Chapter Sixteen

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Don't kill me please.

Many of your theories were close, but none of them hit the nail with a hammer.

ALSO one more week till my contest ends make sure to submit your entry before January 1st. 

Falling to Rise

Chapter 16

"Sometimes it takes an overwhelming breakdown to have an undeniable breakthrough"


An hour. Seto has been in this room for an hour. Suddenly he heard something different, he heard silence. The chatter on the other side of the door ceased. Seto perked up, then the guards walked up to Seto and pulled him up.

They opened the door and Seto had to hold his hand over his face to block out the light. An hour in a pitch black room would do that. The guards pushed Seto forward and walked behind him.

These guards have horrible manners, Seto thought to himself. Seto's eyes widened, the room was large, crowds of people sat all around, most of them dressed up in fancy attire. Aristocrats no doubt. Every single one of them looked at Seto as he walked down a red carpet that ran along the middle of the floor. The carpet stopped at this stonebrick patch on the ground and just in front of that was a stone faced man, a solemn faced man and Adam.

The stone faced man had his arms resting on a golden chair, a golden crown adorned in large and magnificent jewels rested on his head. The king. Adam sat next to him on his left in a smaller chair with a smaller but similar crown, Adam's curly hair was combed and slick and his glasses removed and amulet showing. To the right of the king was another chair, larger than Adam's but smaller than the king's, it sat empty with no one in it.

The guards stopped Seto at the stonebrick patch in the floor and they forced him to the ground. He gasped as he was forced to bow in front of the king. What on Ethereal were they doing! He could bow for himself.

But something about the room was familiar.

"Rise." The guards pulled Seto to his feet and he watched the king. The king didn't make eye contact with Seto, he waved his hand and Seto heard the flick of a lever. Seto looked back to see a guard by a series of levers.

At first nothing happened. Then Seto heard it, the whirring of gears, the sounds of some mechanism moving. No doubt Emedo had this build by an engineer from Eflido. Seto looked up as the sounds grew louder at the top, a part of the ceiling was retracted.

Down dropped two bodies suspended by the ropes around their neck.


"Dammit! We've been riding for over an hour, we've just barely made it into Emedo, how long will it take us to get to the actual capital!" Jerome yelled over the sound of the horse's hooves.

"Another hour, it will take another hour, just shut up and focus on your d*mn horse!" Ian yelled from the front. Jerome the most inexperienced in horse riding was at the very back.

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"Shut up."


Seto was terrified. He was visibly shaking and tearing up. "N-no.. N-no!" This had to be fake. They couldn't be his parents! What was the meaning of this.

"Seto James Magi, you are hereby accused of being a sorcerer or having ties with one." The solemn faced man standing beside the king spoke up and walked forward in front of Seto.

"W-what! No! Y-you have it all wrong! I-I thought I was here to stand witness for my mother!"

"A guilty woman needs no witness."

Seto glared at the man his fists were clenched, "Y-you lied! You tricked me here! You killed my mother and my father! H-how could you! My mother was innocent!" Seto yelled he wanted to punch the man so badly. The guards yanked him back as he took a step forward. They pulled Seto's arms behind his back and tied rope around them. Seto struggled in their tight grips. The crowd around them murmured loudly, glancing at each other and pointed at Seto.

"She was guilty of working with a sorcerer."

"You killed her!" Seto screamed, the tears were aching to fall but he would not let them.

"Silence!" The crowd and Seto turned to see the king had risen from his throne. Even Adam was looking at him, his face looked tense, his fist were gripping the sides of his chair so tightly the whites of his knuckles could be seen. "No more interruptions boy, continue on with the trial." The king sat back down, the man in front of Seto nodded. Seto started to cry.

"I call forth the first witness, Valen, the Vesuvius family coachman." Seto stopped crying as his eyes widened. Valen? But, he-he would never, no. No!

Seto watched as Valen approached the front of the room and stood just a few feet away to the left of Seto.

