3- The Auditions

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All day it's felt like the universe has been testing me; everywhere I'd go, I'd see EJ, with Nini under his arm, both of them looking at each other with complete and utter adoration.

Typically, I was able to ignore the gushing couples that lingered the halls; I detested such public displays of affection, always have, but I didn't feel the same annoyance and awkwardness I usually felt, seeing EJ and this girl felt like a punch straight to the gut.

"El," I paused just as I made it to the door; I didn't have to turn around to know it was Carlos; I mean, it's not like I had any other friends.

He was slightly out of breath, leaning his hands on his knees as he caught his breath, "Hey, aren't you supposed to be at auditions?" I ask; I instantly feel concerned; Carlos took this very seriously; he'd only be late if something was terribly wrong.

He stood up straighter before responding, "Our piano player bailed; she said something about needing to take school more seriously." as soon as he said that, I immediately knew what he was insinuating.

Mom was a piano teacher back before she got sick, and I was her first-ever student.

Most people would give up once their parents pass away, the memories being too triggering; but if anything, I only played more when mom left, it was the only thing that made me feel as if we were still connected somehow when I played piano, it felt like mom was sitting right beside me still.

"No," I shake my head almost instantly, "Carlos, you know I can't play in front of others." We learned that the hard way; Carlos came to my first piano recital when we were kids, my hands clammed up, I completely froze; Dad had to go on stage and carry me off; it was mortifying.

"Please, El," He begged, "No one will even be looking at the piano; it's off to the side," He added; I would do anything for Carlos; he knows that, but this, I can't do it.

"I'm sorry," I shake my head, reaching for the door handle; before I can even open the door, EJ walks by, but unlike every other time I saw him today, Nini wasn't beside him.

"Carlos, right?" He asked Carlos; I froze up; He'd never directly spoken to either of us before, Carlos only nodded. "Sweet, I'll see you guys at auditions." He winked at me before he left.

He probably only spoke to us because he knows Carlos has a say in who gets what role, I remind myself; still, he acknowledged me too, that had to mean something, right?

"Eloise?" Carlos asked once EJ had turned the corner, leading to the auditorium; I sigh, taking my hand off the door handle, "think, if you help, maybe EJ will notice how insanely cool and gorgeous you are..."

"I'm doing this because you're desperate," I inform him; Carlos smiles, grabbing my hand as if he's fearful I'll change my mind, "But this is a one-time thing; you need to find someone else for your next rehearsal."

Carlos saluted me with his spare hand, dragging me to the auditorium, "understood." I instantly regretted saying yes as soon as we entered the auditorium; students lined the stage, all with numbers pinned to their chests.

"Oh, Eloise," Miss. Jenn clapped her hands excitedly, "I'm so happy you've decided to join us," I want to say that this is a one-time thing, but I can feel students' eyes on me, so all I do is nod, "Do you know the music?" She asked, nodding to the sheet music; I once over all the titles, as I expected they were all classic High School Musical songs.

"I should be good," I nod; these were some of the first songs I remember learning; Carlos would always sing along as I played, putting on performances for whoever was home.

I was shaky at first, but as soon as I could see that everyone's eyes were on the dancers and not me, playing the songs became second nature.

I hadn't realized how long the audition process truly was until today; Miss Jenn took this seriously; first, they did a dance warm-up, then a reading of the script, and now, they were about to sing.

"Okay, our last troy," I audibly sighed; while sure, most of these kids were talented, there were still some who clearly weren't meant for the role; if I hear one more off-key version of the start of something new, I'm leaving. "EJ Caswell," my heart fluttered at the mention of his name; I'd be shocked if EJ doesn't get troy; he came in costume and with props, he is clearly dedicated to the part. "whoo! And he comes with props; I love it. Whenever you're ready." I positioned my fingers over the keys; they were shaking again, I'd played this song on repeat, but the thought of playing along with EJ caused nerves to shoot through my body.

EJ glanced over at me and smiled, nodding for me to start; I pushed my butterflies aside, relieved he had turned away and couldn't see the blush now coating my cheeks.

As I expected, he was amazing; if it weren't for the cheesy High School Musical song, I'd probably love it even more.

