6 Confusing Little Thing

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After chasing a golf cart, watching her shop for sex toys, then saving her from her own engagement party, I'm done with the day. I'm ready to call my sister and check in on her, then hit the couch and pass the fuck out.

But as we reach the top of the stairs facing her apartment, I stop cold.

Her door is open.


Selena gasps, noticing it as well. Double shit. It's going to be hard to control her and catch whoever is inside her apartment. I should call her dad for backup, but there's no time to spare.

"Get behind me," I order under my breath, drawing my gun from the back of my jeans. I straighten my arms, aiming at her door.

"A-are you kidding?" Selena's voice shakes, breathing faster and faster. "Let's run!"

"Listen to me—" Distant screams and gunshots echo in my ears, moving closer. Sweat breaks over my forehead, trickling down my temples. I blink a few times, but my vision is distorted.

"Best birthday ever!" Charlie shouts, a shit-faced grin on his face. He stumbles backwards out of the club, opening his arms wide. "Aaah, Adam. My brother! I love you, man."

"Okay, buddy. You've had a lot to drink." I won't admit being on the same boat, but tonight was the only exception after knowing him for six years.

"Come on! You never say it back, man. Can't you just say you love me back, just once?" He puts up a crooked index finger and squints at it, mouthing 'one.'


"I'll moon all these people." He warns, unbuckling his belt. A wicked glow in his eyes tells me he's not lying, and that he won't remember any of this in the morning.

"Enough. You don't want to go to jail on your birthday, do you?" I reach out my hand towards him, but he jumps backwards onto the street. Thankfully the lights are red and only a few people out, given it's 2 AM, but still. There is a black SUV waiting to round into the street Charlie's blocking and I'm not down to deal with angry people right now.

Charlie laughs, pulling down his pants. "It's happening—"


"I'm waiting, Adam. Just say the magic words."

"Fine, you win. I love you, okay? Put your pants back on." I can't help but laugh at this stubborn idiot. I haven't seen him in so long, I didn't realize how much I'd missed him.

He hits his chest dramatically. "You mean it?"


The lights turn green and the black SUV makes its way forward.

"You got what you wanted." I open my arm out for him. "Let's go."

He doesn't fight this time. With a half-smile and tear-struck eyes, for reasons that I discover much later, he reaches to take my hand.

The SUV stops.

It blares the headlights on Charlie, blinding him for a split second. My heart stops when I see the gun barrels extending out of the windows.

"Charlie!" I throw myself in front of

"This is ridiculous," Selena's voice calls me back to reality. She turns on her heel. "I'm—"

"Shut your mouth and get behind me. Now." I reign in my anger, but some of it bleeds through. Now's not the time for personal issues. I signed up for this, knowing I'm not ready. And I don't know if I'll ever be, but it doesn't matter.

Her life is in my hands and I'm not going to make the same mistake twice.

She follows my order without another word. I split my attention to what's ahead of me. My senses sharpen until every detail is crystal clear. My legs move with precise, cautious steps, every muscle engaged.

With the gun still pointed, I push my palm on the open door and spread it wider, pausing by the entrance.


It's pitch dark. Only the moonlight from the living room windows illuminates the edges of the furniture. The L-shaped couch, the coffee table. The open kitchen on the left with four bar stools. The small dining table on the right and a bunch of decorations in every small corner.

Selena's heels softly click on the wooden floor as we go down the hallway and pass the living room, heading into the second entrance that leads to the other rooms. I stop behind the bathroom wall, waiting for any hints of someone inside.

None? I have to make sure.

In one swift motion, I twist over the wall and yank the door open, relieved to find no one. Selena yelps behind me, clutching my shirt. She's trembling like a rabbit, gasping in quick breaths.

"Shh." I reach behind me and untangle her cold fist from my shirt. Then I intertwine our fingers, brushing my thumb over her skin in circles.

