New Enemies?

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Chapter 10

Third Person POV

Boboiboy's eyes widen when heard an explosion, he wipes his tears. He looks outside, only to see a square headed alien and a purple robot. Boboiboy was annoyed, they plan to attack him when he was having a bad mood.

"What do you want Adudu and Probe?!" He asks them furiously.

"Boboiboy! Give us Ochobot! Or Your Girlfriend pays the price!" Adudu said

"Girlfriend ? Huh?" Boboiboy thought.

Adudu signals Probe to show him, the alien cackles. The girl trap in Probe's grasp was none other than Yaya, she was unconscious.

Boboiboy grew furious, "Let her go!"

Adudu smirks, "Give us Ochobot!"


"Probe, crush her!" Adudu commands.

Probe tightens his grip, even though Yaya was unconscious, her expression showed that she was in pain. Boboiboy immediately jumps out of his window, and lands on the ground below. Of course it was painful, but he ignores it. His precious 'Yaya' was in trouble, he didn't want her to be in pain again.

"Surrender now, Boboiboy!" Adudu yells.

Ignoring Adudu, Boboiboy runs towards them. While approaching them, he yells.

"Boboiboy Thunderstorm!"

With that, his clothes became red and black. He charges towards them, with a furious expression.

"Probe Attack!" Adudu shouts.

"Yes Mister Boss!" Probe drops Yaya down the ground and attacks Thunderstorm. Thunderstorm snickers, he disappears in a flash.


Thunderstorm reappears behind them, "This is what you get for hurting Yaya!"

"Probe stop him!" Adudu said.

Unfortunately, they were too late; Thunderstorm was too fast.

"Thunder Strike!"

A huge thunder came out of the sky, striking Adudu and Probe. A strong gush of wind came, it made the trees around them's branches fly. A cloud of dust fog the area, which made anyone in the area unable to see.


Ying's POV

*Few Minutes Earlier*

I was walking home with Fang, we didn't tell each other a single word. All I could hear was the soft howl of the wind and the sounds of the crickets. I look above at the stars, they were twinkling as usual. Most people enjoy the stars, stargazing is what they usually do. Especially if it's for family bonding and romantic dates, not that I want it to be on a date with Fang. But I couldn't help but wonder, are there people who cry under these beautiful stars?

(Author: Oh, do you mean Boboiboy?)

Interrupting my thoughts, Fang had asked me a question.

"What do you think of the stars?" He asks me.

Well that was random...

I shrug, "I don't know..."

Fang looks at me with his beautiful red eyes staring directly at me, he then immediately looks away.

"Well, I think... they're beautiful tonight..." Fang said.

"Yeah, they kinda are..." I agree with him.

"But not as beautiful as you..." Fang told me.

I widen my eyes, did I hear that right?

"What?" I barely said, I felt my face heat up.

Probably noticing what he just said, Fang also widens his eyes.

"Why did I say that?" I heard him mutter.

I smirk, "Oh~, So you think I'm beautiful?"

That caught him off guard, he had slightly blushes pink. "Shut up..."

I giggle, "Well then, see you."

I enter my house, In the corner of my eye I could see Fang smiling. As I close the door, I spot Fang leaving.

"Bye, Spiky head."

As I go upstairs to my room, I see an envelope in the table. I walk towards it, the envelope was color blue and yellow. I pick it up, there were writings on it. It said:

To: Ying

From: Mom and Dad

I open the envelope, there was a letter inside. I pull out the letter, I slowly open it. As I read the letter, I couldn't help but smile. The letter said, I wouldn't be able to go home to China. Yes! That means I could still stay with my friends here! I happily skip towards my room, I open the door to my room. Revealing some posters of You-know-who. I quickly change in to my pajamas, which had designs of small glasses. I lay down on my bed. As I stare at the ceiling, all I could think of was Fang. Why am I thinking of him? I jolted up when I heard a loud thunder, I look outside my window. I saw a huge red thunder that struck somewhere near, I widen my eyes. That wasn't a normal thunder... that was Boboiboy's. I could tell, I keep watching his videos.

I quickly ran outside, using my powers I dash towards it. As I ran there, I could see Boboiboy carrying Yaya in a bridal style. Behind was a fainted Adudu and Probe, what the heck happened?

I run towards him, "Boboiboy!"

He turn to me, "Ying? What are you doing here?"

"I saw the thunder, also what happened?" I told him while looking at Adudu and Probe.

"They captured Yaya... So I attacked them with my Thunder Strike."

I look at Yaya, she had a jacket placed around her. I raise an eyebrow, Yaya seems to be happy being in the arms of the hero. Suddenly a loud sound came out of nowhere, "Boom!"

