21- The Tech Rehearsal

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All around the small area of the cafeteria that we resided in, small groups of drama students were huddled together, talking about what occurred last night. The fire department said it was faulty wiring, causing circuits to blow; the fire encaptured the entire auditorium, and it had been deemed unsafe to be in there for the next month or so.

No auditorium meant no show; unless we can come up with another location or post-pone it for however long... the show may not happen at all. Carlos and Seb, who sat on either side of my gripped my hands anxiously; I squeezed back just as hard, trying to comfort boys.

Instinctively, my eyes found Ricky's, who was already looking over at me. The two of us hadn't spoken since last night when he told me he didn't need my advice and just wanted to be left alone. last night, Ricky saying these things to me felt like the worst thing, but the thought of losing the musical was worse; and I could tell Ricky felt the same way.

Miss Jenn began speaking, pulling me away from my thoughts about Ricky, "Okay, guys!" She clapped her hands, gaining everyone's attention, "Wait," She glanced around at the group, her brows furrowed, "where's Gina?"

"I think she's going through a family thing right now," I informed Miss Jenn. Gina had messaged me earlier this morning; all she had said was she wasn't going to be at school today; I had asked if everything was okay, but she still hasn't responded, making me worry for my new friend.

"Okay, prays to our Gina...." Miss Jenn nodded, before letting out a breath, "I'm really not sure what to say, you've all worked so hard. I've seen all of you grow so much, but if we don't have a theatre, we don't have a show." Gasps of shock floated around the room; this couldn't be it; after everyone has worked so hard, we can't really be giving up.

"Come on, Miss Jenn, we've gotta do something," Carlos spoke up.

"I think we..." she shook her head, "I don't know, I guess we could consider other venues?"

EJ and Ashlyn both yelled out venue ideas; Miss Jenn shook her head to both answers, informing them that those venues were no longer there, "How about the El Rey?" I say, turning to face Carlos; his uncle Ruben who I have met on many occasions, is the listing agent, we could totally get in.

Carlos nodded, and everyone began chattering in agreement, "Any other ideas," Miss Jenn asked, brushing off my idea.

We all fell silent, looking at Miss Jenn with confused expressions; the El Rey was our best option, "Miss Jenn, I feel like you just had a really weird reaction to what Eloise just said." Carlos spoke up.

"Sorry, what did she say?"

Nini responded for me, "Eloise is asking if we can try and use the El Rey theatre."

"My uncle Ruben is the listing agent," Carlos explained, standing up from his seat, "and the last thing they had in there was a fashion show, like, four years ago." As Carlos walked away to phone his uncle, Seb began googling the theatre from beside me, tilting his phone excitedly for me to see.

"I can't imagine we'd be able to get in on such short notice," Miss Jenn reminded us; Carlos holds his phone on speaker speaking in Spanish to his uncle; after a couple of seconds, his uncle replies.

"Sì, Sì, Sì."

"Sounds like a yes to me," Ashlyn exclaimed; we all watched Miss Jenn, anxiously waiting for her approval.

"The El Rey Theatre it is!"


"Alright, Troy and Gabriella, find somewhere quiet to run some scenes," Miss Jenn instructed Ricky and Nini. The thought of the two of them, alone, in this dark theatre, made my heart drop. "oh and Kelsi," She sang, pointing to me. Miss Jenn had been going back and forth calling me Kelsi and Eloise; it varied depending on whether she needed me for a scene or needed me to be assistant director. "Go with them; most of your scenes are with Troy and Gabriella, so focus on those scenes, please; if you have time, run the songs; I need you opening night ready by dinner time."

No pressure at all... The three of us ventured further into the theatre, trying to find a secluded area to rehearse. Nini excitedly babbled beside me while Ricky trailed behind; he seemed to be deep in thought; about Nini, I assume, he was about to finally have some time alone with her, and now I'm third-wheeling.

"Yikes," Nini winced, pushing open the door to a room; all I could see between the light of Nini's flashlight were cobwebs and rickety wood floors, "This place isn't creepy at all."

"Right," Ricky chuckled, flipping on a light switch; under the dim lighting, I could see an old piano; this would be the perfect spot to rehearse.

We began rehearsing moments later; I was lucky Kelsi is such a quiet character; if I had been given any other role last minute, I'd be screwed. After an hour or so of running lines, Nini's phone beeped from inside her bag; it was from Kourtney, who was currently trying to figure out wardrobe, and it sounded urgent.

"She's really stressed about losing all the clothes," Nini informed us, sliding her backpack on, "I'll be back as soon as I can," She smiled at us apologetically before rushing out of the room.

Even though Ricky and I have been alone together countless of times, butterflies erupted in my stomach, "So, should we work on one of your songs? Or maybe we can run lines?"

Ricky slides down beside me on the piano bench, "I was thinking we could just talk? I'm really sorry about what I said at Ashlyn's party; I need you and your advice." He spoke sincerely, his eyes not straying from mine.

