Meeting The Heroes!

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Chapter two

Boboiboy's POV

I'll tell you one thing... Having fans are a pain, They would chase you everywhere you go. As I landed on earth from TAPOPS, fans were already crowded in the area.

"*sighs* If I only had a power to brainwash them..." I told myself.

My space ship was going to land on Pulua Rintis, since I was going to visit Tok Aba. Tok Aba is my Grandfather, I moved in with him since... I ran away from home. I looked outside the ship's window and saw people with pens, magazines... probably the ones where I'm seen, and some of them wore shirts that had me imprinted in it. I sighed, "Another tough day..." I thought.

"Boboiboy!, We're landing in one minute."

I turned around and saw my best friend Gopal approaching me. With him was a purple spiky-haired boy,

"Hey Gopal! Did you already pack?" I asked him

"Of course I did, Fang helped me!" Gopal told me while pointing to the purple spiky-haired boy.

"Hey Fang!" I greeted him

"Hey..." He replied

"Geez... at least act excited." Gopal told Fang

"Whatever..." Fang said while giving a cold stare

"*Sweat drop* Well, I'm happy you guys are bonding." I told them

Fang looked at Gopal and chuckled,

"As if I would bond with him." Fang told coldly

"Hey!" Gopal objected

I laughed,

"What's so funny? huh?!" Fang asked obviously irritated

"You guys didn't change at all..." I told while trying to hold my laughter.

"Ey! So did you!" Gopal told me

"I know..." I told them smiling

We all smiled, ("Yes even Fang did") "We have arrived on Pulua Rintis..."  a voice announced

"All right! Let's go!" I told them grabbing my bag.

Fang and Gopal grabbed their bags and followed me.

As we went out of the ship our fans started cheering and raising some "Welcome back heroes" Posters. Gopal and I smiled and waved at them, While Fang ignored them.

I nudged Fang with my elbow,

"Ey! Fang be nice!" I whispered

Fang glared at me, "Fine..." He whispered back

Fang made a fake smile and waved at our fans, Gopal whispered to me "He's finally listening to us."

"Yeah." I agreed

We laughed and continued to smile and wave at the people gathered. Suddenly people surrounded me and asked for autographs. "Guys help!" I screamed at Fang and Gopal who were watching me. "Oh come on guys!" I thought

Yaya's POV

As we arrived a huge crowd were already gathered, "Hmm.. Boboiboy must already be here..." I thought

"Come on Yaya!" Ying said running towards the crowd.

I ran after Ying, Ying was a fast runner it was hard to keep up with her.  "Ying could you slow down?" I asked her panting

"Yaya he might leave any minute!" Ying told me while continued running. "Geez... It's not like he's going to disappear!" I told Ying.

She looked at me but she was still continuing running.

"This might be our only chance to meet him!" Ying told me not noticing that she was about to run into a purple spiky-haired boy. "Wait! Ying! Watch out!" I warned her, but it was too late.

"Wha-" Ying looked in front of her and saw a boy.

Ying bumped into the purple spiky-haired boy and they both fell unto the floor.

"Hey!" The purple spiky-haired boy said

"Ow ow ow..." Ying said pained

"Ying!" I ran towards her,

"Are you okay?" I asked her

"I'm fine..." Ying said standing up.

I turned towards the boy and apologized,

"Sorry for my friend..."

The purple spiky-haired boy stood up wiping of the mess in  his clothes.

"Fang!" A voice called out

I turned and saw a Indian boy coming towards us,

"Eh? Who are they?" The Indian boy asked the purple spiky-haired boy.

"Ey!, Do you really think I would know them?! You idiot!" the purple spiky-haired boy asked the Indian boy.

"Hehehe sorry..." the Indian boy apologized

"Hey Guys! A little help here!" A voice shouted from the crowd.

The purple spiky-haired and The Indian boy looked at each other and smirked. "Sorry Boboiboy! I gotta go! My dad is going to get mad at me." the Indian boy shouted back.

"Boboiboy?!" Ying screamed while looking over at the crowd.

The Indian boy smiled and said "Yup! That's him... We're his friends. Are you fans?"

Ying smiled, "Yup! Did you say you were friends with him?"

"Yeah why?" The purple spiky-haired boy told Ying while not meeting her gaze.

"Oh my gosh! No way!" Ying clapped her hands excitedly.

The purple spiky-haired boy rolled his eyes and muttered "Fangirls... So annoying."

"Huh?! What did you say spiky head?!" Ying said while raising her fist.

The purple spiky-haired boy rolled his eyes and ignored Ying.

"Ey! Don't ignore me you damn idiot!" Ying told the purple spiky-haired boy.

"Umm... Ying..." I whispered to her

"Idiot?! Your the idiot here!" The purple spiky-haired boy exclaimed.

"Me an Idiot? Yeah right! I'm a lot smarter than you! Spiky head!" Ying argued

"Oh really? Prove it nerdy girl!" The purple spiky-haired continued to argue with Ying.

