24- the start of something new

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I searched the halls for Ricky, so far having no luck in finding the curly-haired boy; it had all happened so quickly, intermission ended; and I'd walked on stage to do a scene, Ashlyn's big solo; instead of finding Ricky and EJ side by side, I found EJ and Carlos? Ricky left, he quit, and he didn't even think to tell me.

As soon as I finished playing the piano for Wondering, I ran backstage; frantically searching for Ricky, he wouldn't leave without saying goodbye, I know he wouldn't; it must have been seeing his mom and her new boyfriend, but I couldn't be sure of that until I could actually see him.

I almost gave up; I'd gone down every hall in the school; until I entered the corridor that led into the cafeteria. He was there, his back facing me, "Ricky," I called his name, slowly walking over to him; He turned to face me, his expression full of guilt, "why aren't you playing Troy? You've worked so hard for this."

"After seeing my mom's new boyfriend, I can't do it; I don't wanna mess up again," He admitted; I could tell there was something else, something he wasn't telling me, "I know how much this all means to you; I just don't wanna be the reason you feel like you didn't make your mom proud." He adds, his gaze dropping to the ground

My expression dropped; he did this for me? "Ricky," I mumble sadly, grabbing his hand, "Did you think I said that because you messed up? To make you feel bad?" He didn't respond, and I knew the answer, "I said that because everything about tonight is perfect, even if you drop a basketball into the audience or forget the words." Ricky looked up at me at that, letting out an airy laugh.

Ricky didn't respond; instead, he just pulled me in for a hug, his chin resting on my head, "you know, it's not too late to come back...."

"Eloise," Natalie walked down the hall; I pulled away from Ricky, facing our stage manager, "Breaking Free is up next," she said, walking away.

I glanced back at Ricky; my hand held out to him; I'd get it though, if he didn't want to come back, I just hoped he would.

Ricky looked back and forth between my eyes and my outstretched hand before hesitantly interlocking his fingers through mine, "Eloise Collins, I believe we have a show to finish."


Once the musical finished, families flocked into the halls, all waiting to see their loved one and celebrate; I hurried backstage; the quicker I change out of my costume and pack up my stuff, the sooner I could talk to Ricky.

As I fixed my hair into a ponytail, all I could think of was what Ricky said to me before we bowed; he had wanted to ask me something but was cut off by my cue to go on stage. Now that the show was over, my thoughts were consumed with what Seb and Carlos had said earlier, that Ricky liked me too; maybe that's what he wanted to ask me?

"Eloise, hey, there you are," I turned at Ricky's voice, "I was wondering where you went."

"Yeah, just packing up," I nodded, zipping my backpack up; I took a breath before asking, "You said you had something you wanted to ask me?" Ricky hummed in response, "the question you were gonna ask me before we bowed?" I explained; maybe it wasn't a question about me and him after all? It seemed like he had forgotten it entirely.

"Oh," He nervously chuckled, "Yeah, no. I was just, um... I was just gonna say, what happens now? That the musicals finished?"

"I don't know," I shrug, this was all new to me too, "but Carlos usually goes to Denny's, and he's usually pretty emotional," Ricky laughs at that.

"I mean, now that it's all over," He corrects me; I could tell he wanted to say more, but he doesn't.

"I guess we wait until the spring?" I say, quirking my head to the side, "for now, don't you and Big Red have, like, three months of video games to catch up on?"

"Yeah," He laughs, "I guess so," I wait for him to say more, but all he does is awkwardly stare at the ground.

"Is that it?" I ask, hopeful he'll say more; Ricky opens his mouth to respond but shuts it, "Okay then," I nod, trying not to seem too disappointed, "I should probably go find my dad," he still doesn't say anything as I walk past him.

Maybe Seb and Carlos were wrong; maybe Ricky didn't feel the same way about me; maybe we were destined to be just friends.

"I love you,"

I spun around quickly; did he just say what I think he said? I scan Ricky's face for a sign that he's joking, but his expression remains serious.

"You remember the first day of school when we bumped into each other, and I caught you?" He asked; I nodded, "I remember thinking, "who is this girl? She is so beautiful," he admits, taking a step forward; I urged my feet to move, but I felt utterly frozen, almost worried that if I moved, I'd wake up from this dream.

"And the day of auditions, when you stood up for me," He continued, "I knew I needed to have you in my life; I just didn't realize that it'd be so much more than some deal, or even friendship... I didn't realize it until the night of the dance when I saw you with EJ; I just kept thinking, how dare he treat her like this? If that were me, I'd never make her feel like anything less than amazing. I love you, Eloise Collins. I love how when you're happy and you smile, you bite your lip. I love how you'll do anything for those you love, even if that means joining a musical," I let out a shaky laugh at that, "I love how you tug on the sleeves of your sweater when your nervous or how you duck your head whenever someone compliments you." He continues, I hadn't even realized I'd done most of these things, yet Ricky did, "I thought I loved Nini; we've known each other since kindergarten; but Eloise, I didn't realize it was possible to feel this strongly about someone... until I met you. You were the person I rushed to rehearsals to see; you were the one I'd watch out of the corner of my eye; it's been you for a long time now. And I don't really know what happens tomorrow, or in two minutes when we walk out that door; all I know is, I want this feeling to keep going. Because this whole experience, I'm just..." He paused, taking in a shaky breath, "I'm just not ready for it to be over. For us to be, I mean... I am in love with you, Eloise Iris Collins, and I don't intend on stopping anytime soon, and I get if you don't feel the same, but I-"

The tears pools my eyes fall, cascading down my face, "Ricky," I interject, finally speaking, I know him well enough to know he could ramble for hours; it was something we had in common, "Um, you in musicals when people burst into song when they've run out of things to say?"

"Yeah?" He nods.

I finally take a step forward, inches away from Ricky now, "Sometimes it's easier to just kiss," I shrug, smiling up at him.

Ricky and I both take a step closer, my hands finding cupping his cheeks while his finds their place on my waist. In books, they always describe their first kiss by saying they felt sparks and fireworks, and while that was all true, with Ricky, I felt safe and loved; it was more than just sparks.

After a minute or so, as I pulled away, Ricky lifted my chin with his hand, placing one last peck on my lips. "I love you too," I whispered, smiling up at him; love is such a strong word, one I don't use very often, but I did feel that for Ricky, I don't think I've ever felt this way for anyone, even EJ.

"I got you something," He reached into his pocket, holding a box out to me; I quirked an eyebrow at him, opening the small box; inside was a small necklace, with a music note,

"it's an E note," I laughed, pulling it out of the box, "this is amazing, thank you; but I didn't get you anything," I admit; Carlos had mentioned that some people give gifts after opening night, but I didn't think I'd have to.

"You didn't have to," Ricky stepped closer, cupping my face in his hand once more, "I've got everything I need."

As he leans in to kiss me, I let out a giggle, "Sorry," I laugh, shaking my head, "that was just so cheesy," Ricky laughs too, nodding his head in agreement.

"Your gonna have to get used to it,"

I hum, "you're lucky you're cute, Bowen," I wink, connecting our lips; this kiss isn't as urgent as the first, but it's still just as sweet, "I should probably go see my dad," I mumble once we've pulled apart, leaning my forehead against his.

"Yeah," He hummed, "my parents are probably waiting for me too."

I step away, holding my hand out to him, "You coming?"

"Of course, I am," He linked his fingers through mine, "you're stuck with me, Collins."

the very last chapter of falling slowly:(!
I hope you all have enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!
I have a new Ricky Bowen book coming soon! So follow me for updates on that !
Love you all❤️

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