12 Everyone Knows You're Weird

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"Sit." I pull out a dining chair for Selena.

She's been staring at me with that same startled, guilty expression since I caught her under Leah's bed. I'm way too tired right now to figure out what the hell she was actually doing there.

Selena takes her seat without objections, and immediately, Leah notices the odd way in which she makes herself comfortable.

She tucks her knees up, in a perching position, squeezing herself into a ball. Thankfully my sister has manners and doesn't comment. But I can imagine why Selena prefers to stay in her apartment, where she can do as she wishes.

"Aw, man. It's already cold." She pouts at the blue plastic cup of mac 'n' cheese, which took only two minutes to make in the microwave.

"You want me to warm it up?" I gently take it to put back in the microwave for another minute, not waiting for an answer.

"Oh. Thank you..." She replies shyly.

"Did you know Adam's sister is having a surgery next week?" Imaan comments. She studies her fingernails with unnecessary attention, making me narrow my eyes at Leah. I've warned her so many times not to overshare with strangers.

"She is?" Selena sounds shocked, concerned even. "What...can I ask, what for?"

Of course, my dear sister decides to spill her whole medical history like she's speaking to a doctor instead of a drunk twenty-one-year-old.

Here we go. Now, I have to hear how sorry Selena feels. How she'll pray for a smooth surgery and easy recovery. The same unoriginal, condescending, fake sympathies I've heard from people a million times before.

"Blood clots around your heart?" She bursts out. "But what's the cause?"

Well then...I didn't expect her to be so passionate and factual. That's kind of new. I listen closer.

"They don't know."  Leah replies.

"What do you mean they don't know? They're doctors! It's their job to know. How many have you seen?"

Leah sighs heavily, glancing at me. "More than I can count. Probably all of them in the area, honestly. They all say the same thing."

"Which is?" Selena prompts.

"They don't know."

"What the hell? But why—" She flinches as the microwave timer goes off, pinching her eyes shut.

"Here." I place the warm food before her with a teaspoon and sit across from her, next to Leah, who hasn't touched her soup. "Eat."

"So they don't know what causes it. They don't know how to prevent it. And it can happen anytime?" Selena continues.



Leah chuckles, her voice stuffy and congested. "I don't know, because they're morons."

"They are! Oh my God. No. I need to know. I need to Google this." She takes out her phone and actually starts to search it online.

Outside the living room window, a group of violent stray dogs begin to bark. It sounds like they're ripping someone in shreds. I walk over and pull the curtains to one side, searching for the culprit.

I notice a black S-Class Mercedes parked three buildings down, with pitch black windows. What is a 6-figure, brand new car doing in the poorest side of the neighborhood?

From the kitchen, Selena gasps. "Oh fuck, Adam!" She runs over where I'm standing, as Leah and Imaan ask what's happening.

"Someone's been following us all night. Look!" She shows me her phone screen. "I-I just got a text message from a random phone number—"

I grab her phone and copy the number on mine, dialing it.

"The number you are trying to reach is not in service.


They've taken pictures while we were at the strip club, when I was too busy laughing at Selena's drunken antics. But that's not even remotely the worst part.

They took pictures of us in front of Leah's building.

They know where my little sister lives.

I call Jacob and grit my jaw when it transfers to his voicemail. "Call me back. It's important."

"What should I do?" Selena's eyes are round with urgency. "How can I be useful? Tell me."

"Everything okay?" Imaan frowns, her dark features etching with concern.

Leah is standing in the corner, hugging herself as if she knows what I'm about to say.

"I need you to go pack your things. Now."

"Adam, are you absolutely sure I have to—"

"Yes. Right now." I storm away from them for a little privacy and call one last person. The one I trust and need the most in this situation.

Roxy groans awake on the other line. "W-what's wrong?"

"I need your help."

I should've never visited Leah. I'm a fucking idiot. My blood is seething with hatred. Whoever followed us tonight must be the same one who mailed those Polaroids of Selena to Jacob three weeks ago. This is a game for him. He's using fear to toy with their emotions. Taunting them.


Jacob must've pissed off someone powerful. I fail to see another explanation. Someone is clearly seeking revenge and they don't care to hide it.

"I'm sorry about this." I kiss Leah's forehead, holding her feverish face. We're standing on the curbside, fifteen minutes later, next to Roxy's SUV. I know her trained men are inside, ordered to take Leah to the safest place money can buy.