"Nerdy girl?! You're really going to get it!" Ying exclaimed

The purple spiky-haired and Ying glared at each other, They both said at the same time.

"Time Manipulation!"

"Shadow power Manipulation!"

I face palmed, "Great we're going to attract attention!" I told myself.

They both attacked,

"Thousands kicks!" Ying said

"Shadow fingers!" The purple spiky-haired boy said

As their attacks were going to intercept, a voice shouted

"Boboiboy Quake!"

A wall made of Earth suddenly appeared between them.

"Eh?!" Ying and the purple spiky-haired  boy both said at the exact time.

"Boom!" a cloud of dust fogged the area.

I coughed while the cloud of dust started to disperse,

I saw both of them glaring at each other while a boy with an orange cap was pushing them apart. I walk towards them,

"You were lucky, he was here... Stupid pigtails." the purple spiky-haired boy told Ying.

"Shut up Spiky head..." Ying told him in return.

"Ying!" I called out

Ying turned towards me and smiled,

"Yaya!" she said waving her hands high in the air.

As I approached them, I saw clearly who was the boy with an orange cap. It was the hero Boboiboy...

"H-i!" I nervously greeted the hero

Boboiboy smiled.

I went beside Ying and whispered to her "Well... We did get to meet him..."

Ying whispered back to me "Yeah..."

Boboiboy then said "Sorry for my friend." he looked at the purple spiky-haired boy. "He easily gets annoyed..." the hero continued.

"It's ok-ay... I'm sorry fo- my fri-iend." I replied stuttering

Boboiboy smiled and said "Well... I'm Boboiboy." he then pointed to the purple spiky-haired,

"and this is Fang."

"I'm Ying and this is my friend Yaya." Ying introduced us to them.

"Yaya? As in Yaya Yah?" Boboiboy asked raising his eyebrow.

"Umm... Yes" I told him

"How do you know me?" I asked him

"Umm..." Boboiboy seemed to try to make an excuse.

"He seems to be hiding something... but what?" I thought.

"Eeee~ Some one's famous with the hero~" Ying whispered to me.

"What are you talking about?" I whispered back slightly blushing pink.

"Nothing~" Ying said

"Ey! What are you two talking about?" Fang asked with annoyance in his tone.

"It's none of your business, Spiky head!" Ying told Fang

"Pssh Whatever..." Fang told Ying

Ying rolled her eyes and went towards Boboiboy,

"So nice to meet you!" Ying told Boboiboy

"Nice to meet you too!" Boboiboy told Ying

Fang rolled his eyes and whispered to himself "Nerdy Pigtails..."

"What did you say?!" Ying asked Fang bewildered

"I said Nerdy Pigtails... Deaf idiot.." Fang told Ying

"You Spike-headed jerk! You really want to get kicked!" Ying told Fang. They banged their fore heads together while glaring at each other.

"They look like a quarreling couple..." Boboiboy told me.

I nodded

Boboiboy looked at me and smiled, I nervously smiled back.

"Boboiboy is actually talking with me..."

I blankly stared at the ground, "Umm... Boboiboy." I called out to him.

"Hmm? What is it?" Boboiboy asked

"How did you know my full name?" I asked him

Boboiboy was silent, He didn't answer me... I looked at him and saw the look on his face. Boboiboy's friendly expression seemed to have faded, He had a serious expression.

"Boboiboy?" I called out to him.

"..." Boboiboy did not answer.

"Well it was a pleasure meeting you... but I have to go somewhere..." Boboiboy told me

"Su-ure" I told him

Boboiboy smiled and went towards Fang "You coming? Or you going to keep arguing with your new found girlfriend?" Boboiboy teased Fang.

"What?!" Ying and Fang said in at the exact same time.

"No way I'll date her!" Fang exclaimed

"I agree! I don't want to date some one who's rude!" Ying agreed with Fang.

"Me rude? You should look at yourself!" Fang told Ying

"Hmph! Just leave already!" Ying told Fang.

"Of course I will!" Fang told Ying while he rolled his eyes.

Fang grabbed Boboiboy by the collar,

"We hope to see you again!" Boboiboy shouted while being dragged away by Fang. I waved at Boboiboy until they disappeared into the streets.

I turned towards Ying and smirked,

"What?" Ying asked

"You looked like a quarreling couple with Fang." I told her.

"As if." Ying told me rolling her eyes.

"Come on you got to admit it, Fang kinda good-looking."

I told Ying.

"Fine... He is.." Ying confessed

"So is he your type?" I asked her

"Definitely Not!" Ying told me

"Really~?" I asked her in a teasing matter.

"Let's just go to Tok Aba's Kokotiam!" Ying stomped away.

"Hey! Wait for me!" I told her.

As I chased after her, I had one thought that was itching me "How did the Great hero Boboiboy know me?".

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