"Valen, you alerted the officials of there being a sorcerer in the Magi home, correct?"


"Why!" Seto yelled.

The man waved him off, "What led you to assume--"

"Why! Why! Why would you do this! I thought you cared!"

"Lady Aliss is my life, I devoted my entire services to the Vesuvius family. Lady Aliss was pure of mind and spirit, until I found out her husband was a sorcerer. He had tainted the purity of the family. He had to be dealt with."

"My mother had nothing to do with it!" Seto screamed, the guards restrained him as he fought back.

"Lady Aliss has been purged, you should be glad."

Seto struggled even more, the guards yanked him back and forced him to ground. Seto clenched his teeth as his knees were smacked into the hard stone.

"What led you to assume there was a sorcerer in the home?"

"This letter I found written by Master Seto himself." Seto looked up as Valen pulled out a folded sheet of paper. He handed it to the man. He skimmed through it.

"Accepted as evidence."

"You don't even know if it was written by me!" Seto said.

"It has been accepted as evidence, end of story." It's almost like they didn't care whether the evidence was true or not.

"Don't I get to say anything in my defense?"

"Did you or did you not know your father was a sorcerer?"

"I-I..." What could he say, should he lie, he didn't know.

"Did you or did you--"

"I did not!"

The man nodded and looked down at the letter, "That is not what this letter says."


"About your history, your magic, how you've kept it from me and Ma for so long." Seto was silent, that was his letter, he wrote that letter seven days ago.

"So did you or did you not know your father was a sorcerer."

"Y-yes..." he crowd around him murmured.

"Lying to the court will not be accepted, so for further reference, don't do it again."

Seto didn't move, "There are reports from the Hyrrka Camp say they were attacked by a magical force enveloped in purple."

Ty, no don't bring him into--

"Note the clothings of this boy, purple." The crowd around Seto murmured and gave him accusing stares.

"That is false!" Adam stood up, the crowd turned their heads and gasped, a loud spur of chattering erupted.

"Sit down Adam," The king hissed.

"No! I can't watch you accuse a man of treachery against the kingdom when he saved my life that day at Hyrrka. We were attacked by a...a demon. Seto jumped in front of me to save me. Now why would someone you say is evil save me? By that time everyone knew I was a prince, if he really was against Emedo he wouldn't have done that!" Adam yelled.

The crowd was really going at it, so much talking.

Seto knew Adam was only calling Ty a demon to protect him, but it still made him hurt to hear Ty being called that.

"I said sit! You were not called to the stand. Judge disregard his statement." The king said, Adam sat. The man in front of Seto nodded, he guessed he was the judge.

"Valen, did you see anything that would tell you this boy is indeed a sorcerer?"

Seto stared intensely at the ground, he hung his head in defeat. Valen would say what he saw in Duhita and it would be over.

"No." Seto's eyes widened, that's a lie, he-he saw what Seto did. Why was he hiding the truth now!

"Then you are dismissed." Valen nodded and left the courtroom. Seto watched him go, why lie now of all times.

"Judge, give your ruling." The king said.

The judge nodded, "Seto James Magi, former prince to the Kingdom of Keuta, I hereby announce that from now and thereafter you are guilty"

The guards forced him to stand, Seto was trembling, he kept looking back to Adam, but Adam wasn't doing anything. He kept avoiding Seto's teary eyes.

"N-no! you're wrong, I didn't do an-anything wrong!"

"The verdict has been given, you are sentenced to death by hanging." The king waved his hand, another lever was heard being flipped the ground Seto began to move. He looked around fearfully as slowly the stonebrick area on the ground detached itself from the rest of the floor and began to rise slowly. Seto could hear the sound of a machine working to lift them.

"W-wait y-you have it wrong! I--"

"Silence! Judge you are dismissed."

