Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The start to the "Week" Long Marathon. Though it may not be exactly a week, like literally 5 chapters remaining including this one.

I meant to get this out earlier but I got distracted by so much manga. Also, this is kind of short and didn't have time to edit, sorry!

Falling to Rise

Chapter 28

"...Don't wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope."


Seto had to, he gritted his teeth and though his side still hurt he rushed in. He past Jerome and the soldier. He stumbled but caught himself as he snatched the amulet from the ground. He held it tight as he ran through the camp. Though fires were still ravaging the area, and now they'd stretched above the tree line, and smoke was filling the sky and blocking the light of the moon, Seto had to keep going.

Because if he didn't, and kind of copying Jerome here, who would save his friends?

Seto was already breathing hard, he could feel himself tire out. Even for someone like him, a bookworm, someone with no physical talent, could not afford to give up now. Not when so many lives were dependent on him, not when the full force of his friends determination were weighing down over his heart. He couldn't let something as petty as his fear, as his weaknesses prevent him from doing the right thing.

He's always been saved by people, so for once, he's got to pay back his debt. Starting now!

As Seto ran he stumbled along the grass and came crashing to the ground, he rolled before slamming into some rubble. He groaned for a moment.

"Seto!" Seto opened his eyes to see Tyler looking down on him holding out his hand, "Come on, get up."

Seto grabbed hold of Tyler's hand and let him pull him up. Seto held on to the amulet in his other hand, "Ah! Seto, you have the amulet. Give it to me, I'll get it to--"

"No, I-I have to do this..." Seto stated firmly, "I can't keep letting other people risk their lives for me, Tyler, I have to do this."

Tyler stared momentarily into Seto's eyes, "Fine, come on then. Let's get there fast."

Tyler grabbed Seto's wrist and dragged him through the clearing closer to the lone building Jason was in. Tyler slammed open the door before shoving Seto in and closing the door behind them. They both took a moment to breathe as Jason looked up.

"You guy, you're here, did you...did you find a gem?

Seto grinned weakly and held up ruby gem, Jason gasped.

"You guys did it!" He cheered before Seto walked over and handed him the gem. As Jason held it he said, "Holy sh*t, is this real--wait this is a royal amulet! Where'd you get something like this!"

Jason turned the gem all over, looking at it from every angle, "It''s Mitch's. He's uh... the prince of Duhita..." Seto breathed heavily before sitting down next to Jason.

"A prince, how on earth is there a prince here! How do you guys even know him, I thought he was a regular guy!"

Tyler shrugged before Seto spoke up, "It's because of Adam and Ian, they know him. Adam is a p-- an old acquaintance of his." Whoops, Seto almost revealed Adam was a prince. It would be bad if people knew he came from Emedo, as well. This rebel group's goal is to dethrone the king.

Jason stared a little warily at Seto before shaking his head and turning back to the little, peach colored machine. Seto now just noticing it looked at it curiously.

Jason began to pry the gem out of its golden hold and adjust the hole for which it would go in. The gem was a little on the large side, but with ease Jason fixed the problem and fitted it in.

"Alright, this is just a prototype, I can't speak for the kind of results it will yield. But with it, I think we could single handedly, win the battle."

"That's amazing!" Seto said, he watched as Jason hooked up some wires to the cube before flicking the switch. Immediately the wires lit up and the gems began to emit a faint glow that steadily grew brighter.

As the boc began to warm up and make weird noises the door to the building was slammed open. Seto looked to see several soldiers come streaming through.

"Look who it is, some rebel scum." One of them hissed.

Tyler immediately jumped into action pulling out a sword and blocking one attack. However the other soldiers immediately moved in towards Jason and Seto. Seto stood up but was shoved down and skidded across the floor with a yelp. Jason still on the ground kicked at the soldier's legs with both his boots. Being his boots were made of metal there was a horrible cracking sound at the guy fell to the ground.