"I love you," Leah mumbles, accepting her fate. "Will I see you before the surgery?"

"I don't know. Let's hope this is over by then. Right now, what I need you to do is take care of yourself, okay? Get well. That's all that matters."

I help her climb in, scanning the three familiar men inside. Along with them, is Roxy. She's in her signature style: black leather leggings and red bottom heels. Her thick blonde hair is braided to one side, draping down her hip.

"Sorry, I'd hug you, but..." She drawls.

"I know." I'm thankful she's cautious. It's better if no one sees her around here.

She offers a smile before gaping at Leah. "Holy shit. You're sick, sick. Aren't you?" She looks back at me, big sister face on. "I get why you had to come see her, but you know now I need to find you a new job, right?"

"As long as the pay is the same." I nod my chin at Leah. "Take care of her."

She reaches her long acrylic nails towards me and places a pill bottle in my hand. "She's not the only one who needs to be taken care of."

I read the printed label on the yellow container, recognizing the drug name. The same dose that I used to take for anxiety after Charlie's death.


The next morning, Jacob wakes up from his beauty sleep and decides to call back. He demands to see us and be filled in on the details. So, I take Selena over to his house, where Julie has prepared a feast of a breakfast.

"Bachelorette party? Really? You thought going out at night is a good idea at the moment?" Jacob shoves his golden fork into a stack of pancakes.

"Dad, we hadn't left the house for like a week." Selena argues back. "You hired me a bodyguard. Not a...prison guard."

Why did she look at me weird when she said the last part?


Does she know?

"Here's your coffee." Julie sets a small cup of foamy espresso before me, then clicks her tongue at Selena who's perched next to me. "Honey, put your feet on the floor. We're eating."

She begrudgingly sits in a normal position like the rest of us. Though from the corner of my eye, I see she's balancing on her tiptoes and they're facing each other.

I also remember her nails were perfectly painted yesterday. Now, they're bare, inflamed, and covered in white scratches. Like she's used a steak knife to scrape the polish off.

"Hello?" Jacob answers an incoming call.

At the same time, the gardener blasts the leaf blower outside the window. Julie laughs at a skit video playing on her phone. And Selena starts to pick at her raw cuticles. Repeatedly. I don't think she even realizes it.

"Do you have any plans for today?" I ask, hoping to distract her from all the surrounding noise.

"Huh?" She glances at her dad who's still on the phone, then back at me. Again at him. Then back at me. "Hm?"

I smile. "Do you have any plans for today?"

She blinks a couple of times, squinting at me like an old woman without reading glasses. "Huh?"

I palm my forehead, chuckling.

"I can't hear you!" She complains. "There's so much noise. Can I turn the TV off? Why is it on?" She jumps up and rushes to fetch the remote.

I didn't even notice that the TV was on...

Jacob barks at the poor soul on the phone. "What? Then what the hell do I pay you for? I want you to find it. No, not tomorrow. Today!"

Meanwhile Selena slides the window shut on the gardener's unsuspecting face and rubs her ears as fast as possible, like they're causing her pain.

"I don't care!" Jacob turns raging red, then hangs up, slamming the phone on the kitchen table.

"No updates, I'm guessing?" I ask.

"Not yet."

"Dad, why aren't they talking to me?" Selena leans against the counter across from him. "I'm right here. They should know exactly who's in my social circle. Who might have a motive to cause me harm. I can be a valuable resource and expedite this thing. No?"

"No. All I want from you, is to finish school and not do anything reckless. Okay? Just stay home."

"Okay, even I'm capable of doing more than that." Selena deadpans. "Also, this is my fault and I need to take responsibility. Leah has done nothing wrong, but now she's at risk. That's not fair. Hell, I'm even down to let the kidnapper take me if it means he'll leave everyone alone."

"Oh my God, don't ever say that!" Julie cries out. The video on her phone replays on repeat. "Your father and I are doing everything to keep you and Adam's sister safe. Right, Jacob? Tell her!"

"I am not a child—"

"Of course, you are! You'll always be our—"

"But I'm not—"

"Enough!" Jacob snaps. "I said you're not helping and that's it. Don't argue."

"You can't talk to me like that."

I have to admit, I'm impressed by how she carries herself in an argument with her parents. She's the most composed and mature out of them.