The judge nodded, he looked up at Seto, his eyes were sad, "Our hearts go out to you, you poor boy cursed with the blood of a wretched sorcerer, may your soul be purged and may you live again pure of spirit and of blood." He bowed and left the courtroom.

~~WARNING may contain some disturbing content~~

The platform was steadily rising closer to the bodies of his parents. He could see them even better now. His mother's delicate face was pale, her eyes were closed, her head was leaning to one side she hung limp, completely supported by the ropes. His father was very similar, except his eyes were open. They looked hollow, they seemed to stare deep into Seto's eyes. The ropes around both their necks were starting to grow mold and his parents let out a putrid smell. They-they've been dead for days now. Seto was shaking uncontrollably now.

"N-no! N-no! Please!"

The platform stopped moving. Seto stumbled but was caught by the guard. One guard held Seto's arms while the other took a small knife and began to cut down the bodies of his parents.

His mother fell, she landed on the platform with a thump as she laid there limply. Seto was crying, then his father fell down too, only he was to close the edge. He hit the platform and slid off. The guard tried to catch him but missed. The body fell to the ground and Seto screamed.

"W-what're you doing! D-dad! D-dad!" he wailed, he tried to fight the pulling of the guard. The guard yanked him back as the one who cut down the bodies put his knife away. He grabbed the noose already hanging from the ceiling. Seto struggled as he placed it around his neck and tightened it.


Adam stood up, "I can't watch you do this father! You have to understand, Seto saved my life, that should be enough to pardon him. You have to pardon him, Seto is innocent."

"Sit down! He's been corrupted by the sorcerer's blood in him, and it is starting to affect you too. Sit down and I will forgive your unruly outburst. If the boy is truly innocent, then Notch will grant him another life free of the poison that run through his veins."

"No!" he yelled, "I promised Seto."

"Enough with your foolish promises!" The king yelled and slammed his hands repeatedly down on the chair. The court was silenced, but Adam would not give up.

"I-I thought you would understand, you always understand. Seto is a good man, and a good man shouldn't die." Adam walked with determination to the platform.

"Sit down."

Adam didn't say anything as he grabbed hold of the metal pillar support the platform. Adam began to climb, or at least try to. The crowd around him was talking excitedly as the watched. Adam wasn't getting very far, the surface was too smooth.

"Stop this, you are making--"

"I won't give up!"

The king was getting irritated he stood up, "Guards, remove my foolish son from the pole." A couple of guards who stood on the outskirts of the courtroom came and removed a struggling Adam from climbing the pole. They had to yank him down.

"Let me go! I order you to let me go!" The guards didn't and they dragged him back. Adam punched one in the face and kicked another in the shin. He was causing a big scene. The courtroom was erupting into noise.

"Silence!" The king screamed, when the noise didn't die down, he waved his hand and the guard by the levers nodded. He pulled another lever and the platform began to descend. As soon as Adam heard the sound of the pistons he stopped and stood glued to ground, his mouth hanging open as is slowly descended.

Seto struggled freely as the guards no longer held Seto down. He was doing everything to keep himself supported. His feet were still on solid ground, but it was getting harder to keep them there. He was spinning and struggling as the pressure on his neck was increasing.

"What the nether! Stop this, I-I demand you--" Adam screamed and turned to face his father.

"Demand me! That boy must've already corrupted you, guards! Restrain my foolish son!" Adam's arms were yanked behind his back.

"Seto!" he screamed. Seto was now standing on his tip toes, he realized why the room was so familiar. Th-this was from his dream, he saw this room.

The door to the courtroom was slammed open. The courtroom erupted into chaos as the three intruders rushed in.

"Sh*t Seto!" The furry one yelled, he whipped out his axe and ran at the nearest guard as a fight broke loose and people from the courtroom began to scream and trample each other to escape.

"Mitch get to those levers!" Ian yelled. Mitch ran to the levers, dodging guards and punching a few. He tackled the one by the levers and knocked him out. Mitch looked at all the levers.

"Which one do I pull!"