Jason jumped up and protected the machine with fast and strong kicks the the enemies. Even he was a remarkable fighter, and Seto was stuck being weak.

Seto groaned and sat up just in time to see a sword come swinging for his neck. Seto ducked and pushed himself out of the way, He stumbled to his feet, and looked back seeing the same soldier coming at him again.

Seto sprinted away in such small space, he did all he could to prevent himself from getting killed. He shoved boxes down upon his attacker but he just dodged, he threw tools at him but his sword easily blocked them.

Seto was useless, and there was nothing he could do. Tyler came in at the last second to block another attack for Seto, "Seto, you ok?"

"Y-yeah..." Seto mumbled.

"Good, go help Jason, hurry!" Tyler looked to be tiring out. He gritted his teeth at the strain of blocking.

"Out of the way!" The soldier grunted, he added more strength and Tyler's feet inched back a few inches.

"Hurry Seto!" Tyler hissed.

Seto nodded quickly and stumbled back to Jason who was taking on three soldiers at once. A wrench in one hand, a hammer in another, incredibly strong kicks. Jason was holding his own amongst the soldiers.

"Seto, check the power levels, look at the top of the box and press the gem in a little, it'll blink twice it is at 100%"

Seto nodded and crouched down and pressed the gem at the top in. It took a few moments before blinking once, " only blinked once! Now what!"

"D*mn! Take some wires and hook it up to another power source, hurry! We don't have any time to waste," Jason hissed as he was nicked in the arm by a knife, another blow was dealt to the side of his face. Blood was already dripping from the shallow wound. Seto hurriedly took a few of the wires from the floor and began to attach them to another lever before he flicked that too.

The wires lit up and the light from the gems grew brighter. Seto pressed the gem again and this time it blinked twice, "We're at 100, now what!" Seto panicked, by the moment more soldiers were coming into the building.

"Press the top button again, just this time hold it down, I'm going to recite a few words!"

Seto did as he was told. The bow was vibrating and quickly emitting intense heat, Seto dealt with the burning feeling as he held the gem down. The little box dinged.

Seto looked to Jason and then to Tyler. Tyler moved quickly to try and hold back all the incoming soldiers. One slipped through and was heading straight for Seto. Seto's eyes widened, but he didn't let go of the gem, he screwed his eyes shut just as Jason began to yell loudly.

"Base Code 00283C. Radius 300 blocks. Activate in 3 ticks!" Seto felt himself tremble, the little machine beside him beeped and then became unbearably hot, "Seto let go now, and get away quick!"

Seto opened his eyes and stopped holding the gem down before scrambling away. The same soldier was still coming for him, Seto gasped as his sword was raised over Seto's head. Suddenly the room was filled with a bright white light and Seto was blinded. In a flash the light was vanished and Seto had to blink to clear his vision. When Seto could finally see again he gasped.

All the soldiers were gone, not a single one left, not even a body.

"Aw man..." Jason frowned and Seto turned to look and he saw what Jason was frowning at. The little box that had saved their lives was now smoking and the metal outside had begun to melt and sink in, "We won't have the materials or the plans to recreate this little guy anytime soon."

Jason crouched down, "You did good little guy," he spoke to it as if it were alive.

"What... did it do?" Seto asked, he was still glued to the ground in shock.

"Sub calls it a Command Block, though only a prototype it's supposed to be able to perform certain commands, but only by those the machine recognizes as its users. Which at the moment was only me and Sub and a few other engineers. But it's a little flawed as you can see as it is not completely melted and useless." Jason laughed.

"So what did you command it?"

"Simply to teleport any soldier with a current data tag of 'Emedian Soldier' back to Emedo."

"Hey guys! Look, it's the sun! It's finally rising!" Tyler spoke up from the window. Seto saw the faint light of a rising sun stream in through the cracked window. Seto smiled and sighed.

They did it, and without a moment to spare too.

Let's hope my speed is adequate to get another one tomorrow.


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