Officially Friends

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Chapter 13

Third Person POV

Yaya stares at him, heat slowly rising to her cheeks, a pink blush forming. She didn't know how to react, after all it seemed too good to be true that her 'celebrity crush' told her that. She blinks a couple of times, before finally cooling herself down. Boboiboy looks at her, waiting for some sort of response.

"T-thanks... I guess?"

Boboiboy tilts his head, looking at her questionably. He was confused, What was she thanking him for? He flashes a smile at her anyway, "No need to thank me, It's my job as your bodyguard after all."

Yaya nervously smiles at him, "R-right, because your my bodyguard..."

"Is something wrong?" He asks her.

"Huh? Oh no, it's just... never mind." Yaya waves her hand, dismissing the conversation.

Boboiboy just looks at her, before he sighs. "I know it's a lot to take in, you know... me being your bodyguard..." He rubs his nape nervously, before looking at her with hope glittering his eyes. "But... maybe we can be more than that?"

Yaya widen her eyes, "You mean..."

He smiles at her, "Yeah, I want to be friends with you..."

She looks at him with disbelief, how could someone like him, want to be friends with someone like her? Yaya's lips curl into a smile, she beams a smile at him. "Sure, we can be friends..."

He too then smiles, he felt happy to 'regain' his friendship with her. Boboiboy reaches out a hand, making Yaya look at it confusingly. He chuckles at her, before saying "Friends?"

Yaya gazes at him, before her gaze transfers to his hand. Her smile widens, as she looks at him in the eye.


The two shook hands, both were smiling widely. It was official, they were now friends.


~Time Skip~


Cheerfully walking home, were the two 'friends'. Both were walking casually, as they headed towards Tok Aba's Kokotiam. Boboiboy had been telling Yaya, all about his adventures in the galaxies, which Yaya found interesting. The two had been talking nonstop, as they walk alongside each other. Finally they were nearing their destination, where their other friends await. When they were finally near Tok Aba's Kokotiam, the two spot their three friends talking to each other. First to notice the two approaching was Ying, she smirks at the sight of the two walking side by side. She taps Gopal's shoulder, which caused him to turn towards her, giving her a questioning look. Ying points at Boboiboy and Yaya, who were walking towards them. Gopal too then smirks, watching the two sit down.

"So Boboiboy, This was the 'important' business you have to attend to!" Gopal exclaims, in a rather teasing matter.

Boboiboy rolls his eyes, "For your information, Yaya is important! Also, I was right to go find her."

"What do you mean?" Ying asks.

"Some girls tried to hurt Yaya..." Boboiboy simply answers.

Ying gasps, "What?! What's their names?! I'll hunt them down!"

"Can you shut up?" Fang said, making Ying glare at him.

"Why would I do that for you, Spiky-head?"

"Why you! I told you not to call me that!" Fang exclaims, standing from seat.

Ying scoffs, "Spiky-head! Spiky-head! Spiky-head!"

Fang growls, "Do you wanna fight huh?! Nerdy Pigtails!"

"Hey! You can't call me that!"

"Yes, I can!"

"No, You can't!"

"Yes, I can!"

"No, You can't!"

The two continue their pointless argument, as the three watch them do so.

Ochobot sighs, "And there they go again, I wonder how long it would take this time? 8 minutes? 15? Maybe 30..."

Yaya arches a brow, "I thought they were done fighting yesterday?"

"That's what we also thought, but apparently not."

Boboiboy chuckles, "At least they aren't killing each other yet."

Gopal nods his head in agreement, "True..."

Yaya looks at the two, "Are you two seriously going to let this be?"

"Yup" The two boys said in unison.

She looks at them, before face-palming. Ochobot then mutters, "Welcome to my life..."

*Few Minutes Later*

The two were finally done arguing, with the help of their three friends, of course. Yaya and Ying were talking, while the boys were drinking their hot chocolate peacefully.

"Hey Ying, what type of guy would you go for?" Yaya asks, catching the attention of the boys.

Ying taps her chin, "Hm... someone like Dylan!"

Fang violently coughs, as Boboiboy and Gopal glance at each other. Yaya was irritated, by the fact that Ying has a crush on Dylan. "Or maybe someone like Boboiboy!" Ying continues. Which made both Yaya and Fang widen their eyes, while Boboiboy and Gopal laugh.

"W-why is that?" Yaya questions her friend.

Ying nudges Yaya, "Don't ask me that, we both want someone like him. I mean, he's our 'celebrity crus-"

Yaya covers Ying's mouth, while nervously chuckling. "Anyway, why do you like Dylan?"

