16- Uncovered secrets

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Miss Jenn said to go ahead without her," Carlos announced, walking onto the stage. Today was the photoshoot for the cover of the program and posters for the musical; Miss Jenn had been so excited about this if she was missing it, there had to be a good reason, "which means you're in charge," He knocks his hip against mine; a teasing smirk on his lips.

Carlos and I both knew I wasn't cut out to be the director, "oh, yay," I mumbled sarcastically; it's only a photoshoot, luckily, and then Miss Jenn will be back for rehearsal; I reminded myself.

"oh my gosh," I turned around as Kourtney squealed, "you look perfect, yes."

Nini's bright blue pants and orange cardigan were an exact copy of Gabriella's costume on the original poster; Kourtney really outdid herself.

"Eloise," I turned to face Big Red, who was calling my name; a camera hung from his neck, "can you come here for a minute? Ricky needs help with his wig?"

I look at Kourtney before walking away, "wig?"

She smirks, shrugging her shoulders, "Miss Jenn wanted accuracy." Oh boy, I thought to myself as I walk backstage; I can recall what Troy's hair looks like in the first high school musical, and I doubt it's a look Ricky could pull off...

"Need some help?" I ask; from behind, I can see Ricky struggling to get the wig on; in the reflection, I can see the blonde-colored hair covered his eyes.

Ricky let out a relieved breath, tugging the shaggy wig off his head, "that'd be great," he smiled at me, handing me the wig.

I walked up behind Ricky, hesitantly reaching over to brush his adorably messy curls off his forehead. As I placed the horrendous-looking wig on his head, Ricky watching my reflection.

"What to do you think," Ricky asked me, a smirk on his face, "should I change up my hairstyle permanently?"

I hum as if I need to think it over, "I think I'd miss the curls too much," I finally say, shrugging my shoulders.

"you think my curls are cute?" Ricky teased, standing up from his chair; I took the time to overlook his outfit as he stood; just like Nini's, his outfit was extremely accurate.

"I never said I thought they were cute," I pointed out, shaking my head, "I said, I'd miss them."

Ricky stepped closer, his hazel eyes staring into mine, "same thing."

I shook my head, "whatever you say, Bowen," I tap his arm before walking back onto the stage.

Ever since the dance, something had shifted in Ricky, and I's relationship. Before, we both were kind of awkward and cautious whenever we spoke, but now, we made jokes, teased one another, and acted as if we were actual friends, and not just hanging out to help one another win over the person they liked. It was weird at first, but now, Ricky's friendship was something I cherished and hoped I'd never have to lose.


As I walked to the bomb shelter for rehearsal, Carlos ran up behind me, out of breath from running, "Carlos, you okay?" I asked him, stepping to the side so we could talk.

"Miss Jenn might lose her job," He attempted to whisper but failed.

My eyes widened, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Apparently, she lied on her application," He rambled anxiously, "she didn't tell me much, but she sounded worried; I don't think she's coming back, El."

I took in a breath; Miss Jenn, the woman I admired and had grown to trust, had lied to all of us, "what are we going to do? We have to tell everyone."

"We can't," Carlos sighed sadly, "Miss Jenn made me promise I wouldn't say anything; she doesn't want to worry the cast... I can't lose this, Eloise."

I couldn't either; this musical, and the people involved had become my safe space, "We aren't going to," I reassure him, even though I don't know if that's true, "let's just go to rehearsal and act like nothing is wrong, we'll talk to Miss Jenn later, okay?"

Carlos nodded, "okay." We began walking again, entering the bomb shelter a couple of minutes later. Carlos took a breath before entering the room, smiling as if everything was okay, "Okay, people, let's stage a number! I'm late."

"Is Miss Jenn coming?" Nini asked; all the students stared at the two of expectantly, all depending on Miss Jenn to be here.

"Miss Jenn had a small personal matter to attend to and won't be here today," I say; it wasn't exactly a lie; I had just kept the main reason hidden. Nini was quick to ask if Miss Jenn was alright, "she's fine," I reassured, letting out an awkward laugh, "everything is fine."

Although I don't sound convincing in the slightest, everyone drops the topic, "Okay, Gabriella," Carlos grabs Nini's hands and led her to her spot, "I need you downstage on this mark. Troy, stage right. Chad, stage left. Other boys, find a box." Ricky and EJ were quick to follow his instructions, the rest of the boys following behind.

