Chapter One

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The start of our new adventure has just begun! I'm so glad I can finally begin writing. I've already started on the other chapters, but now to get back with LOST since I'm no longer planning anymore!

Also I do plan on adding a quote to the beginning of every chapter because I wanted to find a quote that would represent each chapter and/or character in the chapter. Though if you're curious of who the quote is by, you'll have to search that yourself.

At the top is a pic of Seto in all his kawaii glory, here is the DA version:


Falling to Rise
Chapter 1

"Maybe it's not about the happy ending, maybe its about the story"

The body swayed in the wind as it hung from thickly knotted rope. The poor man's head rolled to the side of his body, drool trailing out of his half opened mouth. Until he was discovered he was rich and well-known and a great supporter to the Keutian royal family, when they were still in power. Now he was dead and hated, because he was a sorcerer.

In the Kingdom of Keuta and Emedo all sorcerers are a plague amongst humans.

"Good riddance, that man could've been plotting our murders!"

"Can't believe he was one of em."

"There could be more, we aren't safe here, they just keep finding them."

Many whispers crossed his ear while he stood deep in thought. He knew the hanged man very well, and it struck him very hard to see him gone, but he was far more afraid of sorcerers. He hung his head and pushed his way out of the loitering crowd. He was too busy to hang around and watch a dead man swing in the wind.

Today was a big day for him, he was leaving town for a year, all citizens his age would do so, they all have to serve one year in Emedo's army.

Seto, as he was called, lived in the capital of the kingdom of Keuta, Keuta had a long standing relationship with the smaller and much newer kingdom of Emedo. And although Emedo doesn't even have half the population of Keuta, Emedo is currently the richest kingdom with their abundance of ores in their mines.

And in return for riches Keuta provides young males of 19 for Emedo's army, together they have created the strongest military system.

Seto was passing by the market square, and at just about any time of day this place was busy because Keuta was most known for having the best and prosperous system for trade, hence why they have the largest population. This kingdom was a master of trade and business.

"Good mornin' Master Seto, I do hope you're havin' a pleasant day," Seto looked up from his thoughts and saw Barter wave to him from his stall in the market. Happy to have someone to talk to Seto strolled right over to Barter's stall, he specialized as a tailor and sold clothing here.

"Good morning to you Barter, how is trade today?" He spoke softly, he was sure he had some time to spare.

"Ah, good as always you know. Business is busy--that'll be 50 nuggs a piece," Barter turned to face a customer as she inspected some dresses, "Seto, you're off to the camp today, right?" He leaned forward grinning at Seto, his round pudgy face was rosy with heat and strain.

"Yes sir." Seto smiled warmly glancing every now and then at some bands that caught his eye. One in particular, a white one embroidered with gold and grey lining.

"Always got a great eye you do, here," Barter snatched up the band from the hook and handed it to Seto, "Just came in from Emedo, I think you should have it. Free of charge, for good luck."

Seto lightly pushed it away, his face flushed with embarrassment, "Oh no please, I can't. Let me pay for it."

Barter insisted and placed the band in Seto's hand, "You know you've always been like my own boy, watched you as you grew up. I insist, keep it."

He hesitated, then reluctantly took the band. Pulling down his purple hood he removed his old black band from his head. Then tied the new one around his head, letting his bangs hang free from confinement.

"Looks good, it's a keeper right?"

Seto nodded and grinned, "Thank you."

Seto turned to leave, the crowd surrounding him as he did. Barter called out and said one last thing, "Be careful, them sorcerers are gettin' more crazy."

Seto made the quick trip out of the market only stopping to buy some flour for his mother. Then traveling up the roads closer to the center of the capital.

A large estate sat off on one of the many sandstone hills, cobblestone walls topped with iron fences surrounded the perimeter. He entered the premises and pulled out a small iron key, unlocking the door he let himself in.

"I'm home ma, I brought you some flour." Seto called out as he walked to the kitchen after closing and locking the door behind him. His mother was quietly humming to herself as she pulled a fresh batch of cookies out.

Seto set the bag of flour down on the counter and dusted himself off, "More cookies? They smell great."

"They're for you silly, but you can't have any now." Seto's mother was one of the most admired people in Keuta, she could never leave anyone in need alone, and besides that she was beautiful.

"They had another hanging today," Seto quietly said as he took the flour and opened the bag. He took the contents and poured them in a separate container.

"Another? That's a real shame, who was it?

"Trader Johnson."

"Johnson? He couldn't! That man was as gentle as a fly, he couldn't hurt anyone."

"I'm just glad they caught him before anything bad happened."

"Seto," her voice was covered in shock, "You don't mean that, Johnson was like a mentor to you." She frowned over at Seto but didn't stop mixing the batter.

Seto stood their shifting his feet uncomfortably then quickly said, "I'm going to finish packing."

She made no noise of acknowledging Seto and continued staring down her bowl as if she were having a staring contest with it. Seto rushed away, making the quick walk to the stairs and then taking them up two at a time. Taking a left he stopped at his door and pushed it open.