Ying removes Yaya's hand, "Please, I don't like Dylan. I love him! He's perfect in every aspect!"

"No one is perfect" Boboiboy deadpanned.

Ying clasps her hand together, "Well to me, he is!"

Yaya rolls her eyes and mutters, "Not perfect for you, that is."

Fang was silent, for some reason he felt empty... He had never something felt like that before, and he didn't like it. While Fang was lost in thought, Ying was daydreaming about her 'precious' Dylan. Both of them sighs, but for different reasons.


~Time Skip by triggered Fayi shippers~


"Bye Ying!" The four yells.

She waves a goodbye to them, before disappearing in a second, literally. Yaya stretches, as she takes a glance at the clock. It was now 5:34 pm, but then suddenly she began to wonder.

"Wait a minute, I thought Ying's mom fetched her already? What's she doing here?" Yaya said.

"Ying was at home, but she went here for a drink." Ochobot informs her.

Yaya looked unconvinced, "She doesn't usually act like that."

Ochobot shrugs, before continuing working. "Well, I should go home now!" Gopal exclaims, as he stands up. "See you guys tomorrow!"

Boboiboy smiles, "Bye Gopal!"

With that Gopal left, leaving Boboiboy, Fang, Yaya, Ochobot and Tok Aba. Fang stands up, "I should get going too..."

"See you tomorrow Fang!" They said in unison.

He simply waves a goodbye, walking away, probably towards the abandoned mansion where he lived. When he disappears from sight, the two sat there in silence.

"Boboiboy, help me close the store! We're closing early today!" Tok Aba commands.

"Okay Tok!"

Yaya watches them close, but then she remembers that she too has to go home. She frowns, "I better get going..."

"Eh? You won't wait for us?" Ochobot asks.


"I mean your house is next to ours... so I thought you would wait for us..." Ochobot adds.

"Right... I guess I could wait a little longer!" Yaya said, stealing a glance at Boboiboy, who was busy helping cleaning.

*Few Minutes Later*

"All done!" Boboiboy exclaims, placing his arms on his hips.

Tok Aba chuckles, "Well, let's go home..."

Boboiboy grins, before turning to Yaya. "Sorry you had to wait for us..."

"It's okay, I'm not busy anyways."

"Okay then, let's get going then!"

*Few Minutes Later*

They were in front of Tok Aba's house, Ochobot and Tok Aba were already entering the house, leaving Boboiboy and Yaya alone outside.

"I should get go now, by-"

"I'll escort you home." Boboiboy interrupts her.

Yaya smiles at him, "It's okay, I can just walk home alone."

Boboiboy crosses his arms, "No, I insist! Besides a lady like you shouldn't be walking home alone."

She giggles, "Then I'll fly home..."

"I'll fly with you." Boboiboy responds.


Boboiboy smiles, "Well then M'lady, shall we get going?"

"We shall!"

They both burst out laughing, finding their own actions amusing. The two start to walk towards Yaya's house, smiles plastered on their faces. Once they had reached the gates, Yaya looks at him. "You know just because your my bodyguard, you didn't need to escort me home."

Boboiboy frowns, "That's not the reason why..."

She looks at him confusingly, "Then why?"

Boboiboy smiles at her, he walks closer to her, making them only a few inches away. "Because we're friends remember?"

Yaya stares at his shimmering brown eyes, she herself getting lost in them. Slowly, Boboiboy pulls her into a hug, which caught her by surprise.

He whispers, "Remember that okay?"

She blushes, her face getting hotter. "O-okay..."

Boboiboy let's go of the hug, his eyes laced with sadness. "I'll see you tomorrow..."

Yaya could only nod, she starts to walk towards her front door. In the edge of her eye, she could see Boboiboy walk away. Once she was inside her house, she closes her door softly. Immediately, she falls unto the floor, replaying the moment in her mind.

"I see you two are quite close..."

Yaya looks up, only to see her father holding binoculars. She arches a brow, she points at it. "Were you spying on us?"

He hides the binoculars behind him, "No, I wasn't..."

Yaya playfully rolls her eyes, "Yeah right, Dad!"

He raises his arms in defeat, "Okay, you caught me! But..."

"You two seem perfect for each other..."

(Author: Hey guys! Another update! Sorry for keeping you guys waiting! I have to be honest, I think I just friend-zone BOYA...  Anyway, thanks for reading this, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! Comment your suggestions, opinions, comments and thoughts! That's all! Author out! *stops* Wait... I think I forgot something, Oh yeah! Also, FAYI shippers... I am truly sorry for Dylan! That's all, Bye~!)

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