"I don't know!"

"What is the meaning of this!" The king screamed.

"Your highness, you need to leave now," another guard said beside the king. The king shoved the guard down and escaped down a door to the back.

Mitch pulled a random lever, the area by Adam's feet disappeared. Adam and the guards on him fell, Adam barely managed to grab the floor and hold on, "Not that one Mitch!"

"Sorry!" Adam pulled himself up.

The lever guard woke up and ran at Mitch. Mitch was tackled and fell against a lever and broke it. The lever caused the platform to stop moving completely, halfway from the ground and to Seto.

"Ha!" the guard laughed.

"Dammit!" Mitch punched the guard and knocked him out again.

Seto was struggling against the ropes, he couldn't breathe. His mother. His father. He let them down. And now he couldn't do anything else. He was desperate. He was still crying and wheezing. They killed them. His mother. His father...

They killed them... His mother... His father... Seto started to fight more fiercely. It was hurting his neck. He opened his eyes, his purple eyes. The ropes around his wrist was magically untied, and a wave of purple exploded around him. His hands clawed at the ropes but he was losing consciousness.

"Ian, what the nether do we do!" Jerome yelled as he swung his axe. A guard blocked with his sword.

"We get him down!" Adam said, "Mitch use your bow to cut the ropes, hurry, Jerome you're the only one who can jump up the the platform to catch him. Ian and I will cover you." Adam pulled out his sword.

"Right!" Jerome said.

"Didn't expect this to go this badly, heh, guess that means your father isn't going to agree to that alliance now huh?" Mitch chuckled and took aim. He focused on the ropes but the were moving to much. A guard fell at his feet, a dagger planted in his chest.

Mitch clenched his teeth and his brow furrowed. An arrow flew through the air, it cut through the ropes a little bit. Seto's arms were growing weaker. His struggles getting smaller. An object fell, it smashed into the platform, rolled and fell down to the ground below. Purple fragments of the gem exploded into the air.

Jerome shoved a guard off of him with his axe, he slung the axe over his back and ran to the platform. He jumped caught the edge of the platform and swung himself up. He landed crouched, Mitch shot another arrow, it sliced through the rope and Seto fell.

Jerome was there to catch the unconscious boy. Things didn't look good.

"Hurry now! This way!" Ian yelled.

The two princes, the morvic, the royal advisor, and the unconscious sorcerer abandoned the courtroom. Guards were now streaming in from all sides. Seto was slung over Jerome's back. They mounted their horses, Adam riding with Ian and Seto with Jerome. They forced their way out and galloped down the streets of Emedo.


Hours after the five fugitives escape, the courtroom was completely abandoned. It was night, the moon shone the empty room. A man walked through the room and up the floor where the platform would rest. A golden amulet rested on the ground, what was left of the shattered purple jewel rested in the middle.

The man crouched down to picked it, he clutched it tightly ignoring the blood from the cuts he received from the rough edges.

"Don't worry Master Seto," he whispered. He walked over to Seto's father who's crumpled body lay unnaturally on the ground, "I wish I could've done more, you and Lady Aliss can rest in peace now. Worryin' is only goin' make you gain wrinkles," he chuckled and closed James' eyes.

"I'll make sure you, Lady Aliss and Master Seto gain the revenge you all deserve, Keuta will not stand for this." He clutched the amulet close to his heart, he stood. Took one last glance at James and Lady Aliss, he bowed and turned and walked into the shadows.

This is the last straw.

The king has played far too many games.

Now it's time to fight back.

~End of P A R T 1~

;-; sorry guys, I'm sure you guys weren't expecting that. But this scene has been planned since I started the book. It was always gonna happen. ;-; 

There were many time I wanted to reevaluate my life, but then I was like, as much as I love Seto, he'll never grow without a little pain. 

Now I take a break from writing. :D And continue with planning Game Over and P A R T 2 of Falling to Rise. Look out for for the New years drawing next week.


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