The small confines of Seto's room sent relief washing over him. Technically his room was for storage, hence why it was so small in such a large estate, but Seto much preferred smaller spaces as to larger ones. When you enter there is a large oak bookshelf next to his door filled with books of all shapes and sizes, the smell of old books and papers washed over Seto like heaven.

"I only have to finish packing in a few books," Seto muttered to himself as he glanced at his bag resting on his bed. In it were some clothes, money, and toiletries, now he just needed the entertainment.

He took one glance at his shelf of books and sighed, he had the same books lying around and had read them all more than enough times. He then thought to visit his father's study, hoping he would find something new.

Seto left his room and walked down the stairs, instead of taking the right to the kitchen he took a left. Two tall dark oak doors greeted him at the end of the hall, with a careful knock he waited for a reply. When he received none he pushed the door open very slightly and peered in, his father was not in so he decided to wait for him inside.

Seto walked into his father's study where a nice warm fire was burning and closed the door softly behind him. The room was dark with only the light from fire to brighten the place. The walls were completely covered in bookshelves, many of the books were worn with use, and the room smelled faintly of smoke and books. In front of the fire sat a sturdy oak desk with its back to the fireplace. His father's desk always had so much papers and journals and spilled ink all over, but for once it was barren and clean.

"Odd," Seto whispered to himself. He shrugged it off and walked over the the nearest shelf, running his fingers along the spines of the books as he looked at their colors, their shapes and their sizes. It was almost when he had reached the fireplace that he stopped on a book.

He'd never seen it before, but his father was always adding in new books to his collection so it made sense. He slid it carefully from the shelf and glanced at the cover, a purple leather cover with thinly spun gold thread lining it, the title was written in silver lettering and spelled out The Calling of the Moon.

He opened it to the first page and started to the read the first chapter, hoping to gain a little bit of information on what it was about, instantly he was captivated. From just the first few pages he learned the man the story was about was poor and longed to go to the sea. He had a wife and two children and barely had money to support them and so he left, hoping to find riches in the deep dark ocean.

Seto was too deep in reading to have noticed the change in temperature, he didn't notice the light in the room grow dimmer as the fire slowly died out, he didn't notice the quiet flaps by his ear, and he definitely didn't notice as books began to float off their shelves and move as if birds.

By the time he had finished the first chapter half the library had flown from their shelves, and when Seto let out a content sigh that he had found a good book for his travels he snapped it shut and turned on his heel to leave. Only this time he noticed the books.

Seto's eyes were wide in panic and he took a step back as the whole room was filled with flying books, "W-what?!" Seto let out a strangled cry and stumbled backwards, he dropped the book he was holding and fell flat on his butt. At once all the books fell to the ground and the room grew brighter as the fireplace erupted into flames and then died down to a steady fire. Seto remained on the floor shocked. He heard the sound of footsteps moving rapidly to his location then the door swung open.

Seto's eyes met his mother whose face wore an unpleasant frown, "Seto! Look at the mess you made," She sighed with her hands on her hips and and shook her head, "You're supposed to be an adult. Your father just came home, I'll grab him. Then I hope you have a good explanation for him."

She turned and walked away and Seto still sat on the ground, unable to comprehend what just happened. Had he done that or was someone playing a trick on him, was someone trying to get him killed? It would be somewhat understandable if someone wanted him dead, he was rich and successful, they could be trying to ruin the family name, but how? There couldn't be a sorcerer in this area, could there?

Seto didn't notice his father walk into the room, his brown vest and white collared shirt tucked neatly into his grey pants. He worked as a teacher and had given Seto all his lessons as a child. His father took one look around the room and then at Seto's expression, who still had not noticed his father come in, and then shut the door.

His father took long strides to Seto and then crouched in front of him, now Seto's eyes met his, "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

Seto shut his mouth and struggled on how to start, "I-I was reading, and... and... the books. They were flying, Dad they were flying all around me! I-is someone out to get us? Are they trying to frame us, what happened!" Seto's voice was shaking and he was speaking at a rapid rate, when he had finished he was breathing heavily.

His father placed one hand on Seto and Seto looked up at him, "No, no one it out to get us, breathe for me ok?"

Seto nodded and forced himself to breathe slowly, he slowed down his shaking and calmed himself. When he calmed down enough he spoke up, "If we aren't being framed, t-then what happened."

His father let out a deep sigh and stood up, he then reached down and pulled Seto up, "I had hoped you would never have to know. I had hoped you would not receive the gifts, but my father was the only person in my family history to not inherit the gift of magic."

"Magic? You don't mean like a-a sorcerer," now Seto was truly frightened. He hadn't felt this fearful since the time when he was younger and his friend Tyler had convinced him to play a prank on the market baker, and then they both got caught. He'd never done such a risky endeavor and didn't know what would happen to him, his mother had always told him that bad kids would get their toes and fingers cut off. Seto had cried all the way home afraid that someone would come to take his toes and fingers.

Now Seto could only wait, and hope that it was all a misunderstanding. That he had heard his father wrong, that it was all an elaborate prank set up to scare Seto just before he left, that maybe just maybe his father was wrong. Though he was rarely ever wrong.

