Eavesdropping and Wonder

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Chapter 14

Third Person POV

Yaya lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling with a blank look on her face. She remembered what transpired a little while ago, her face slightly scrunched displaying her displeasure. She had woken up minutes ago, feeling refreshed, she went out of bed and left the room. She made her way to the stairs and was about to go head down when she heard her parents talking. At first, she thought that they were talking about the business collaboration with 'Esther' considering that they sounded serious. Shrugging it off, she slowly made her way down the stairs, her parents' voices grew louder. She didn't mind it, it was common knowledge when her parents talked about business, they would often give each other ideas, some in which, usually led to them arguing what was better.

That's how business worked. Just because you're married doesn't mean you have to agree with everything. When an idea is horrible, you have to say so. Otherwise, you might as well let your company go broke.

However, she soon realized that they weren't speaking business but rather about her.

"I refuse to let my daughter marry a man she won't love! This isn't the noble times where we have to sacrifice our children to make peace and connections!" Yaya heard her mother exclaim, a slam on the table accompanied as she spoke.

Hearing her, Yaya raised her brows, a complicated look showed on her face. "What does she mean by marry?" She quietly muttered to herself.

Before she could collect her thoughts, her father spoke back calmly. "I do agree with you. However, this decision was made years ago. We can't just cancel the engagement without the consent of her fiancé."

"He's here isn't he? We can talk to him about it! He'll definitely agree it to it!"

"What about his family?"

"Do you even have to ask? They care for their son greatly, they'll support his decisions as long as it's valid."

"...Fine, I'll talk to him about the engagement in the future. Now is not the right time. He's too busy from work."

"I know, it's just that... I don't want Yaya to have a loveless marriage. You know that girl, if she thinks that this engagement is some sort of duty, she'll let it happen without voicing any complaints." Yaya can hear the concern in her mother's voice.

"We can never know what happens, who knows? Perhaps she'll fall in love with him like before."

Yaya stared at the floor, her eyes empty as her parents' conversation sinked in. She had a fiancé. A man she'll marry soon. Countless of emotions swirled in her, she could feel her chest tightening. Questions ran all over her head. Who was this fiancé of hers? What did her father mean by before? Did she know him? She looked back at her past memories, trying to remember who her fiancé could be. Her head ached as she tried her best to recall.

"Yaya!" Shiny black hair and hazel brown eyes.

"Who..." Yaya grew silent as realization slipped in, her whole body shook. "Those features... weren't they similar to..." An orange capped hero flashed across her eyes.

Putting her fiancé to the back of her mind, Yaya had a bigger concern.

Why did a younger Boboiboy appear in her memories?


Yaya arrived at school early in the morning, her expression stiff as her chauffeur dropped her in front of the school gates. Behind her was Boboiboy, looking at her with a bright smile. Originally, Yaya was going to ask Boboiboy about her vision but decided against it, after all, that would sound like something one of his crazy fans would say. Adding up to that, was his genuine happiness on making a new friend, Yaya didn't want to disappoint him by making him think she had ulterior motives.

"Shall we get going?" Boboiboy came from behind her, carrying two distinctive bags, one having the color bright pink and the other having red.

Yaya stared at him before turning to the pink bag, she was in dilemma. The boy beside her was so persistent in carrying her bag, saying "I want to do this as your friend." She would let him, however, if anyone were to see him holding her bag, there would be some misconceptions about their relationship. And really, she didn't have time to deal with another group of fangirls. But...

She looked at Boboiboy. He looked back at her with a bright expression, his brown eyes sparkling with joy.


Yaya sighed inwardly. How could she have the heart to turn that down?

"Let's go..."

The two enter the school grounds, as they walked side by side, students they passed by watched them with curious looks. When they reached the classroom, they were welcomed by Ying who had a small smirk on her lips.

"Ho ho ho! Would you look at that? Aren't you two cute?"

Gopal then added,  "Hey Ying, don't those two look like a newly formed couple? Tsk tsk tsk! They're making me feel jealous."

Boboiboy rolled his eyes, "Couple? Your eyesight must've gone bad after playing too much games." He smiled at Yaya. "Don't worry about what Gopal said, he's just joking around."

Yaya nodded, offering a small smile. "Yeah, I could understand that from his personality."

He let out an airy laugh, "He does give that impression doesn't he?" Boboiboy then handed her bag over. "Here. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just got too excited with the friend thing."

She took the bag and told him silently, "The only thing that bothered me were the stares. It felt like I was an attraction."

"Should I tell them off for you then? I am your bodyguard."  Boboiboy said, a proud grin crept unto his face.

Yaya shook her head as she rolled her eyes at him jokingly, "No need. It's not like they attacked me or anything." She then looked at her smirking friend. "I better talk to Ying before she gets any ideas."

He hummed in response. Taking it as a sign of affirmation, Yaya walked over to Ying and immediately talked about the upcoming test for Math. Boboiboy watched her do so, his eyes forming into crescent moons. He then turned behind him, his gaze landing on the students in the hallways. Boboiboy flashed them a smile before walking towards his seat.

Even though they received a smile from their hero, the students in the hallways felt cold. They looked at each other, nodding in agreement.

It was best if they refrained from staring at their president too long.

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