Falling Leaves

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Underneath the twisted branches 

of an olden chestnut tree,

standing beneath the falling leaves,

watching the green grass freeze,

there is where you'll find me.

I have my hands dirty, filled with scratches,

my clothes mended with a dozen patches,

and my hair tossed and dirty, 

wet by a hundred snowflakes

that melted in a hurry, 

as I ran towards this forest,

that respects us, and adores us,

and awaits for our return.

For us! Forbidden lovers!

And for all that here we search!

For all that here, we learn!

I'm drenched, I'm cold, I'm lonely.

I yearn for your arrival,

I long for you to hold me.

But at least the scenery is beautiful,

and it distracts me from my worries. 

So I continue to shake, 

and to admire this place.

The snow, it comes down slowly 

from the grey skies above.

The other trees are dressed up

in coats of silver fur, and 

the field ahead is covered 

by a thin and soft white curtain,

that shimers, dances, flutters

with the wind that is now blowing.

The city in the distance, 

beyond the frozen pines,

looks so blended, faded, smoky;

I'm in awe by its existence,

you can see it in my eyes. 

God knows me

and She knows I love this sight.

But I'll only feel complete, 

happy and satisfied,

when you at last arrive;

when you, at last, are mine.

When you get here I'll sigh,

and say: "Finally! At last!"

Then of course, you know I'll smile, 

and I'll run into your arms,

despite the cold shivers

that slide down my back, 

and the quick, sudden quivers

that repeatedly nag

my poor lower lip.

You see, I could care less that I'm freezing.

That I'm trembling, and wheezing,

and coughing, and sneezing.

I crave your caress. I need you to be near me.

I want you, 

the forest wants you;

all nature calls to you! 

And eanwhile the gorgeous autumn, 

 By now nearly gone, 

whispers your name,

with a sultry tone;

in the wind I can hear it,

like a soft metal chime

or an echoing song;

remembering me that I am yours,

and that hopefully, you are mine.

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