"Yes, now I suppose I can't hide the truth any longer. Seto, you are a sorcerer and you come from a long line of sorcerers, our family dates back all the way to Vragan when it was first discovering the use of magic."

Seto said nothing and then broke out a small smile, "Don't scare me like that dad, you're joking. Of course you're joking, you couldn't possibly be a-a...."

"Sorcerer," he finished, "Seto I am." His father turned his back to him and looked down at all the books, with a small wave of his hand all the books began to float up and flap like birds back to their position on the shelf. In only a few moments the whole room was clean.

"Im-Impossible!" Seto took a step back and looked up fearfully at his father. His father was one of those monsters, a-and he was too! "Did you... did you know about Johnson. Did you know he was one of them?"

"One of us, and yes I did," Seto seemed to hold his breath and made no moves, "This is important Seto, please calm down for me." He reached out a hand but Seto moved back and slapped the hand away.

"No! Get away from me!" All his life he had been told that sorcerers were an abomination, a tainted organism in their realm. They were evil and wanted to take over life.

Sorcerers originated from the Kingdom of Vragan, a cold and icy kingdom with dangerous steep mountains. They were treated like gods and grew confident, they moved to other kingdoms trying to take over. It was then that Emedo and its newly established army went in and defeated the sorcerers in Emedo and Keuta. Therefore establishing that all sorcerers would be killed if found within their boundaries, sorcerers are supposed to be evil, but could he really call his father evil?

Seto's heavy breathing slowed and he dropped his hands to his side, he looked up at his father who stared at him calmly waiting. "What am I supposed to do, I have to leave today, for Emedo. You heard the rumors the prince of Emedo works within the army, what if something like this happens again. How do I control--"

His father smiled and grabbed Seto by his shoulders and pulled him in for a hug, Seto stopped speaking and hugged his father back, "It's ok Seto, just stay calm."

Seto's father took a step back and his index finger began to glow an icy blue, it was then Seto noticed for the first time his father's normal green eyes had changed to an icy blue. He touched his finger to Seto's forehead where his new band lay, Seto felt something warm and then nothing.


"Just a seal, it will help you control your magic and keep you from being detected by scanners. But the seal breaks when you use magic. And do not remove that band, ok?"

Seto nodded and his father grinned sending relief over him. Of course, his father could never be evil. His father wrapped an arm around Seto and led him to the door, "If your mother asks, tell her we were cleaning up, and also she doesn't know about this. This is our secret."

Seto nodded and then stopped, "Oh wait, I meant to grab a book from your study."

"You mean this?" His father produced The Calling of the Moon and Seto gasped, then frowned.

"I feel like I'm being cheated, you always said hard work was the key to success, that doesn't look hard at all."

"Of course it is, I've just had practice, now hurry," he handed Seto the book, "the carriage comes just after moon rise."

He gave Seto a little nudge and Seto hurried up back up the stairs and back to his room.


The moon had risen over the horizon and Seto hurried out the door where a horse-drawn carriage awaited him. His father waited outside with his mother, both standing by the door of the carriage.

As Seto neared his father came to help Seto with one of his bags. He hoisted himself on the carriage and threw the bag on top and tied it down with rope. After hopping down he wrapped an arm around Seto, "Good luck," he grinned, then added on with a whisper, "Remember the more extreme your emotions get the easier the seal will break. Magic is usually activated by emotion if you have no control over it."

Seto nodded and opened the carriage door throwing his other bag in there. He then turned to face his mother who was smiling. She walked forward sniffling as she went, as she went to embrace Seto she said, "Come back safe, ok?"

He nodded unable to speak, he'd rather just enjoy the moment. When she finally let go she pulled out a small velvet pouch tied by a gold thread and placed it in Seto's hands. She closed his fingers around it and whispered, "Don't eat them all at once."

Seto stepped back and smiled, glad to have his mother's cookies. He watched his parents wave. He waved back then stepped up inside the carriage and closed the door.

He took one last glance at the window behind his head as the carriage began to move forward. The figures of his parents growing smaller and then vanishing all together as the carriage turned the corner and rumbled down the streets.

He wouldn't arrive at his destination until noon the next day, so he might as well get some sleep. Though Seto was unsure how much sleep he would get with his fears bubbling up inside him again.

Now alone with the night all around him the reality of his predicament began to settle in again. He was a sorcerer, he was heading to Emedo's army camp, and rumors were the prince worked there. Now Seto began to realize how big of a hole he just dug, one deep enough to fit his own body. A metaphorical grave.

A chilling end.

I hope you all enjoyed. I put so much effort into making this the best story for you guys and would really, really, REALLY appreciate all kinds of feedback.

And please, as the story goes on tell me your theories of what you think will happen. I do have some sad bits planned out :D

*cough* I mean D: *cough*

Fell free to vote, comment, and/or follow. I would really appreciate the support, it would let me know you like this story, or my other stories, and it helps motivate me to get things out on time even if I'm in a situation where it is almost physically impossible to do so.


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