Boboiboy frowns, "What is it this time?!"

He places Yaya next to me, then he turns into Thunderstorm. In a blink of an eye, he was no longer there. Seriously? Not even telling me where he's going? Disturbing my complaints was Yaya, she slowly opens her eyes.

"Ying? What happened?" She asks me.

"You were unconscious, also... I'm not really sure on what happened either." I answer her.

Yaya look at me then to the fainted Adudu and Probe, "Um... did you do that?"

"Definitely not, It was Boboiboy."

"Um, where exactly is he?" Yaya looks around in search of the young hero.

"I don't know, he just zapped away." I told her.

Yaya gave me a troubled expression, before I could open my mouth again. A voice interrupted,

"Eh? Ying?"

I turn around, only to see Fang with Gopal. Gopal was in a pajamas, holding a piece of chocolate? While Fang was still wearing his clothes earlier, he was staring at me then he smirks.

"Nice Pajamas, Pigtails." He told me

I look at him questionably, then I realize. I was also in my pajamas, Damn it! I forgot to change!

"Whatever Spiky head." I roll my eyes.

"Uy Fang! Why did you bring me here? Did you need someone to accompany you to your girlfriend?" Gopal said.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Fang objects

"I'm not his girlfriend!" I object.

"*yawn* Whatever, so... why are we here again?" Gopal said

"Because Boboiboy sent me a message, he needs our help." Fang told Gopal.

"Can we come?" Yaya asked

Fang and Gopal look at each other, then Fang says, "No can do, It might be dangerous."

I raise an eyebrow, "Are you telling us that we won't be able to handle it?"

Fang looks at me, "Maybe"

"Well, let me tell you spiky head! We can perfectly handle ourselves!" I inform him.

He looks at me then he looks away, "Fine Pigtails, you guys can come."

I smile, "Great! Let's get going!"

The three look at me, then Yaya spoke up.

"You're going there in your pajamas?"

I nod, "He might need our help immediately!"

It looks like Gopal was going to say something, but an explosion interrupted him. We all look at the direction of the explosion, suddenly something crashed in front of us. It made us all fly backwards, as I get up I could see a humongous robot. The robot was surrounded by some symbols, the robot stood up.

"Surrender now Boboiboy, this is an order from-"

The robot was sliced into half, as it's other half fell down on the ground. We could see Boboiboy, he seems upset.

"Boboiboy?!" We all screamed.

Boboiboy was panting heavily, "No time to explain, there were more of them."

Suddenly more of those robots appears, all of them were headed for Boboiboy. As one tried to grab him, he disappears. Then it's head was cut off very cleanly, then it drops down to the ground. One more of the robots was going to punch him, but fortunately Fang stops it.

"Shadow Fingers!"

"Now Gopal!"

Gopal shot the robot with his power, the robot turned into a cookie?!

Fang then raised it into the sky then he smashes it down to the ground. Making the robot break into a pieces. One of them robots attack me, I smirk.

"Slow-mo Speed!"

Suddenly the robot immediately slowed down, it was so slow that it looked like it wasn't moving.

"Yaya!" I signaled to her.

Yaya smiles, "Mighty Punch!"

As she punched the robot, the robot was broken. I stop the slow-mo and did a high five with her.

As we look at the battlefield we saw most of the robot were in the air, then one by one they all exploded. Boboiboy lands in front of us, with the explosion behind him.

(Author: Typical Action movies...)

I mouth was wide open, he defeated those robots in less than a minute! As expected from Boboiboy, of course. Boboiboy walk towards us, he didn't say anything. He was just silent, I wonder what happened?

"Should we report this to TAPOPS?" Fang asks.

"Of course we shou-" Gopal was cut off.

"No..." Boboiboy said

"No? Eh? Why not? The robots were after you!" Gopal said.

"Just don't..."

Boboiboy left, not even glancing at us. We all exchange looks, hoping one of us knew the reason why. Unfortunately, None of us knew what made Boboiboy act like that.

"I-i better get home now." Yaya told us.

"Yeah me too..." I tell them.

"Ey Pigtails, wait! Me and Gopal should come with you." Fang told me.

I look at him confusingly, "Why?"

"I was told that a lady shouldn't be walking alone in the dark." Fang said

"Eh? Since when did you car-"

Fang placed his hand on Gopal's mouth to shut him up.

"Let's get going." Fang said while glaring at Gopal.

I look at Yaya, she was already no where to be seen. I sigh, and start to leave.

"What a stressful night..."

(Author: Hey guys, sorry for not updating for a long time. I know this chapter was a disappointment, I tried to update. Anyway, Thanks for reading this chapter! Comment your suggestions! Bye~!)

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