The last room ahead of us is her bedroom. The door is open, revealing the edge of her unmade bed. An open dresser and a messy desk sit against the opposite wall. I grow nervous. I doubt anyone is here, but if there is, then this is it.

Selena lifts her free hand over the light switch on the wall, waiting for my approval. I nod. She flips the lights on. Nothing. It's completely silent. Another step into her room, and the small open closet on the left is exposed with nothing but clothes and clutter. There's no one behind the curtains and no one under the bed.

"This is so embarrassing, I must've left the door open when I left for school in the morning." Selena chuckles, folding her arms over her chest.

"Call your parents," I say distractedly, running my palm underneath her bed for installed wires.


"You shouldn't stay here tonight."

"But it's a false alarm." She frowns, defiance knitting her brows.

"You don't know that for sure. Call."

She rolls her eyes. "Do you have any idea how many times I've left my door open? This is definitely not the first time. Trust me, it's all good."

My jaw ticks at her negligence. "That's not something to be proud of."

"I didn't say I'm proud. Besides, this is a super safe building. There's only like twenty residents here and it's always quiet. No one would be stupid enough to attack me here, they'd get caught in milliseconds."

I sigh, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"What are you doing?" She panics, realizing I'm calling her dad. "Hey!"

"Hello?" Jacob answers.

"Hi Jacob, it's Adam."

"Is everything okay? Where's Selena?"

"Hang up!" Selena whispers through a clenched jaw, trying to make her eyes all wide and threatening.

I roll mine. "She's fine, but I'm afraid someone might've broken into her place. You might want to bring your investigators to check out the place."

"How is she? Did she get scared?"

"Give me the phone!" Selena jumps, flailing her arms near my ear to snatch the phone.

I swat her out of the way. "Yeah, she's terrified. She wants to stay with you."

"He's lying!" She jumps on me, wrapping her legs and arms on my side like a crackhead koala.

"Let me talk to her," Jacob sighs.

I lower the phone to her, ignoring her death glare.

She hops off, brushing her hair out of her flushed face, and clears her throat. "Heeey, dad!" She grabs the phone, walking away from me. "Ugh, it's all my fault. I left the door open! Yeah, I promise I'm okay. No, I swear—"

Her dad starts yelling on the other end. I watch with slight amusement as Selena freezes, defeat sinking down her shoulders. She pulls her bottom lip into her mouth and gives a small nod.

"Okay. I'll be right there."


"Honey!" Julie throws her arms around Selena as soon as she exits the car. "I was so worried about you!"

"I'm fine, mom..." Selena gives her an obligatory pat on the back, looking as awkward as she did at her engagement party.

I really don't understand this girl. Something's wrong with her. She should be more scared and thankful she has a family who's doing everything in their power to keep her safe. Not everyone is born so lucky.

An hour forward, Selena's having tea with Julie in the kitchen. Her father has called all his connections, from sketchy criminals to lawyers, undercover cops, detectives. Silver haired men with aging skin and big waistlines, and even bigger pockets. The worst part is that I doubt any of them ever pulled a gun on someone. They just bark orders while hiding in their mansions.

Even Marc shows up, but of course, he doesn't spare a glance at Selena. No. He's too busy, burying his nose in Jacob's ass for a crumb of approval. Why am I not surprised? He's paying for his tuition after all. I bet that's the only reason he's marrying his daughter.

Jacob eventually trudges into the kitchen, the dark circles under his eyes prominent. "Julie..."

"What is it, Jacob?" She stands from her chair.

"Get a couple of suitcases for Selena."

"What?" Selena doesn't miss a beat, her arms folded on the table as she scowls at her dad. "Why do I need suitcases?"

"Don't you need some stuff from your apartment?"

"For tonight?"

"No, not just tonight."

Jesus. You can cut the tension with a knife, and not in a good way. Why does he talk to her like that? Doesn't he see it riles her up? I understand she's difficult, but this isn't helping at all.