"Uh," Nini glanced back at the boys, "are they on stage with me while I'm singing?" Carlos tried explaining the concept to Nini but was only met with more questions in return. Normally, I'd cut in and stop them, but I wasn't the musical expert here.

Before they could even see the idea through, various students began yelling their ideas out; I stayed silent, my eyes darting around the room as students spoke from all over. Carlos' perky smile fell, revealing his anxious expression once more; he was overwhelmed with Miss Jenn, lost even, I had to help.

"Okay, you guys, enough!" I yelled; everyone's eyes went wide; I rarely spoke in rehearsals unless necessary, "this is not a democracy; Miss Jenn came up with this idea, and you're all going to try it and see it through, got it?"

"Eloise," Nini stepped closer to me, a concerned expression on her face, "are you guys, okay, 'cause it's not that deep; we can all just come back when Miss Jenn gets here."

"Well, she's not here, and I don't know if she's ever coming back?" Carlos finally broke; everyone commented in disbelief, all questioning what Carlos meant, "she's in deep trouble, you guys. They're saying that she lied on her job application, and there's a board meeting in less than 24 hours, and she's probably going to lose her job. I wasn't supposed to tell any of you, but I'm trying to do my best here." I placed a comforting hand on Carlos' shoulder.

"What are we even doing in rehearsal then," EJ exclaimed, in an angry tone, "and if you kept this from us, who knows what else you're not telling us?"

"You're one to talk," I comment back in a snarky tone.

EJ opened his mouth to reply, but his cousin cut him off, "Hey, let's all breath for a second." More students argued in return.

"You know what," Nini stood up from the piano bench she was sitting on, "I need a minute..." more students followed behind Nini; Carlos and I shared a look; I'd never seen Carlos look so defeated before.

"Rehearsals are officially canceled until further notice!" Carlos yelled before walking out too.

I sighed, shutting my eyes; I let my walls down for Miss Jenn, I trusted her, I finally opened up to new people... and what do I get in return, this.

"Eloise," Ricky followed behind me as I too began to walk out, grabbing my hand to stop me, "you can't give up on this too, please."

His hazel eyes bore into mine, full of desperation, "I'm not," I reassured, "I just, this is a lot," I admit, "I just need some time, okay?"

Ricky nodded, "Okay." I squeezed his hand one last time before letting go and retreating into the hallway.

I kept my head down as I walked; various drama students tried stopping me to ask more questions about Miss Jenn, but I just kept quiet; I knew just as much as them.

"Hey, Eloise," Nini hesitantly greeted me, walking in stride beside me.

I sighed, looking over at her, "We've already told you all we know about Miss Jenn," I inform her, "I'm trying to process this just like everyone else is."

Nini looked taken aback by my response, "Oh, no, I wasn't coming to ask about that," she told me, "I, uh, EJ was apologizing for all the messed-up things he's ever done, and he confessed that he took you to the dance just to get me back... I just wanted to make sure you're okay?"

I'm honestly shocked Nini even cares; besides that song we played with Ashlyn, we haven't spoken much, "I'm fine," and honestly, for the most part, I was. I had been trying to get over EJ for years, and after what happened last night, I think I officially was.

The thought of EJ Caswell no longer filled my stomach with butterflies; I was no longer nervous whenever his blue eyes would meet mine; the only emotion I felt about him was annoyance and frustration.

"I know we're not really close, but if you ever want to talk, I'm here..." Nini offered, smiling at me, "I know what it's like to be hurt and lied to by EJ."

"We should start a support group," I joked, nudging her arm

Nini nodded in agreement, "Totally," she laughed, "Hey, are you busy this afternoon? Kourtney and I are hanging out; we figured a girl's afternoon might help cheer us up, do you wanna come?"

A girl's afternoon? I'd never had one of those, "Yeah, that'd be- "

My phone ringing cut me off; I held up my finger to Nini, signaling for her to hold on, "Hello?"

"Eloise," Miss Jenn's voice rang through my phone; her usual optimistic and peppy tone was gone, replaced with a sad, almost anxious one, "Can you and Carlos meet me at Publik Coffee? I have something for you."

^^ Eloises outfit•••

The truth about Miss Jenn is out; and Nini and Eloise are becoming friends!

Also, some fluffy Eloise and Ricky at the beginning cause these two have my heart. Hope you enjoyed!!

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