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Two years of elusive happiness… the words Wook leaves him with haunts So a long after he had left. The bitterness of his brother’s feelings towards him is palpable, as if he is stealing right under his nose - just like he had sounded that last time eons ago. So tries not to think about it - at least not in front of coach Park who could read him like an open book. Perhaps, their fate was always short lived.

Instead he thinks of Yo, and the information he brought on Jung.

“I’m sorry,” his twin had said. There were bags under his eyes, many days of sleepless work heavy on his expression. Yo did not indulge their mother even though he craved her affection all the same. “Omma can play her media game - but the fact remains. It was Jung’s fault.”

“You want me to say that?”

Yo takes a moment, looking down and fiddling with his files. He is still new to his job, a penchant for justice still strong in him, but So knows - the loyalty to their family also runs strong.

“It could save your public image - she is ruining it.” He adds with distaste. “And Won is going to town with any little detail he can get his hands on. Like that tiny dent with Wook’s girl -”

“It was true - we were together.”

“So,” Yo sometimes forgets that even by a minute So is the older brother. Then he sighs. “There is no need to play the villain in everything. Wook might buy it, but I don’t.”

“Where is Jung now?”

Yo shrugs the corners of his mouth turning down.

“Omma won’t tell. She doesn’t see me as his brother - merely a prosecutor. As if I’m going to tug him to interrogation.”

“You seem to entertain the idea,” So says with a snort.

“Haes are sponsoring him,” Yo says darkly. So feels his heart giving a painful wrench.

“For FINA?”

“They would do anything to get him into the Olympic team. If he wins here - It’s good publicity. That’s why they are trying to turn the public opinion - make you the black sheep.”

It’s not only publicity.. he thinks but doesn’t tell Yo.

“I’ve always been the black sheep.”

Yo sighs again, his office manager is tapping the glass, two cups of coffee in her hand.

“So you won’t testify against him?” He summarizes their conversation. So doesn’t reply, but there is no need to. Yo leaves after a moment with a clap on his shoulder and So wonders how drastically the times have changed him for Yo says as he leaves,
“I wish Omma could see the lengths you go for her.”

Only he is wrong - it’s not for his mother he lets Jung go, but for the boy himself who So knows is nothing more than a pawn in his mother’s game. There is still time to save him.

Coach Park watches him arriving at the conclusion with a dark mood of his own. He knows - So thinks - what he is about to say.

“Let’s go back to states,” Coach Park suggests anyway. “They advice three months rest and reintroduction of activity with ease during the next six. You leg needs rest to heal - let’s forget the world cup this year.”

So shakes his head, knowing he would never forgive himself if he does so.

Two years - what is the point of it all if he couldn’t save at least one of his brothers?

“A fracture heals in ten weeks, General,” he tells the old man trying to sound light. “I won’t withdraw.”

“I knew you weren’t right in the head -” Park shakes his head, there is a glint in his eyes as well as creases of worry on his forehead. “You won’t be swayed on this will ya?”

He shakes his head, the grogginess of painkillers making his view spin.

“I’m going to swim.” He states calmly. “Until the very end.”

Yeon Hwa does rub it in, until she could quote the articles with her eyes closed. She had brought this downfall on him, Soo tries not to repeat that thought over and over again in her head. Her pillows are wet and her eyes puffy, there is no escape from her uncle’s manor.

The old man doesn’t talk - doesn’t ask for explanations. And her aunt doesn’t shut up. She only catches bits and pieces here and there of family honor - saving face - ladies who doesn’t roam at night - promised woman and all that chant, instead her mind is sick with worry.

Was he alright? The thought brings back memories of his blood in her hand, his blood seeping down the asphalt - he will survive it. He has to.

Her sleep is spiteful, studded with darkest of nightmares. She dreams of him waking up not remembering her, of him telling her to never see him again. She breaks her heart over and over again until she is devoid of all hope.

And she remembers. It had been coming in flashes ever since she held his bleeding body in her hands - flashes of another time, another place where he had bled for her but still did not manage to save her from her fate.

She has been Soo, before becoming Ha Jin and the so called nightmares were memories of that life. She tries to string it all together, but fails, chunks of story still missing. But she knows it had all been real. She knows how power and secrets and finally fate had pulled them apart.

She tries to remember more, the reason why he pushes her away - it has to be somewhere in those memories. But the pain of her knees return and coil around her until she is withering and the family forces the pills down her throat and away she floats to nothingness of sleep.

Then the artcles appear. It is Attorney Yoo trying to influence the public, but for once Ha Jin doesnt mind Yeon Hwa and her need to bully her. She reads all the repulsive accounts all over the media - knowing there was hardly a grain of truth but fishing greedily for information. Was he improving? Was he awake?

She brought this doom upon him - there is no forgiving to that.

The door opens with a snap.

“Oops sorry I took the wrong turn -” Yo almost closes the door with a slight bow, but Ha Jin is already on her feet. She doesn't care if it's Yo, his eyes still narrow and cold, his mouth still sharp and unpleasantly curled. She doesn't care if he is as cruel as the mad king she served, as long as he tells her what she needs to know.

“Don’t!” she sounds harsher than she meant to. “Don’t go!”
Yo freezes for a moment and then takes her state in.

“Hae Soo?” His brows are knotted trying to comprehend her situation.

“So - how is he?” She doesn’t waste time for pleasantries. Her throat is dry and stuffed with her heart as she waits for him to answer.

“Strange of you to ask that,” Yo, although not identical to his twin has that same deeply thoughtful tenor to his voice. “He is well.”

“Do you know - if he is awake?”

“I don’t think he will see you.” He speaks cautiously taking in the girl’s pale face and puffed eyes. “Caused enough of a chaos right?”

She swallows, hides her face in her hands. He watches horrified for a moment even from his practical training days Yo had never handled crying women well. But her face is miraculously dry when she looks up at him again.

“I just needed to know that. Thank you!”

He would have walked away, but his mind is heavy from the conversation with his twin that Yo cannot bring himself to leave the girl who he feels has a soft spot for his twin. He has frequented this house enough to know what was going on - even when Yeon Hwa tries to behave all hush hush. She doesn’t look confused - he decides for himself.

“Meet me outside in an hour - I’m leaving this door open.” He tells her causing her eyes to widen.

“Why?” She mouths, too startled to make any actual sound.

“Because my brother needs some sense knocked into his head.”

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