It was obvious everyone in the room loved him; on the side of the stage, Nini tilted her head, a proud smile on her lips. Miss Jenn and Carlos both had broad smiles on their faces, which makes sense; he's the first good troy we've had, I'm sure they're relieved.

"Well, excuse me, Armie Hammer just called; he wants his jawline back," Miss Jenn laughed at her joke, while everyone else in the room, including myself, stayed silent, none of us finding her joke quite as funny as she did, "we're moving on to the Gabriella's."

The last round of the auditions, I reminded myself, I'd be out of here within the hour, and then, I won't have to step foot in this auditorium until the night of the show. A new girl went next, one I'd learned was named Gina, she was talented, there's no questioning it, but I couldn't focus on her, not when a few feet behind her, Nini and EJ stood in the wings, his hands gripping hers as he spoke to her.

Nini was practically shaking by the time Gina was finished, and it was her turn to take the stage; I didn't blame her; I could never perform in front of all these people, especially not after the audition Gina gave.

"Okay, Nini, whenever you're ready." Miss Jenn, I positioned my hands over the keys once more, waiting for Nini to give me my cue; she glanced over at me, nodding her head hesitantly.

Footsteps rang into the room just as I hit the first note, "Am I too late?" Ricky ran into the auditorium, a guitar case swinging by his side as he ran, "am I too late?"

Nini's head snapped in his direction; it was apparent she wasn't expecting him to show up; her expression was a look of confusion, sadness, and annoyance; maybe the rumors Carlos told me are true?

"We're all set on Troy's," Miss Jenn told him, "we're low on Chad's; you can read after the Gabriella's."

Ricky walked onto the stage, "I, uh only studied the troy scenes, in the movie," He informed them, breathless from running.

I hadn't expected Ricky to be the "musical type," if I'm being honest, when I'd bumped into him yesterday, he had a skateboard tucked under his arm. I'd unfortunately been to every musical at this school, and he'd never been in any of them as far as I can remember.

"Troy would have arrived on time," Carlos stated.

Ricky looked truly defeated, and normally, I'd just stay silent, but there was a part of me that feels bad for him, "Uh, B-but wasn't troy late?" of course, my voice came out in a whisper, but Carlos still looked back at me, I'm pretty sure everyone did. I could see in Carlos' eyes that he was shocked I'd put my two sense in; we both knew I didn't want to get involved. "to the auditions, troy was late," I continue, my voice a little louder than before. Carlos' smile grew even more, I always stated I'd hated these movies, yet I remembered a small detail like Troy arriving late.

Ricky's shoulders slumped in relief, happy to have the attention off him, "thank you," He mouthed; I shrugged, turning my attention back to the keys of the piano.

"Okay, Nini, let's try this again," Miss Jenn reached for her coffee cup; at the same time, EJ cheered loudly; I cringed as soon Miss Jenn looked over at him, her coffee tipping out of her cup in the process.

Before she could even attempt to dry it off, every light in the room shut off in an instant, leaving us in complete darkness, "Nobody panic!" Miss Jenn yelled, although she sounded more panicked than anyone else in the room, "Nini, let's wait for the lights to come back on; I don't want this to throw you,"

Even though I don't know Nini, and she's dating the guy I've liked for so long, I feel bad for her; it was obvious she was already nervous, and when Ricky came in, I could tell it only caused her to be more nervous; if I were her, I'd run out of here.

"I'm not thrown." Nini's voice came out in the dark; I could hear her take in a shaky breath, and then she began singing.

I was taken aback at first; Nini, who looked nervous and anxious, easily had the best voice here, I thought for sure the part would go to Gina, but Nini may just come through after all.

A flashlight came on, and I looked up; Ricky was walking forward, holding his phone up as a makeshift spotlight for Nini; I began playing along now, just as EJ shuffled forward to copy Ricky's actions.

This would throw most people, having two guys awkwardly standing in front of you with flashlights as you sang, but Nini only grew more confident, her voice now soaring across the auditorium as she sang the rest of the song.

