Chapter Thirty

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This is a really short unedited chapter. Enjoy! Only TWO chapters left! :D


Falling to Rise

Chapter 30

"If you don't take a chance how will you ever know"

Midday a few days after the attack and Seto sat on a log near the base of the forest overlooking the camp. He watched as people passed by carrying boxes and crates of all different sizes to the boat that was recently brought to shore. But even with the passing of the fight, he no longer felt as relieved as he did when the sun finally rose.

Now, all he could feel was regret and remorse, as this was his fault. People were hurt and dead because he was here. Maybe if he had better control over his magic things like this wouldn't have happened, maybe if he could've saved Ty things would've been better, maybe if he was able to save his parents everything would've been better. If he were different, he could be more useful.

In the end it all came down to the fact that Seto...just brings misery and suffering to the people around him.

Seto sighed and looked down, what was he going to do without his magic, he was even worse than he was before. Though true, he's lived 18 years without it, but even the four-ish months that he has had magic felt like an entire lifetime to him. It felt strange knowing that those powers were coursing through him ready to burst at any moment were now locked away.

"Seto..." Seto looked up and saw Wag approaching him with his hood down, the red eyes and red markings down his face made Seto even more conscious of his markings. Now without magic his eyes were stuck purple and his markings a constant reminder...

"Wag...hi..." Seto mumbled and looked away.

Wag took a seat next to Seto in silence and it was several minutes before anyone spoke.

"Seto, I know you must be feeling pretty down right now, but you shouldn't keep moping. You've been gifted with a wonderful gift."

Seto stayed silent, "You do want to find a way to get your magic back, right?"

Seto did, with it he could help people, however there was no denying how much pain he's caused others because of his magic. Seto looked even more grim.

Wag noticed Seto's saddened mood and said to him, "You know Sub is alive."

Seto looked up at Wag with wide eyes. Sub was alive? He was alive! Even though Sub did try to kill him, and almost killed Jerome, he'd never wish death like that upon another person. Seto could never live with himself knowing he killed another person, knowing that he had no control over himself, knowing that if he were a better sorcerer than Sub would still be alive. But he was, and for that Seto felt relieved.

He didn't kill anyone. Seto felt a glimmer of a smile reach his lips, but it still did not lift the pain over his heart. Wag sighed, "Maybe you don't want your magic anymore, but you shouldn't ignore the power you've been given. I made a terrible mistake many years ago, and as such lost my magic because of my foolishness. Now even though there is a way to possibly regain my powers, I know that will never happen to me."

Seto glanced at Wag, what was he saying.

"I grew up with magic my whole life in Vragan, and then I lost it, now I can never get it back because I've been banished from Vragan forever. But Seto, you can still use those powers, if you travel to Vragan they can teach you how to overcome your mistakes. You still can use your powers, you--"

"I can't do that!" Seto hissed and looked away.

Wag faltered, "Seto--"

"I shouldn't have any magic, everytime I try to control it, I mess up. I hurt people. Wag, people would be a whole lot safer if I stayed like this."

"That's just because you're different. You're not like other sorcerers Seto.You have a power that no one has seen for decades."

"Yea!" Seto yelled and glared, "What good has that done me. If I can see the future, then why can't I use it to save my friends! I saw my parents death, but I couldn't save them, and I keep having these visions, but they don't make any sense! It's useless, I'm useless! It would've been better if I had died with my family!" Seto was standing now, his body was shaking he was angry. Seto just wanted to cry, but the tears wouldn't come.

"I'm tired of this Wag, not even what you taught me or what my father left for me could change the fact that I'll never control this power."

"Maybe that is true, no one can tell you how to control the vast amount of magic that runs through your body, it may because of the unfamiliar magic you have, or the fact you just have too much than what is normal, but," Wag stood up and faced Seto, "if you don't even try with everything you have to master it, then you're just running away."

Seto flinched and looked down, "Isn't there a reason you've been trying so hard now to control it? To stay alive? To fight? There has to be a reason, so dammit Seto, get a hold of yourself!"

Seto sniffed, he didn't speak. It's not like he's forgotten. The whole d*mn reason he's been trying so hard all this time was because he wanted to save Ty. But he hasn't heard from Ty in a long time, he doesn't even know if he is still alive, he doesn't even know if he can save him.

"I'm going to say this one more time Seto, you have something no one else has, and how you choose to use it and how you choose to live your life are up to you. But you giving up and ignoring the problems around you is a move you'll regret."

With that Wag left Seto to be alone and joined up with the packing. Once again Seto was alone, alone with just his thoughts and emotions.

Seto didn't want to listen to what Wag had said to him, but his words swam through his head non stop. Truthfully, all Seto could hear were those words.

Giving up and ignoring the problems around you is a mover you'll regret.

You're just running away.

If you travel to Vragan they can teach you how to overcome your mistakes.

Was it really possible for Seto to fix his mistakes? Was it really possible for Seto to gain his powers back? All Seto had to do was go to Vragan and there he could learn how to get his magic back.

And, well, magic did come from Vragan, it was possible someone there could even help him. Some one had to be able to help him. But how could Seto even get there. Everyone here was getting ready to move to Duhita. And he could just tell them, hey, let's go to Vragan.

Someone would recognize one of them surely, it was lucky that no one in Eflido knew Adam's face, or even Mitch's until after he revealed who he was. He couldn't say the same for any other kingdom or place if they all stuck together--


It was so obvious. The answer was simple...

Seto had caused enough pain for his friends and for the people around him. This was his job, his choices, his mission.

Seto knew Waga was right, he couldn't give up, because he still had something to do. He still Ty to save.

As Seto started walking through the camp he looked around for something. He neared the place where he, Jerome and Sub were and saw what he was looking for. His staff. It was there on the ground. Seto stopped before it and reached down to pick it up. He flinched at the dried blood that coated the stick. After a few moments he reached down and grabbed it. Seto tried his best not to look at it as he walked to the lagoon's edge and sat by it.

Seto dipped his staff in the water and tried his best to wash as much blood off it as he could. This was the gift that Jerome had made for him, and Seto didn't feel right about leaving it behind. Yes behind.

Seto had decided, since everything up till now was his fault. He was going to do something about it.

He would tell no one other than Wag, he would--

"Hey Seto," Seto turned around slowly to see the owner of the voice that had called out his name.

Oh man! This book is so close to being finished!! :D


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