"You shouldn't be alone." Julie jumps to the rescue, her warm eyes round. "Please, Selena, I know you don't want to live with us, but I'm begging—"

"I can't." It's clear she doesn't want to hurt her stepmom's feelings. She casts a conflicted frown at Jacob. "What was the point of getting me a bodyguard, if you're going to keep me hostage?"

He chuckles, looking away. "Hostage..."

"You don't discuss anything with me. I'm not a kid anymore—"

"You will always be a kid to me," he says affectionately, his eyes watering before he turns to Julie. "Go get her suitcases."

"No!" Selena yells, her voice cracking under the pressure. "We're not done."

"I am." His smile widens, as if it's supposed to diffuse her anger. It does the exact opposite.

"We all had a rough day, let's not fight." Julie pleads, stuck between them.

Marc strolls into the kitchen, hands in his pockets. "She can move in with me, if that helps."

"How the fuck does that help?" Selena's scowl deepens.

"Language." Jacob turns serious.

"That's a great idea!" Julie's eyes widen in realization, turning to Selena. "Why not?"

"Um, because first of all, he lives an hour away from my school?"

"You don't need to go to school." Jacob shrugs.

It becomes so silent, you can hear a pin drop. All eyes turn to Selena, who's slack-jawed with a look of betrayal and disgust on her face.

Then she storms away, headed upstairs into one of the bedrooms.

"Selena!" Julie rushes after her, throwing a harsh gaze at Jacob. "Is this what you wanted?"

Jacob lets out a defeated chuckle, as if the women are being dramatic. Marc returns a smile that doesn't reach his eyes and I keep my poker face on, noting everyone's behavior.

Three hours later, everyone's asleep. I've already called and checked on Leah. She's looking for an apartment in a better neighborhood. I've told her to ask one of her close friends if they want to live with her. I'll pay for their part of the rent, if they need it. I just don't want my sister alone while she's going in and out of the hospital.

It's around 3 AM when I finally settle on the couch. My back is sore and my skin is sticky from sweat. I unbutton my shirt and shrug it off, cracking my neck left and right, and rolling my shoulders to get rid of some of the knots.

What a long fucking day.

I should sleep, but you know how sometimes you're so tired, that you can't fall asleep? That's how I feel. Plus, I don't want to have one of my nightmares and wake people up. Especially after tonight's flashback in front of Selena's apartment.

I fill my lungs with air and slowly let it out, letting my head hang down. I toy with the trigger on my gun, staring at the cold weapon. Eventually, my eyelids droop shut and I doze off.

I'm seeing random dreams on and off, images of Leah and me as kids, memories of my dad, my mom, Charlie. They all shift rapidly, glimpses of their voices coming and going. I'm drowning in them, when suddenly, my awareness creeps back in and I sense movement in front of me.

Instincts kick in. I don't hesitate for even a moment.

In a split second, I have the gun pushed against someone's throat right above me. I don't know who, but I'm ready to blow their brains out. All I need to do is open my eyes and...

"Selena." My voice is gruff with sleep. Her trembling breaths wash over me, her bottom lip shaking as she stays absolutely still.

I feel a heavy fabric between us and lower my gaze to see she's holding a blanket, attempting to drape it over me.

"What are you, stupid?" I sigh, withdrawing my gun from her neck.

She lets out a startled gasp as soon as I let go and slumps on my lap. Her eyes grow muddled and hazy, like she's on the verge of passing out.

"You're in shock," I say, keeping my arms spread over the headrest by my sides, making sure I don't touch her. "Take a deep breath."

She's in oversized sweatpants and a worn-out man's t-shirt, hair thin and wet from a shower.

Huh. I crane my neck to one side.

She's still beautiful, even without the bold makeup. Even when she's stupid enough to cover me with a blanket while I have a loaded gun in my hand. Even as she digs her nails into my shoulders with her clammy fingers, failing to let oxygen in through those pretty, open lips.

"Breathe, sweetheart," I murmur.

Excuse me while I go melt over Adam in the corner. Did you guys like this chapter? Let me know <3

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