As soon as Nini finished the song, the lights fluttered back on, leaving Ricky and EJ's makeshift spotlights pointless, "Okay, thank you, Nini. I only needed 32 bars, but I appreciate your commitment." I hadn't even realized Nini had sung more than needed, just like her; I got lost in the music, my fingers playing the music as if I played this song every day. "You, late boy," She called over her shoulder as Nini sat down, "let's do the Chad sides."

Ricky walked up on the stage, his trembling hands gripping the script, "Hey, there, I'm Ricky Bowen. I'm a junior, and uh, here goes." I shut my eyes for a second; despite the fact this boy is a complete stranger, I just wanted him to do good.

"I don't get it, Troy. What kinda spell has this elevated IQ temptress-girl cast that suddenly makes you wanna... be in a musical?" I visibly cringed, and even Ricky must have known he sounded awkward because before he can continue his lines, he crumples the script in his hands.

Ricky began speaking again, but this time, I was almost positive these lines were not in the movie, but his own, "I don't know. Maybe, it's the way Gabriella always has your back, and maybe, you can't stop beating yourself up for totally blowing it with her. And look, Troy, even if you never said the L-word to Gabriella, cause that's like, not even a word your parents say to each other anymore... that doesn't mean that you don't. Maybe, it just means you were waiting for the right time to say it... so that everyone could hear it! No, so she could."

Ricky stared directly at Nini as he spoke, and I had a feeling every word he said was meant for her.

"Okay, Kiddo," Miss Jenn nodded; the whole room was still slightly in shock by his ad-libbed speech, "time to sing."

I positioned my fingers over the keys, waiting for Ricky to nod for me to start, "Oh no, actually, if you don't mind, I kinda prepared my own song?" Miss Jenn looked unsure, but she nodded nonetheless, confirming it was okay that Ricky sings his original.

Ricky retrieved his guitar from his friend on the side of the stage and began strumming an unfamiliar tune; immediately, Carlos looked over at me, his eyes silently trying to communicate with me.

For someone who didn't seem into musicals, Ricky's voice was amazing; my eyes drifted over to see his ex-girlfriend's reaction; Nini's expression said it all; she was shaking her head, mumbling incoherent words to EJ, who was beside her.

I hadn't heard Nini's Instagram video to Ricky, but I could tell this was the song by the look on everyone's faces; I'm not sure whether to admire Ricky's boldness or cringe at how uncomfortable Nini must feel.

Just like Nini's performance, everyone in the crowd was lost in a trance, only making noise when he finished, Ricky easily getting the loudest applause of the day.

EJ, who always seemed relaxed and confident, looked as if he wanted to punch Ricky right in the face, which I guess is understandable considering the circumstances.

"Very good," Miss Jenn clapped, "You are all dismissed to wait in the hall; we should be out soon with the results."

As soon as everyone was off the stage and heading out of the room, I stood up; I hadn't realized how stiff my legs felt from sitting on the uncomfortable bench until now.

I was halfway across the stage when Miss Jenn called my name, "Eloise," I sigh, turning to face her, "You did excellent today."

"Oh, um, thank you," I stutter, ducking my head, "well, I should-"

"Stay," Miss Jenn cut me off, "Carlos and I were talking; we'd love another person on the team."

I immediately go to say no, this was easily the most exhausting hour of my life. "Please, El," Carlos asked, holding his hands together in a pleading manner, "I'm so busy with the musical, we're barely going to have time to hang out over these next few months." I hated that he was right, he's only going to get busier, and I have no other friends to hang out with, "and, I saw your face when you played the piano, El you're at home back there."

Every part of me wanted to say no; I hated musicals and barely knew anyone in here, yet when I weighed out the pros and cons, there were more good things than bad.

Sure, it was pushing me out of my comfort zone in a lot of ways, but I got to see Carlos more, feel more connected to mom, add something to my college applications, and who knows, maybe EJ Caswell will finally notice me? "Fine," I sigh, moving to stand near the table they sat at, "I'm in."

Carlos threw his arms around me in an exciting action, "this is going to be so fun." He squeezed my shoulder.

"Your first role as assistant director," Miss Jenn smiled handed a paper to me, "help us narrow down who our Troy should be."

^^ Eloise's outfit

Eloise is officially helping with the musical!
We'll be learning more about her family next chapter🙈

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