"It's okay," I reassure him; I try not to think too hard about the fact that he says he "needs" me, knowing it'd only consume my every thought, "I'm sorry Miss Jenn made me tag along," I gesture to the small rehearsal space, "I'm sure you would've preferred alone time with Nini."

Ricky laughed, shaking his head, "Why do you always do that?"

I furrowed my brow at him, "do what?"

"Bring up Nini whenever it's just us," He informs me; I hadn't realized I did that; I guess it was just a way to remind myself of what we were, not that I'd admit that to him.

I turn my eyes away for a moment, watching the piano keys instead. "Just because me and EJ didn't work out doesn't mean I'm not helping you with Nini," I finally say; helping Ricky win over another girl made my stomach churn with anxiety.

"Oh," was all Ricky said, "right...." He dragged off.

I look over at him slightly, "you still want that, right?" I ask; a part of me longs for him to say no, "help winning back Nini."

Ricky tugs at his curls before responding, his hazel eyes connecting with mine, "I thought I did, but I don't know anymore," He admits; I let out a breath, trying not to look so relieved, "I thought I loved Nini, but I don't think I knew what that meant, until...." He dragged off, not finishing his sentence. Until who? I wanted to ask, but it wasn't any of my business, and before I could say anything, Ricky asked, "should we run some songs while we wait for Nini?"

I nodded, turning towards the keys; as Ricky sang his parts for breaking free, I played the notes; despite the fact that this piano has probably not been touched for years, it was still in tune, "Can you teach me how to do that?"

I turn to face him, my fingers still playing the notes, "do what?" I asked, laughing slightly.

"The piano," Ricky gestured to the keys, "I mean, look at you, you're not even looking at the keys, and you're nailing it."

I shrug, "it takes a lot of practice, but sure, I can teach you one day."

"Why can't you teach me right now?" He asked eagerly, "c'mon El, Nini isn't back yet, just a small lesson." El, a nickname only my mom, dad, and Carlos called me; and now Ricky, I guess, I didn't mind though, it sounded right coming from him.

"Fine," I laughed, taking my hands off the keys, "but it's gonna take more than just one lesson, you know that, right?" Ricky lifted his hands off his lap, motioning for me to continue, "okay, so this is an E," I press the E key, Ricky repeats, "this is a D, and this is a C." I play the notes; playing the easiest song I could teach him, Mary had a little lamb.

"Like this," Ricky asked, trying to repeat the melody I'd played; I cringed as his fingers slipped, hitting the wrong note, "I can't even play Mary had a little lamb, I'm doomed."

I laugh at how dramatic he sounds, shaking my head, "You literally just started learning," I remind him, "here," I hesitantly placed my hand on top of his, guiding his fingers on what notes to play.

We play the song a couple of times in a row, each time getting faster than the last as Ricky picks it up, "There you go," I nodded, admiring how adorable Ricky looks as he concentrates on the keys, "you're going to be a pro in no time." Ricky glances up at me, pausing when he realized just how close we were.

From here, I could see the golden specs in his hazel eyes and feel his warm breath as he lets out a shallow breath; his eye flicker from my eyes to my lips as he leans in. Unlike the last time, this happened when I completely froze before turning my head; I moved my hand up, cupping Ricky's cheek.

Just as Ricky's lips brushed mine, a voice broke me out of my trance, "Hey guys," I jumped back before Big Red could enter, "We're going back to East High; we're just packing up now," He informed us, a clipboard in hand.

Ricky awkwardly cleared his throat, "okay, thanks man," I sorted my papers as Ricky followed Big Red out; I could feel him turn back to look at me, but I kept my eyes on my backpack as I shoved my binder back in; not wanting Ricky to see the blush that was now coating my cheeks.

As soon as I got back into the main area, where everyone was packing up, Carlos and Seb found me, both of them linking their arms through mine. "Eloise, hi," Seb greeted me; our friendship had grown rapidly since he and Carlos starting dating; as we walked out of the building, the two of them began excitedly babbling about their afternoons, but all I could think about was Ricky.

"Are you okay, El?" Carlos asked, furrowing his brows at me in concern; I don't bother covering up what happened in front of the two of them.

"Ricky and I kissed," I blurted, "well, I guess technically we didn't, his lips brushed against mine, but we would've if Big Red hadn't interrupted."

Both of them squealed, "did you want to kiss him?" Carlos asked, his eyes wide with excitement.

More than anything, I think to myself. I've been so confused over how I feel about Ricky and why I felt so indifferent whenever I saw him and Nini together, and I think I finally figured it out; I couldn't push it away now; I was in too deep. "I did," I admit, biting my lip, "I think I like him," I admit quietly.

"You think?" Sebastian asks.

I shook my head, "No, I know," I take in a breath for saying, "I like Ricky Bowen."

^^ Eloise's outfit

Eloise and Ricky almost kissed, he isn't interested in getting back together with Nini.... and she's finally admitted to herself that she likes him!!!
Hope you all enjoyed❤️

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