"Talk like what?" Jacob's voice only turns more stern. This man only knows how to use authority as a way of influence. It's sad, really. How much he doesn't understand his only daughter.

"I understand you're scared that something might happen to me, but it's not right to treat me like I'm special, just because I'm your daughter."

"Of course, it's right—"

"No, it's not. Maybe it's best for you. But I want to do what's best for everyone."

"No, thank you. I'm not everyone's dad. I'm your dad." Jacob smiles, rising from his chair. Doesn't push it back. Doesn't put his plate in the sink. Doesn't thank his wife for breakfast. Nothing.

"I'm not joking." Selena frowns. "You know what? Fine. Don't involve me. It's fine. I'll do my own research and hopefully I'll find him. Adam will help me."

"Huh?" My head snaps in her direction. "No, I won't."

"Why not?"


"Because what?"

"Because he works for me," Jacob says. "Not you. And if he goes against my wishes, I'll fire him. Understand?"

Yeah, go ahead and guilt trip her into submission, old man. See how that ends for you.

"What is the point of talking to you?" Selena casts her gaze down, hiding behind her hair. She murmurs as she brushes past me. "Let's go."

I finish my coffee before pulling my chair back and adjust my button-down. "Thank you for breakfast." I nod at Julie, then at Jacob. "Please call me as soon as you have new information."

Julie stammers, split between me and running after her stepdaughter. "Selena!" She makes the right choice. "Please, stay. Why do you want to be alone? We're not bothering you."

"For the love of God, can you please mute your phone!" Selena bursts out, scrambling to put her chunky sneakers on by the front door.

"You don't need to yell at me." Julie gets defensive. "I'm just trying to help you."

"No, how could you?" Jacob chuckles, moseying into the hallway. "Selena is big now. She's independent. Don't you know? We're not needed anymore."

"Stop." Selena's voice cracks, breaking a piece of my heart with it. "I understand you're hurt—"

"You understand? Oh! You understand." Jacob laughs. "I forgot how smart you are. You know more than me. I'm the stupid one, I should learn from you!"

"This is exactly why I'm moving to Germany."

Dead silence. Nobody moves.

"What?" Jacob sneers.

"I'm moving to Germany with Marc in three months." Selena crosses her arms. "Right after we get married."

"You weren't going to tell me?"

"I was eventually, but not like—"

"Wow!" Jacob looks away, a wounded smile stretching his wrinkled face. "Wow... okay. I didn't know you can't stand me that much."

"That's not why—"

"After everything I've done for you. Put up with your wishes, your feelings. Gave you everything you wanted. I never forbid you from anything—"

Julie touches his arm. "Honey, maybe let's—"

"Stay out of this."

"This is exactly what I'm leaving. You put your family down all the time."

"Me? When have I put you down?"

"Are you kidding me right now?" Selena stares at me in disbelief.

"You're not moving to Germany." He shakes his head. "It can't happen."

"I'm not giving you an ultimatum, but it is a possibility. If you don't respect my boundaries, I'm afraid that I'll have no choice but to put more distance between us. To protect myself."

"Protect from what? You think I'd ever hurt you?" Jacob yells. "That's how low you think of me?"

"Wow, when did I ever say—"

"It's okay if you don't love me, but don't break my heart by saying that I'd hurt my only—"

"We're not speaking the same language!"

"You want to go?" Jacob smiles. "Go! Leave me alone here. It's not like you visit, anyway."

"I don't visit, because you two correct everything according to your standards. I can't breathe!"

"It's not my fault you're not normal!" He glares at her. "Something's wrong with your brain. You're not okay. I'm the one who can't breathe." He turns away, tossing a defeated palm in the air. "I don't know what to do with you anymore."

"W-what?" Selena chuckles, the water in her eyes trembling to a breaking point.

"Jacob, enough," Julie voices her disappointment.

Without a word, I unlock the door. The clicking metal couldn't be more loud and clear in the heavy silence. I hover my palm on Selena's lower back, suggesting she saves her breath. There's no use in shedding tears over fathers who hurt their families. They're not capable of change. I know it from personal experience, unfortunately.

Julie comes forward, with a pleading look, while Jacob sulks in the corner. "Selena, honey, we love you. We just need you to be a little more—"

"Normal. Yeah, I got it."

Sorry this chapter was all about arguments. But what better way to build emotional intimacy than seeing each other at our absolute worst? ❤️

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