeded to get closer to her. She felt like a child.

"Have you come here to mock me?" The brunette asked, her voice empty and hallow.

The skeleton was taken aback by the sudden accusation. But... he couldn't really blame her. After the events that just played out, he'd be pretty shaken too if he were in her shoes.

"no. just making sure you were alright."

There's a few minutes of fragile silence before he hears Frisk sniffle, a fresh set of tears now falling down her face.

"How could he do this? He's my brother, Sans! I didn't think that he'd... do... that..." 

Sans used the chance to take a seat beside the run away bride, gently taking her hand in his. 

"why... why did you say no?"

Frisk's chocolate brown orbs quickly panned up to meet Sans' pin-pricked sockets, fresh tears still rimming her eyes. At the moment, her mind was completely blank. Only one clear answer came through, however- the reason why she didn't want to marry Asriel. 

It wasn't because she had deemed him her brother at a young age, or because she just wasn't interested in him. There was another reason. One she wanted so badly to admit to the skeleton sitting just a few treacherous inches away from her. 

Her sickness, their time together, even Asriel's proposal all proved the point that what she truly wanted was to be by Sans's side. 


"I like you, okay?! That's why I couldn't say yes to that proposal! I-I-I don't know when it started, o-or why I started feeling this way about you, but I can't stop it! Every time I'm around you, I get this feeling and I just want to be with you and tell you how much I care about you! I know you don't feel the same, and that you only see me as a child but I can't help it anymore!"

The sudden confession sits heavily in the air. For just a moment, it feels as if time has completely come to a halt. 

Frisk looked dormantly at her lap- both of her hands curled into fists and hot tears running down her cheeks. If she was being honest, a certain part of her felt relieved. The heavy weight of her feelings for Sans had finally been let out. There weren't anymore secrets or explanations to give for her random behavior for whenever she was around him.

While she sat on the bench, thinking through her decision, Sans was completely out of it. 

She liked him? So all those times he had been holding back around her, fighting his feelings because he believed he wasn't enough, and trying to force himself to believe that he would be okay if Frisk and Asriel were to get married, was for nothing? 

There was absolutely nothing that could stop the blue blush from quickly growing on the skeleton's face. He had just received the confession of a lifetime from the girl of his dreams. It all felt too good to be true. 

"Frisk, you should know that i-"

"You really had to do this on our wedding day, didn't you."

Frisk and Sans immediately looked up towards the figure standing just a few daunting feet away from them. 

It was Asriel, but he looked... different

His beautiful green eyes had turned a solid black with menacing stripe of white in them. Underneath his eyes were two black stripes, leading down to his jaw line. 

This appearance was one both Sans and Frisk remembered from previous timelines. Timelines were Frisk would end up dying at the hands of her own brother, only to reset over and over again until he was defeated. 

Sans immediately stood up, his left eye glowing brilliantly with blue flames. He quickly took his spot in front of Frisk, making sure Asriel wouldn't be able to hurt her or take her away. 

"Get out of the way unless you want to be obliterated. Last time I checked, I proposed to her, not you."

Asriel then fired off a quick shot. It was more of a warning than an attack, one that Sans countered with an attack of his own. 

"have you ever thought that maybe she didn't want to marry you? when was the last time you considered her feelings?"

"Even if she didn't want to marry me, it's a little too late for that now. She will be mine whether you like it or not."

Asriel fired off a few more shots, they were more aggressive than the last, but were still easily avoided by Sans. 

"if that's what you really think, you're gonna have a bad time."

For the first time, Sans took the initiative of attacking. Asriel evaded the attack with ease, laughing at him afterwards. 

"You're really willing to fight with me in order to protect Frisk? Don't you remember it Sans? All those times she murdered both you and your brother in cold blood? How could you possibly forget? I bet deep down you're still concerned that she'll turn on you- turn on everyone. Could you alone really prevent that from happening? After all, you probably think she's a monster."

Asriel's quick speech caught Sans slightly off-guard, allowing him to land several blows on the skeleton.

"the fact that you're even bringing that up is pathetic. she's changed, everyone has. have you ever thought about how many times she's saved us all? through each and every timeline, i have never stopped loving Frisk. there were times when she would tell me she could feel Chara taking over, and i could do nothing but watch as it happened. she's strong, and brave, and has done nothing but protect the citizens of the Underground. you will never be good enough for Frisk."

Sans fired off an array of attacks, each one hitting Asriel dead on and causing him to temporarily loose his focus. 

Taking advantage of the moment, the skeleton quickly turned around, grabbed Frisk's hand, and teleported them back to the ballroom where all the guests were. 

No one seemed to notice their immediate presence in the room, Mettaton and Papyrus had been keeping them distracted by bringing the music back on. The party was back in full swing and they were both incredibly thankful for it.

"Sans, are you okay?" Frisk asked worriedly, noticing the few cuts on Sans' bones where Asriel had landed attacks. 

"yeah, you've got one crazy brother, kid." He joked, a small smile forming on his face. 

Frisk returns the smile, a small hint of concern still remaining in her eyes but she doesn't push it. Instead, she quietly leans against the wall at the back of the room, and scoots down it until she's sitting on the floor, knees pressed firmly to her chest. It doesn't take long before Sans is right there beside her, assuming a similar position. 

"So... did you mean it?" 

Sans looks over to Frisk with a questioning glance.

"mean what?"

The brunette's eyes fall from Sans to the crowd before her, admiring all of the beautiful dresses and vibrant colors waltzing around the room. 

"When you said... that you-"

"-that i love you?"

Frisk's face flushes a bright pink at his straight forwardness in finishing her sentence. She attempts to look away once more, but this time- Sans stops her. He cups her chin with his skeletal hand and guides her to look straight in his eyes. 

"i will always love you frisk. through every timeline, through every disagreement, through every battle, i will never stop loving you."

Without any hesitance, he connects their lips, holding on to Frisk as tightly as he can because for now, he is allowed to say she is his. And he doesn't plan on letting go any time soon. 

You are filled with DETERMINATION.

~ The End? ~

Word count: 1889

A/N: I may or may not make an epilogue to this story to show their lives after these events. Just to properly clean up the ending and make up for the extensive time I took finishing this book. Thanks to everyone who's been commenting, voting and pushing me to get things out. I genuinely appreciate each and every one of you for sticking around through it all. And if you have fanart, I'd love to see it! Send it to: rachieandrews11802(at)gmail.com. But for right now, we will call this the end. 

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